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the Dark Justicars

Posted: Thu Mar 23, 2006 5:27 am
by Forgoil
Alright. I was lookign up some information on Shar and I found something interesting in my research. Shar has a dark order known as the Dark Justicars and in order to become a member you would have to have killed a follower of Selune. Is it possible to make somebody that wishes to join the Dark Justicars and actually have to kill a player to join or just somebody in say a temple?

Posted: Thu Mar 23, 2006 3:40 pm
by Nearraba
It would be a good idea to find out instances like this in more of an in character way, but I sort of understand wanting to make sure occ. Just remember it doesnt hurt to ask a Sharran themselves. :)

Beshaba had a post about not killing mobs in temples and she had a great point. I will try and find the post as soon as I am not so busy, (when I take my next break) but, she said something such as... it isnt really ic to go to a temple and commit murder, there is usually so much protection in the temples and I am sure even if codewise it could go unseen, ic wise it probably would not. I'll try my best to find that post soon. :)

**Just so happens I had some extra time. :D
There might be another one out there, but this is the one I found... ... bs+temples

Posted: Thu Mar 23, 2006 3:52 pm
by Algon
Things like this are the reason Pkills were invented ;)
Plan....create a strategy...make it work. Just think of how much fun that could be :D

Posted: Thu Mar 23, 2006 5:06 pm
by Kelemvor
As per the help files in game, please do not initiate any such roleplay unless given the go ahead by Shar. Do feel free to roleplay your interest in the order, but setting up pkills without the input of the Imm concerned may prove problematic.

Shar's followers oppose those of Selune in that they do evil at night.
Her followers are encouraged to do evil and harm others. They are
heavily encouraged to kill the followers of Selune.

Followers of Shar may use their high favor to supplicate (see help
supplicate) for recall to a safe haven, for retrieval of their corpse after resurrection, and if they are extremely holy, may ask for and
receive artifacts of Shar.

(A) Shar has a secret order called the "Dark Justicar's". In order
to gain admittance to the order, a follower has to have killed a
priest of Selune.

Dark Justiciars - Shar
Clergy of the faith of Shar are rumored to gain access to an honorary
order or secret society known as the Dark Justiciars.

To learn more information about this order, try to meet and speak ICly with
a follower of that deity. You cannot roleplay being part of such an order
without the concerned deity's agreement.

Posted: Thu May 04, 2006 4:13 pm
by Algon
I dont see why you would need the involvement of an IMM to set up a pkill. I mean I understand your not supposed to RP being a part of this when you have not been put in that place by the deity.
But why would PKing someone lead to problems? My evils have killed several people and never had to ask for permission to kill them.

From my point of view...your a Sharan or even a come across a Selunite (or whatever they are called) now simply by being a member or a hopeful of this faith you see them as an enemy. So you kill them or try to.
I dont see why you would need any IMM permission to do this.
Just a bit confused I guess.

Posted: Thu May 04, 2006 4:48 pm
by Gwain
I don't think it is the issue of apply for the pkill, but the issue of apply for the chance to join the order, before you do anything you really should make your intentions known to your deity. There are lots of occasions where you could pk a faith enemy and do so, but I think when you need to do it for a reason to join an order significant proof may be required icly to cement the deal. I think that is what is meant, that it should not be a random pk that it needs to be planned out with the deity aware of the reason above just pking a faith enemy, in this case you would be doing it to join an order. If you have done it already then you'd also most likely have to submit proof.

Posted: Thu May 04, 2006 4:52 pm
by Algon
Ahhhh gotcha :D Thanks for clearing it up

Posted: Fri Aug 25, 2006 1:41 am
by Nedylene
So I have been gone for two years. Considering coming back and was told to read the forum so here I am *grins* Anyways.. I know this is from back in March but before I left I tried for a year to get this organization open. Shar's player then was all for it but the rp never happened. I would love to see this organization come to life and hope someone is still pursueing this.

Posted: Fri Aug 25, 2006 2:52 am
by Mariela

On a completely random note...
If it ever becomes an issue, I know of several ways of killing a Selunite that do not involve attacking one in a temple.

Wait? Am I helping the wrong side! Bad me!


Down with Smears!
But remember to bless them as they are laid down to sleep...

Posted: Fri Aug 25, 2006 4:48 am
by Nedylene
Agreed ... I think I am still wanted in a few placed for kkilling Selunites.....

Posted: Wed Sep 20, 2006 3:22 pm
by Zilvryn
Kick starting this thread again, I'd also love to see some sort of RP involved to get the Dark Justicar's going..

Infact, let's have a Sharran faith drive! The realms are ripe for the Lady of Loss' ascendacy, seek sanctuary in her nihilism! :shock:

Posted: Wed Sep 20, 2006 10:23 pm
by Charissa
Kick starting this thread again, I'd also love to see some sort of RP involved to get the Dark Justicar's going..

Infact, let's have a Sharran faith drive! The realms are ripe for the Lady of Loss' ascendacy, seek sanctuary in her nihilism!
The realms are -always- ripe for quiet revenge, secrets, and loss! :twisted: Were…*cough* THEY are always working in the shadows and you don’t even know it... You just need to be in the right place at the right time. :wink: Mawhaha.

Posted: Wed Sep 27, 2006 1:04 am
by Nedylene
The nightseer has returned in the form of one cold hearted.... uh.. female dog. You can send me pms here or send e-mail to I am not on as often as I used to be and..... as one time there was an rp between myself and Shar to get the dark justicars open and running. Quest was done and my beloved Shar dropped off the face of the planet to Real life.

On a different note, while I have been gone for some time there was quite a variety of unfinished rps which can be started up again. Find me, send me a pm and maybe... we can organize an rp *adjusts her halo and runs off before someone hits her*

Nedylene, High Servant of Loss