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Posted: Sat Nov 13, 2004 4:02 pm
by Legault
Not sure where to post this. though this would be a good place to start

Is the assassins guild an orgnization or accually a guild?
Do you have to be any certain race to join?


Posted: Sat Nov 13, 2004 5:42 pm
by Aegin
assassins are not in the game yet, and from what I understand, the admins have decided they will not be allowed in the game.

ANd I can tell you from personal experience, there have been a few on here before that ruined that. PK is tightly controled (as it should be), and there are those who would use playing an assassin as an excuse to randomly PK people with little or no role play.

Posted: Sun Nov 14, 2004 1:42 am
by Talamar
I think Aegin hit the nail on the head with that one.

From what I've noticed, and I'm not staff so please don't take my word as it, is that FK is an RP Mud, it isn't a PK mud, though responsible Pk is acceptable.

Assassin's kill people, and PC assassins, it would follow would kill pc's. Introducing a class that focused on this would have a detrimental effect on Roleplay which is what FK strives, and mostly succeeds at generating and facillitating.

Posted: Sun Nov 14, 2004 4:25 am
by Telk
Would it be acceptable to Rp a 'assasin' like character. But in the characters RP they only kill mobs and not PC's? I could see a weak evil hiring a assasin to take care of that pesky merchant that wouldn't sell to them... :shock:

Posted: Sun Nov 14, 2004 5:22 am
by Stayne
Telk wrote:Would it be acceptable to Rp a 'assasin' like character. But in the characters RP they only kill mobs and not PC's? I could see a weak evil hiring a assasin to take care of that pesky merchant that wouldn't sell to them... :shock:
I believe such RP is acceptable Telk. Many have turned to the Lord of Murder's servants to exact a manner of revenge, gain political or business advantages, or just becuase its better them, than you :twisted:


Posted: Sun Nov 14, 2004 6:09 am
by Elwin
I agree with Stayne. I think the RP, as long as it is kept in check, would be fine. As far as an Assasin's guild, I don't like it. It would make the game less about RP. The guild may be plausible to a point, but it would take far too much time to sort out the rules and policies to govern it. So, it's better left out of the game.

Posted: Sun Nov 14, 2004 7:39 am
by Pakur
I don't think an assassin really goes to school to be an assassin anyway. I think they're all selfmade. Sure many may have started out in a thieves guild, but it doesn't mean they went to an assasins guild to become an assassin. Just my thoughts...I could be wrong.

Posted: Sun Nov 14, 2004 2:11 pm
by Mele
NO ASSASSIN PRESTIGE CLASSES. We require alot of rp for our PK's and this does not support assassination in anyway.
I would say if they do not want an advanced class assassin, they definately do not want a regular assassin class. :)
