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Merchants Fair and Blessing:Waukeenar Event

Posted: Fri Jun 28, 2024 6:06 am
by Orplar
This posting is painted on a black stained vellum with elegant gold script,

The Church oh Waukeen be hosting a Merchants Fair and Bazaar Blessing.
We will be offerin blessings and prayers over the bazaar and market of Daggerford, to help promote tha good fortune and wealth oh tha citeh. Craftsmen, traders, merchants ahn teachers, all be invited ta set up stalls ta sell
their wares and lessons. Negotiation ahn bartering be encouraged! All vendors will be charged a small fee (fifty platinum) for a stall and an even smaller cut (fifteen-percent) of all -total-sales will be donated ta The Merchant Friends Church. May yer wealth multiply ahn return ta ye ten fold, in tha Golden Ladies Name.

Ah encourage all interested parties tha wish ta be vendors ta contact meh via tha magical post, er amulet.
If ye wish ta 'ave yer business represented ahn yer good sold, but kinna make eht, feel free ta reach out ahn we kin, make ahn arrangement.

Ah will personalleh be offerin lessons ina a wee handful oh prayer, as well as lessons in minin, smelting, weapon, ahn armor smithin, fer a charge.

Everyone is invited to partake in the wealth of skills, people, and items, this event will see, with the exception being enemies of the faith.

Feel free ta make any enquiries afore hand ifn ye wish ta. Come wit yer pockets full, yer minds open ahn refreshed, ah plenty oh room in yer crates ahn bags.

Signed in bold, golden script-
Belbril OreMaster, Holycoin of Waukeen.

OOC: With that said, if any Maskarrans or other secertive faiths witsh to participate, please do. IF you are worth you salt, I likely wont know that you are a faith enemy. So as long as you behave, and or dont get caught being sheisty ICly, you are welcome to come. Please do realise, that actions have consequences. If you do get caught, be preapred for it. ... =3635&ah=2

Re: Merchants Fair and Blessing:Waukeenar Event

Posted: Tue Jul 02, 2024 8:32 pm
by Orplar
Having to move this back a day, as I have a date, and didnt realize I trolled myself by making it an hour before the original even time. So Im going to push it back one day, and hope folks can still make it. I know its the fourth of the july in the states, and if you have plans and cant make it I totally understand. I was going to spend the 4th with my fk fam anyway.

Here is the new time. ... =3635&ah=2

Re: Merchants Fair and Blessing:Waukeenar Event

Posted: Fri Jul 05, 2024 4:58 am
by Orplar
*Hey folks. Remind me to try to not run anything on a holiday where family is involved. They day (and my phone)sort of exploded with stray firework stupidity and the family stuff and Im getting home almost 7 hours later than planned* I will be having to reschedule this event.
I am going to shoot for the evening of the 8th, as I am off on Mondays and Tuesdays, and dont want to run through the Beshaba event earlier that afternoon.

My apologies for to everyone for that was there and ready. If my phone hadnt been a casualty today I would have reached out earlier.

Here is a proposed event reschedule time.


Re: Merchants Fair and Blessing:Waukeenar Event

Posted: Tue Jul 09, 2024 1:56 am
by Orplar
Thanks to everyone that came! Will being other events and different versions of this one fairly regularly! So if you missed today you can still participate and reach out to belbril ICly