Shapechange/Polymorph Bug - Race Redirects
Posted: Tue Aug 27, 2024 5:45 pm
I have been testing shapechange. Sometimes the spell will redirect the race you are trying to change into a similar, but different race.
For instance
shapechange 'giant eagle'
You cannot shapechange into giant!
Quite a few races do this. Here is the list:
For instance
shapechange 'giant eagle'
You cannot shapechange into giant!
Quite a few races do this. Here is the list:
Code: Select all
fishman redirects to fish
goblinoid redirects to goblin
orog orc redirects to orog
ghostwise halfling redirects to ghost
giant crocodile redirects to giant
giant octopus redirects to giant
giant constrictor snake redirects to giant
giant squid redirects to giant
giant fire beetle redirects to giant
formian worker redirects to formian
githzerai redirects to gith
savage sahuagin redirects to sahuagin
giant eagle redirects to giant
giant coackroach redirects to giant
giant water beetle redirects to giant
giant stag beetle redirects to giant
giant bee redirects to giant
giant worker ant redirects to giant
giant soldier ant redirects to giant
giant queen ant redirects to giant
giant ant redirects to giant
giant wasp redirects to giant
formian warrior redirects to formian