Draw out

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Draw out

Post by Blug » Tue Jun 21, 2005 6:10 pm

To me, this would be more of an RP command than anything, I already have a smote for it, but I'd like to actually see it turned into a skill that would inflict some minor damage. I call it the draw out command, but it can be called anything. The idea is, actually, a very powerful attack, but for game balance I'd rather see it do minor damage. It's an attack where the warrior draws his sword and strikes out in one swift motion.

My example for this would be my own character:
Character draws his blade and strikes at (mobname/playername) in one quick motion.

And no, it doesn't have to be a surprise attack sort of thing...I did it in one particular RP with a player known as Gidan. It wasn't a PK, but it still looked good.
Ehvan draws his blade and leans forward, striking at Gidan in one quick motion.

But afterwards, it leads with three to five attacks, and this is something I don't like. I'd rather see it use up a whole round of attacks in one attack.

This is really an RP only skill, and I'd happily go along with any RP to get the skill, I'd actually request that I have the chance to RP developing the skill, which I did put quite a bit of RP into just being able to play the smote.
I believe that there -SHOULD- be prerequisites to the skill though. In particular, that the player doing the attack should be wielding a blade type weapon (no greatblades, this would be hard to do with a greatblade unless you were a giant), and that the attack would be similar to backstab, only able to be used to attack combattants that are at full health. If you were to do it in combat, after a successful attack already, it would give the echo of a second attempt after a successful bash "They are too wary of that move." This is just an idea, and no, I'm not suggesting it be an urgent one. I'm looking for something to enhance AND generate some RP.

Just imagine Ehvan trying to teach a student how to draw and strike in the same motion. The mistakes that the student is going to make, falling over as he tries to lean into the strike, learning where to grip the handle of the blade. Just an idea. Wanting as much feedback as I can get on it.
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Post by Gidan » Tue Jun 21, 2005 6:19 pm

I think it sounds great, although it would be for rp only, and do onyl 2,3% damage maybe. Otherwise it would be too much like Backstab.
Overall I think it sounds really sweet, but if everyone did it , then it would not be super sweet, I think there should be a quest invovled to learn it, or something so that it's a "Special thing" rather than just Blah.

Well that's my thoughts on it anywayz
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Post by Felgar » Tue Jun 21, 2005 6:28 pm

Well to me it sounds ok but not sure how much work it would incorparate to add it in.....I think it would have to be something only the fighter type classes would be able to get an by quest only if it is approved....an would have to be a very low damage since it is mainly for RP purposes mostly
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Post by Algon » Tue Jun 21, 2005 6:31 pm

In my oppinion something that is purely for rp....should be smoted out. If you will not be using the skill to kill mobs and it will only take away one or two points at the max....it is pointless to go through all the trouble to have a new skill coded.
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Post by Telk » Tue Jun 21, 2005 6:35 pm

What about it being a skill and the higher the skill level the more damage it can do? Also wouldn't another prerequesite being that the weapon has to be sheathed?

And would the skill draw the blade then attack with one command?

Also...what about having it cost stamina?
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Post by Isolrem » Tue Jun 21, 2005 6:38 pm

I would disagree (edit: disagree with the idea that the attack should hardly do damage), many shools of combat and especially swordplay concentrates heavily on the drawing, which is accompanied by a slash to the front. I see it as a viable attack that can become the first move of many a warrior who chooses to use it, and the damage should more be in the 100-200% range.
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Post by Blug » Tue Jun 21, 2005 6:43 pm

Yes, it is for RP mainly, and yes, it would do more damage the higher level you get with it. It would never do the damage of a backstab or a spell though. The stamina cost would be about like bash. The reason I'm suggesting this is mainly for RP, it's not really to empower the fighter's class.

It would required that the weapon be sheathed, and that the sheathed weapon be a blade. You could perhaps make it required that it be a certain type of blade, no shortblades or greatblades. If you want it to empower the class a bit, then you could make it so that the attack, when it's GMed does slightly more than a normal attack, but it doesn't chain into second attack or the rest. I'm thinking of something that would enhance RP. The reason I don't like the smote is because you can go on into five attacks with a single draw, and that doesn't really seem realistic to me.
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Post by Gidan » Tue Jun 21, 2005 7:12 pm

yeah, I think it should just for the most part , initiate combat with a cool, but weak attack. (shrugs) And yes, I don't think it would make sense to go into a five strike craziness from a quick draw, just doesn't make sense.
In theory it sounds good t me, but being that it is mostly for role play and could be smote or emoted I don't see how worthwhile it would be to code it. I do however think it would at an exiting edge to sparring

My thoughts
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Post by Lerytha » Tue Jun 21, 2005 7:40 pm

Perhaps what could also be an idea, is a new combatmode.

For example:

You are sparring against a weak fighter. Therefore, to give them a better chance...

combatmode -fifth attack
combatmode -fourth attack
combatmode -third attack
combatmode -second attack

This enables you to fight with only that one.

However, if going up against a dragon, or some horrible big-bad, you could:

combatmode +fifth attack (and all the others)

This could be a coded possibility, either to coincide with "draw out", or instead, to enable fighters to RP "striking less hard", which I am sure warriors are able to do.

Just a suggestion, that might help this particular discussion. :D
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Post by Argentia » Tue Jun 21, 2005 8:51 pm

In the Japanese sense, what you're reffering to is Batoujutsu, the art of excellerating the speed of a slash by drawing it from its sheath. This technique was made widely known by the popular anime Rurouni Kenshin and the movies about the blind swordsman, Zatoichi.

That being said, it is a perfectly viable sword technique and style. One I find rather interesting and quite useful in real sword combat. I've studied a few types of Iaijutsu(The Japanese art of sword drawing and wielding) and have worked this particuliar technique out on my own, to get a feel for its motions and movements. So, here are my thoughts on this idea. :) (Forgive me if I am being way overly technical with my analysis here)

This technique will most likely only work with curved blades, IE katanas, scimitars, certain longswords, and only blades that are slashing and not piercing. I could see it working with a great blade if it was in a back sheath/scabbard, but that would just be more of a power hit rather than this type of speedy slash.

I think it is perfectly viable and realistic to followup this type of slash with more attacks. Unless you have that fabled "lightening god speed" with your draw, this can actually be a rather predictable attack, and there is a chance of the opponent dodging/blocking. And so, the way to get around this is to follow your slash with several more. Even if your first draw-slash does hit, your arm would continue to the other side of your body, leaving yourself open. It would only make sense to bring the sword back for at least one more strike.

So, overall, my opinion is that this is something best smoted. I give props to those who would take the time to add this extra flavour to spar or battle, probably in the form of reward if I saw it. :wink: But I'll have to agree with others when I say it is not necessary to code this skill. Awesome idea, though!

From a fellow swordplay lover and practitioner of the arts!
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Post by Isolrem » Tue Jun 21, 2005 9:27 pm

OMG Argentia I was just going to look up stuff about that!
I'm a big fan of medieval weapons, a bit obsessed I think :P
The point of drawing is that it comes as a surprise. You might be fighting with a stick, light weapon or bare hands, and suddenly in a brisk movement the sword is in your hand and your enemy's gut is on the ground. There should definitely be a delay after this skill, so no 2nd attack, etc. However, so far as realism is concerned, it has certain similarities as backstab (in the opportunitist department) and should do no less damage.
Game balance, now that might be another matter.
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Post by Glim » Tue Jun 21, 2005 11:38 pm

Ahh, but grasshopper, the aim of your training should not be to defeat the opponent by drawing your sword. Instead, you should aim to defeat your opponent without a sword being drawn.

I think this should be smoted out more than anything, and perhaps the quick draw feat should be taken if you wish to smote anything of the sort, though it would be all RP.
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Post by Kregor » Wed Jun 22, 2005 7:04 am

I think this could just as well be smoted out, with existing abilities, the fact that you follow with additional attacks in the round is irrelevant, just roll with it RPly.

Otherwise to turn it into a skill is just another non-DnD skill that would ultimately serve to give more power to warrior classes that already have enough melee power.
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Post by Hviti » Wed Jun 22, 2005 6:33 pm

I think that this skill is the basis of at least one Kendo variant (Aiedo or something like that) in which drawing and attacking really, really, really quickly is the main focus. The idea being that even if your enemy is much stronger than you are, you can still win a duel by drawing and striking an exposed or vulnerable part (say the head) before they can react. However, for game balance, if it worked like it does IRL, it would pretty much be backstab, just really really fast.

Isolrem, by 100%-200% do you mean instant-kill? That would be rather out of balance...
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Post by Isolrem » Wed Jun 22, 2005 7:25 pm

I thought we gave up on game balance long ago :D
By 100-200% I mean 100-200% of the normal weapon damage, an added damage bonus of up to twice normal weapon damage comes from the surprise.
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