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Dwarven Size and Weapons

Posted: Mon Mar 06, 2006 3:54 pm
by Kilak
I read the post regarding that Dwarves will stay size small, but is there any chance that the Strong Arm feat that is only open to Mithril Hall dwarves could be opened to all dwarves? Kilak has a Titanic strength, yet to use an axe and shield I have to resize my axe to small, and it just seems silly, as it is in the "Long Axes" category.

- Kilak Axebattler, son o' Baelin o' Clan Axebattler

Posted: Mon Mar 06, 2006 4:39 pm
by Ellian ... php?t=4710

You can follow the instructions there to alert the builder team to a skill, feat, etc. that is limited in availability.

Posted: Mon Mar 06, 2006 5:05 pm
by Kilak
Reason I didn't go there was that it is actually listed as a Mithril Hall only feat when brought up using Help in game. I just thought I would bring it up here, as, being a dwarf at heart and playing them almost constantly in tabletop, I have a hard time getting used to using only small weapons one handed.

Posted: Thu Jun 08, 2006 3:14 pm
by Kilak
I was just wondering if it is a possiblility with all the updates taking us towards 3rd Edition that Dwarves will be bumped up to Medium to coincide with their 3rd Edition size?

Posted: Thu Jun 08, 2006 9:59 pm
by Nysan
Not likely. Our kindly imm staff enjoys difference in RP and has already expressed their intent to leave dwarves as small size to keep them as the unique and different RP characters that they are currently. Similar to their decision to enforce accents and other special RP about the dwarven race. Personally, I agree. I see too many elves and half-elves acting like humans as it is. Anything that is hard-coded to keep dwarves as unique as they are has my full support. There are enough humans around without short, bearded humans with drinking problems running about.

Consider the small size of dwarves along the same lines as the no good-aligned drow rule. It may work in 3rd Edition and table-top, but it doesn't work in FK.

Posted: Thu Jun 08, 2006 11:06 pm
by Dugald
There are enough humans around without short, bearded humans with drinking problems running about.
That's what dwarves are! With the addition of work-a-holics and in a perpetual state of hungover grumpiness isolation :)

I know they are the same size, literal dimension size, as the 3rd ed dwarves are in faerun. I don't see how forcing them to use smaller weapons makes it a "unique" feature about them that changes their rp at all. The size of weapon you can use is a mechanical thing - not an rp thing.

If the answer is - they are forced to use smaller weapon sizes so players who aren't interested in rp don't choose them because of their mechanical shortcomings...leaving the true dwarf lovers to their disgruntled bearded folk - I accept that. Keeping down the dwarf population is good for everyone :)

But don't suggest making them use a smaller weapon than a human makes it a "unique" rp. That's just silly. Dwarves are completely different than halflings and gnomes - and it doesn't make sense for them to be small sized.

Posted: Thu Jun 08, 2006 11:39 pm
by Dalvyn
Actually, I think the remark "There are enough humans around without short, bearded humans with drinking problems running about" was to be taken as : We already have a problem with people choosing "Dwarf" as a race but just roleplaying them as short bearded humans who like to drink a lot, and not as proper dwarves; and making dwarves Medium would only serve to thin out the difference between humans and dwarves - which, I am not sure it will -.

Actually, I wouldn't mind making the dwarves Medium. It would take approximately hmmm 15 seconds; just a one-line command to type. But... modifying all the dwarven areas to resize all the objects, plus making the size-restricted exits bigger, and so on... THAT would take a lot time.

Plus, I - for one - do not want to make dwarves Medium before we do something for small-sized characters. Currently, small-sized characters do not get any advantages (except perhaps a +/-1 bonus to AC and a +1 bonus to hit - and those are worth nothing in the current system [the scale is not the same as in DnD, where a +1 bonus is not worthless]), they get screwed up in most quests, because the weapon/cloth/armour rewards are sized incorrectly (and if those are magic, they can't have them resized from an NPC and have to seek out a PC armoursmith/weaponsmith [and those of high enough skill level are very rare], they get decapitated very often, they tire more easily, they are restricted in their choice of mounts, and their weapons do much less damage.

So, ... in behalf of the halflings and gnomes of the world, I don't intend to modify the dwarves' size for now. (And yes, some might point out that it's a stupid reason).

Posted: Fri Jun 09, 2006 1:04 am
by Nysan
Again, Dalvyn has stated what I meant clearer than I did. My remark was about people picking a dwarven character but playing them as short humans, leaving out all the aspects that make a dwarf a dwarf. As a player of a long time dwarf toon, such RP bugs me and can cloud what I am trying to point out. I appologize if anyone misunderstood my prior post.

My prior post's mention of the change working in 3rd Edition and table top, but not working in FK is also better stated by Dalvyn by the massive change in quest rewards, area items, repair functions, ect that would need to be taken. Would it be nice to make dwarves medium? Yes. Does the benefits justify the amount of hours needed to change everything needed to be change to do it in FK? I don't think so.

Posted: Fri Jun 09, 2006 1:19 pm
by Kilak
Then what about a compromise? The Strong Arm feat is currently a Mithril Hall only feat that allows dwarves to use medium weapons one handed. If this was changed to a Dwarf only, instead of Mithril Hall only, then it would essentially accomplish the same thing in regards to weapons.

I understand fully about the coding and that it would take a long time to do, and I don't want to make the coders do more work, than they already do. It just is that I am a dwarf at heart, and it was one of those things that just kind of get to you for some reason.
Strong Arm Feat
This feat allows a small sized creature wield a medium sized weapon in one hand. Without this feat the creature has to hold a medium sized weapon in two hands.

This feat requires that your character be a dwarf who resides in Mithril Hall.

Posted: Fri Jun 09, 2006 1:29 pm
by Hviti ... dwarf+size

Thread locked by mystra saying no to dwarven size being changed to medium...don't think it gets more authoritative than that. I think there might have been an actual discussion of it somewhere, but I'm too lazy to search any more =P

Posted: Thu Nov 15, 2007 4:43 pm
by Toronar
Is this solved alredy? Can any dwarf learn strong arm feat?

Posted: Thu Nov 15, 2007 6:34 pm
by Dalanna
Can an Imm or player of the Halflings and Gnomes start individual threads to start the discussions on those races? I would, but I don't know the individual issues well enough to start the topic. I don't have any gnome or halfling characters, so I'm rather lacking for an explanation besides "they need some work."

If they have to be fixed first... lets get those gears grinding.

Posted: Wed Jan 23, 2008 12:12 am
by Tobias
I recently tried to learn strong arm on my dwarf. When I visited with a fellow dwarf to mithril hall. I was going to ask if there was any plans to change the strong arm feat for all dwarves instead of just being for those who could start there?