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The Road Less Traveled..

Posted: Thu Aug 14, 2003 2:44 am
by Adorah
I have served Lord Torm for the entire time I have been on this mud...

Granted his following is not an easy one... the path to serve him not always so rosy.. but I can tell you every moment I have been his follower has been good, I never regret choosing him..

I took a road less traveled, following a god that is not nessicarily the most popular, nor the easiest..

I hope anyone considering a god for their new character considers the benefit of being a follower of those who have few in their following. It is worth every moment... even if it might take a few days longer to get your symbol... even if its sometimes a week or more before you see another of your faith.. it is worth it..

Effect change, take the road less traveled!

Adorah Rashe