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Followers adjective forms

Posted: Sun Jun 18, 2006 8:58 pm
by Teyn
Couldn't find anything for this so I thought, as a non-FR-lore-adept-person-a-majig, I'd ask for a list of how one would describe a follwoer of each faith. E.g. malar - malarites (i think :p)

So anyone that could provide a list that covers all the deities programmed and maybe a few extras, thanks :)

Posted: Sun Jun 18, 2006 9:21 pm
by Charissa
I actully saved this awhile ago. :D Thought I lost it but I found it! I hope there all right, all corrections are of course welcomed.

Akadi Akadian Akadians
Amaunator Amaunatori Amaunatori
Auril Aurilian Aurilians
Azuth Azuthan Azuthans
Bane Banite Banites
Beshaba Beshaban Beshabans
Bhaal Bhaalist Bhaalists
Chauntea Chauntean Chaunteans
Cyric Cyricist Cyricists
Deneir Deneirrath Deneirrath
Eldath Eldathyn Eldathyn
Gond Gondar Gondar
Grumbar Grumbarryn Grumbarryn
Helm Helmite Helmites
Ibrandul Ibrandulin Ibrandulin
Ilmater Ilmatari Ilmatari
Istishia Istishian Istishian
Iyachtu Xvim Xvimlar Xvimlar
Kelemvor Kelemvorite Kelemvorites
Kossuth Kossuthan Kossuthans
Lathander Lathanderian Lathanderites
Leira Leiran Leirans
Lliira Lliiran Lliirans
Loviatar Loviatan Loviatans
Malar Malarite Malarites
Mask Maskarran Maskarran
Mielikki Mielikkian Mielikkians
Milil Mililian
Sorlyn Sorlyn
Moander Moanderite Moanderites
Myrkul Myrkulyte Myrkulytes
Mystra Mystran Mystrans
Oghma Oghmanyte Oghmanytes
Selune Selunite Selunites
Shar Sharran Sharrans
Shaundakul Shaundakun Shaundakuns
Silvanus Silvanite Silvanites
Sune Sunite Sunites
Talona Talonite Talonites
Talos Talassan Talassans
Tempus Tempuran Tempurans
Torm Tormish Tormish Torm clerics are called Tormtar's.
Tymora Tymoran Tymorans
Tyr Tyrran Tyrrans
Umberlee Umberlant Umberlants
Waukeen Waukeenar Waukeenar

Finder Wyvernspur Finderite Finderites
Garagos Garagathas Garagathas
Gargauth Gargauthan Gargauthans
Gaweron Windstorm Gaweronan Gaweronans
Hoar Hoarite Hoarites
Jergal Jergali Jergali
Karsus Karsite Karsites
Lurue Luruean Lurueans
Nobanion Nobanionite Nobanionites
Red Knight Red Knight Red Fellowship
Savras Savrathan Savrathans
Shiallia Shiallian Shiallians
Siamorphe Siamorphan Siamorphans
Ulutiu Ulutiun Ulutiuns
Uthgar Uthgardt Uthgardts
Valkur Valkuryte Valkurytes
Velsharoon Velsharan Velsharans

Posted: Sun Jun 18, 2006 9:33 pm
by Gwain
EDIT - Charissa's went up as I was writing, so the insults are really the only valid things

These are the few I have read in the novels, Some religions like Meilikki, Chauntea, Umberlee, Bane and Talona, Yonadallah I am not sure about, but for the most part, the following reflect ic and fr knowledge. Please correct and add to if you want.

Kelemvor - Kelemvorites
insult - deadites, spooks

Mystra - Mystrans
insult - Harlots

Ilmatar - Ilmarites
insult - Tear Drinkers

Torm - Tormans
insult - Tormites, fools

Tempus - Tempurians
insult - Tempites, cowards etc.

Gond - Gondar

Tyr - Tyrrans
insult - Tyrants

Cyric - Cyrites
insult - Madmen

Lovitar - Lovitarians
insult - Ilmarites

Besheba - Beshebans
insult - anything with luck in it.

Tymora - Tymorans
insult - anything with mistfortune in it.

Oghma - Oghman
insult - Liar

Waukeen - Waukenar
insult - thief, cheapskate

Mask - Maskarran
insult - unknown

Posted: Sun Jun 18, 2006 9:36 pm
by Teyn
:) Thanks, just the sorta thing I was after.

EDIT: And Gwain, yours came up after as well :p Thanks for that, too. I'll be sure to moan about madmen ;)

Posted: Mon Jun 19, 2006 7:56 am
by Lerytha
There is also a precedent for what sounds better. :oops: Personally, I prefer "Lovites" to "Loviatarans", so that is what my character says. As long as everyone knows what you mean, I don't think it matters incredibly. Obviously, someone could say, "That's not the correct adjective, you know" in the middle of RP, and my character would be quick to disagree.

Leading to RP.

See, even the most inane things can have knock-on effects!

I think I need sleep.

Posted: Mon Jun 19, 2006 8:02 pm
by Telk
I'm not sure on this, but I think there are just more than one thing to call faith members by, isn't there? I'm just curious in FR, are these still considered correct? (Such as Oghman instead of Oghmanyte, etc.) You also gotta think if your character would know all of these correct pronounciations IC ;)

Posted: Mon Jun 19, 2006 8:13 pm
by Charissa
I totally agree Telk, about having more than just one thing to call faith members by. The ones that were pre-posted were pretty much just the basics. I know one of my characters always gets choked up on what to call the followers of Tempus...Tempuran Tempurian, Tempusians :lol: Its pretty much what you make it. As Lerytha and Telk said, rping like you do not know how to say the pronunciations could produce some pretty fun and interesting roleplays as well. :)

Posted: Mon Jun 19, 2006 8:16 pm
by Waukeen
Some of them depend on the class of the followers as well. For example, worshipers of Waukeen (*wiggles eyebrows*) as a whole are Waukeenites, and priests of Waukeen are Waukeenar. I think something similar can be said about followers and priests of Torm, also.

Posted: Fri Jun 23, 2006 7:17 pm
by Meekir
Accepted terms for followers of Garl include Garlians, Garlies, and Those Blasted Gnomes When I Get My Hands On Them.

Posted: Sun Jun 25, 2006 3:38 am
by Glim
Priests of Garl are called Glitterbrights, I believe.

Posted: Sun Jun 25, 2006 10:23 am
by Dugald
Full priests of Garl are known as "Jewels", with the adjective being Garlian - in a tiered ranking that gives them a seperate title (ascending order): Amethyst, Topaz, Opal, Jacinth, Diamond, Emerald, Ruby, and Sapphire.

High ranking priests get unique titles, with the males known as Star Sapphires and the females known as Star Rubies - collectively.

Only "specialty priests", as opposed to the regular cleric class, get to be called Glitterbrights - they make up 40% of the priestly staff.

Posted: Fri Sep 01, 2006 10:43 pm
by Leohand
Meekir wrote:Accepted terms for followers of Garl include Garlians, Garlies, and Those Blasted Gnomes When I Get My Hands On Them.

I just had to comment!!!!

That is so bleepin funny!

Re: Followers adjective forms

Posted: Tue Mar 17, 2009 3:23 am
by Skeas
There is no I in Tempuran, it seems, when some simple research is applied. (:

Re: Followers adjective forms

Posted: Tue Mar 17, 2009 3:42 am
by Moloch
Actually, every novel I have read has always included the I.

Gwain wrote:
Tempus - Tempurians
insult - Tempites, cowards etc.
Tempus Help File:
The faithful of Tempus are known as Tempurians. The Church of Tempus sponsors
no Paladins. The favored amongst the church may aspire to be accepted into
The Order of the Steel Fang. The greatest honor bestowed upon those who are
injured in Tempus' service is admittance into the Order of the Broken Blade.

Re: Followers adjective forms

Posted: Tue Mar 17, 2009 3:48 am
by Skeas

Re: Followers adjective forms

Posted: Tue Mar 17, 2009 3:55 am
by Moloch
*nod* Not FR source, either. D&D Source. A pointless argument :). Clearly both are acceptable.

Re: Followers adjective forms

Posted: Tue Mar 17, 2009 4:00 am
by Skeas
Were both acceptable, I would not be hounded OOCly in game for my "misspelling" of the word.


Image means nothing?

Re: Followers adjective forms

Posted: Tue Mar 17, 2009 4:02 am
by Gwain
Faiths and Pantheons has a single passage:
The Tempuran church also has many affiliated orders.
However, if the game files call it Tempurian then it exists in the game. This does not mean in the least that you could not use both icly, but it does mean that either are acceptable. One is used in a cannon source, the other is part of a game helpfile. It depends on your ic preferences. The Gods and their followers go by so many names...Tormites...Termites...
Were both acceptable, I would not be hounded OOCly in game for my "misspelling" of the word.
If you feel someone is oocly bothering you over things you can always make a report to complaints confidentially...they can be sorted and often its just a minor misunderstanding.

Re: Followers adjective forms

Posted: Tue Mar 17, 2009 4:03 am
by Skeas
also, sorry to double post, but: ... 8d40ec.jpg

it seems like an FR resource, idk

Re: Followers adjective forms

Posted: Tue Mar 17, 2009 4:08 am
by Harroghty
"Tempurian" is, to my knowledge, a misspelling. I have only ever seen it used in Forgotten Kingdoms and once on the Realms-L mailing list (the author also used Tempuran in his post). Forgotten Realms, however, has gone through a few transitions in the terms used for nationalities and members of churches. I cite the difference in the sourcebooks below. The variance in these sources has led Candlekeep's FAQ to post the following with a question mark:
Tempus Tempuran Tempurans ?
Forgotten Realms sourcebooks offer the following:
Faiths & Avatars pages 158-162 uses "Tempuran"
Faiths and Pantheons pages 71-72 uses "clerics of Tempus" and "Tempuran" (adj)