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Allowed alignments for followers and clerics

Posted: Mon Jun 04, 2007 10:31 pm
by Sindri
I think there used to be a page someplace with a list of all the deities in game and the alignments acceptable for their followers and clerics. Now, canon FR doesn't stick to the "one-step rule" to begin with, and I'm pretty sure that there were also several alignment rules specific to this MUD.

I can't find this information in the help files -- is it still available somewhere on the site (or are we maybe meant to have new characters find out who will accept them by IC means)?

Posted: Mon Jun 04, 2007 11:01 pm
by Emrys
I have no idea such a help file exists - I've never seen anything like that, and I've been around for a whole month. So, I would know. :p

I did find this page helpful, if you want to check it out:

I am assured, though, that Forgotten Kingdoms is not as strict in enforcing alignments for worship of specific deities. Maybe someone else has better info.

Posted: Tue Jun 05, 2007 11:14 am
by Kelemvor
As Forgotten Kindoms is based on the TSR Forgotten Realms world, we use the gods from that world. The gods that are available for a character to follow are listed below. Priests of non-human races will be expected to be priests of the god of their race with the exception of:

Gond will accept gnome priests.
Tymora accepts halfling priests.

All of these gods have a player roleplaying them. They have responsibilities to the kingdoms and other players. There are other gods that will be made available in time when suitable players are found to roleplay them. The current conditions for running a god character are outlined on the responsibilties page.

Clicking on a god's holy symbol will reveal more information about that god.

All efforts will be made by the game owners to make sure you are able to follow the god of your choice. All prayers are logged to a file so if you pray to your deity we will see it and make arrangements for you to follow that deity. The game admins reside in 3 different parts of the world so we have a good coverage of the game hours and something can be arranged. Even if you cannot see a deity on there is often one on invis. If a deity does not play in your time slot then we will do our utmost to arrange a rp with a "priest" of that deity to induct you into the faith.

Note that you must be level 10 in order to follow a deity officially. You may of course roleplay that you follow a deity from the moment your character is created, but you cannot recieve a holy symbol until level 10. Also you will be required to do a quest to prove your worth to the faith. Deities do not want half hearted followers. Praying to follow more than one deity is also considered poor form.

Over the time the game has been played some faiths have been more popular than others and in the interests of game balance we sometimes have to close down a faith to new followers for a time. The discussion board contains a current listing of faiths that are closed at any given time. Please make sure to check here before choosing your god.


TYR God of Justice. Requires his followers to be of Lawful Good alignment (paladins and priests) and Neutral Good and Lawful Neutral Alignment.
MYSTRA Goddess of Magic, Spells and the Weave. Requires her priests to be of Neutral to Good alignment, but other followers may be of any alignment.
ILMATER God of Endurance, Suffering, Martyrdom and Perserverance. Requires his priests to be of good alignment, but his other followers can be of any alignment.
TORM God of Duty, Loyalty, Obedience and Paladins. Requires his followers to be of good and lawful neutral alignment. Priests and paladins of Torm must be of Lawful Good alignment.
SELUNE Goddess of the Moon, Stars, Navigation, Navigators, Wanderers, Seekers, Good and Neutral Lycanthropes. Requires her followers to be of Neutral to Good alignment.
LATHANDER God of Spring, Dawn, Birth, Renewal, Creativity, Youth, Vitality, Self-Perfection and Athletics. Requires his followers to be of Neutral to Good alignment.
MIELIKKI Goddess of Forests, Forest creatures, Autumn, Rangers and Dryads. Requires her followers to be Neutral to Good alignment. Her priests must be true neutral as the are druids.
CHAUNTEA Goddess of Agriculture, Plants cultivated by humans, farmers, gardeners and Summer. Requires her followers to be Neutral to Good alignment. Her priests must be true neutral as the are druids.
TYMORA Goddess of Good Fortune, skill, victory, adventurers, and adventuring. Requires her followers to be of any alignment. Her priests can be CG and NG..
SUNE Goddess of Beauty, Love and Passion. Requires her followers to be of neutral to good alignment. Her priests must be of good alignment.
OGHMA God of Knowledge, Invention, Inspiration and Bards. Requires his priests to be of Neutral Alignment, but other worshipers may be of any alignment.
GOND God of Artiface, Craft, Smithwork and Construction. Requires his priests to be of neutral alignment. His other followers can be of any alignment.
WAUKEEN Goddess of Merchants, Traders, the Wealthy, Rogues (those who learn the thiefly art in order to fight thieves). Her priests can be of any neutral alignment.
HELM God of Guardians, Protectors and Protection. Requires his followers to be of good to neutral alignment. His paladins must be lawful good and his priests lawful neutral.
TEMPUS God of War, Battle and Warriors. Allows his followers to be any alignment. His priests must be chaotic of any alignment.
KELEMVOR God of Death and the Dead. Requires his priests to be of Lawful Neutral alignment. The rest of his followers may be of any alignment.
MASK God of Thieves, Thievery and Intrigue. He requires his followers to be of Neutral to Evil alignment. He will accept followers of good alignment providing they are not Lawful Good. His priests must be of Evil alignment.
SHAR Goddess of Dark, Night, Loss, Forgetfullness, unrevealed secrets, caverns, dungeons and the Underdark. Her followers may be of any alignment but are mainly evil. Her priests must be of Evil alignment.
MALAR God of Hunters, Marauding Beasts and Monsters, Blood, Bloodlust, Evil Lycanthropes and Stalking. He requires his followers to be of Neutral (not Lawful Neutral) to Evil alignment. His priests must be of evil alignment.
BESHABA Goddess of Random Mischief, Misfortune, Bad Luck and Accidents. Her followers can be of any alignment but are mainly evil. Her priests are of evil alignment only.
LOVIATAR Goddess of Pain, Hurt, Agony, Torment, Suffering and Torture. Requires her followers to be of evil alignment.
TALOS God of Storms, Destruction, Rebellion, Conflagrations, earthshakings, and vortices. He requires his followers to be of neutral to evil alignment. His priests must be of evil alignment (though Chaotic Neutral is acceptable).
CYRIC God of Strife, Murder, Lies, Intrigue, Deception and Illusion. Requires his followers to be of neutral to evil alignment. His priests must be of evil alignment.
BANE God of Evil, Destruction, Hatred, Law and Tyranny. Requires his priests to be of Lawful Neutral, or Lawful Evil, or Neutral Evil alignments. His other followers can be of neutral and evil alignment.
UMBERLEE Goddess of Chaos, Destruction, Evil, Ocean, Storm and Water. Requires her priests to be of Chaotic Neutral, or Chaotic Evil, or Neutral Evil alignments. Her other followers can be of chaotic neutral and evil alignment.
TALONA Goddess of Disease and Poison. Requires her priests to be of Chaotic Neutral, or Chaotic Evil, or Neutral Evil alignments. Her other followers can be of chaotic neutral and evil alignment.



CORELLON LARETHIAN Elven God of Magic and Elven Magic, Music, Arts. Crafts, War, the Elven Race, Poets, Poetry, Bards and Warriors. Requires his followers to be of Neutral to Good alignment. His priests must be of good alignment.
MORADIN Dwarven God of Dwarves, Creation, Smithing of all sorts, Craftsmanship, War, the Dwarven Race, Protection, Metalcraft, Stonework, Engineering and Dwarven Engineers. Requires his followers to be of Neutral to Good alignment. His priests must be of Lawful Good alignment.
YONDALLA Halfling Goddess of Protection, Fertility, the Halfing Race, Children, Security, Leadership, Diplomacy, Wisdom, the Cycle of Life, Creation, Family and Familial Love, Tradition, Community, Harmony and Prosperity. Requires her followers to be of Neutral to Good alignment. Her priests must be of good alignment though Lawful Neutral is acceptable.
GARL GLITTERGOLD Gnome God of Protection, Humour, Trickery, Gem Cutting, Finesmithing and Lapidary, and the Gnome Race. Requires his followers to be of Neutral to Good alignment. His priests must be lawful or neutral good alignment.
LLOTH Drow Goddess of Spiders, Evil, Darkness, Chaos, Assassins and the Drow Race. Requires her followers to be of Neutral to Evil alignment. Her priestesses must be of evil alignment, although Chaotic Neutral is acceptable as well.
GRUUMSH Orc God of Orcs, Blood, Conquest, Law, Commitment, Revenge . Requires his followers to be of Neutral to Evil alignment. His priests must be of evil alignment.


Sources of information

More information of Forgotten Realm deities can be found in the following TSR/Wizards of the Coast publications:

Faiths and Pantheons. Third Edition Dungeons and Dragons book for the Forgotten Realms deities.
Demihuman Deities - Describes the demihuman religions. 2nd edition Dungeons and Dragons. It is out of print, so can be found on Amazon and Ebay.
Faiths and Avatars - Describes the human religions. This is a 2nd edition Dungeons and Dragons publication and is out of print. It can be found on Amazon and Ebay.
Powers and Pantheons - A companion text to Faiths and Avatars. This is a 2nd edition Dungeons and Dragons publication and is out of print. It can be found on Amazon and Ebay.
The Forgotten Realms Novels: The Avatar trilogy and subsequent books, give a good insight into many of the gods, as well as being a very enjoyable series to read.
Shadowdale - The Avatar Trilogy, Book 1
Tantras - The Avatar Trilogy, Book 2
Waterdeep - The Avatar Trilogy, Book 3
Prince of Lies
Crucible: The trial of Cyric the Mad
However, we will generally try to be flexible if alignment is a matter of RP rather than intent. (Intent being, picking an alignment so you can access certain things or behave in a certain fashion without having to accept consequences from faith or peers)

In most things I am very 2nd edition, so generally follow the stuff in Faiths & Pantheons

This is a good summary:

For FK though, I am not against the one-step principal for priests (That is, your cleric's alignment should be not more than one step removed from your God's) and other classes to be broadly in line. Remember though, that there are consequences if your alignment is too far removed from your Gods. Also, generally speaking, I would expect Faith managers would advise hopefuls on their alignments.

Posted: Wed Jun 06, 2007 12:24 am
by Oghma
Thanks for the summaries, been looking everywhere for this topic :) These alignments help greatly in both pc and faith selection in respects to shaping potential for rp and actions. As always choose wisely or unwisely to get interesting results.

Posted: Wed Jun 06, 2007 4:42 pm
by Raona
Should that content be moved into a helpfile? (I'm volunteering!)

Posted: Wed Jun 06, 2007 4:51 pm
by Japcil
I think it the info should be added to the deity's help file.

Posted: Wed Jun 06, 2007 8:14 pm
by Gwain
I actually was charged with fixing and updating the deitie helpfiles, in which I mostly removed the references to supplication of corpses and avatars. I'm happy to let Raona add the alignments to the helpfiles, you are all doing a wonderful job :)

Posted: Tue Jun 12, 2007 8:35 pm
by Emrys
The page seems to have been taken down. Here is a similar page, a nice summary, in case anyone wants to reference it.

An even better source, I think, as far as alignments go, is the Deities section in this link:

Each deity has a chart with cleric alignments included. However, it does not include the helpful info like required ability scores and stuff.

Posted: Wed Jun 13, 2007 8:41 am
by Raona
Thanks for the new links, Emrys! I'd caution everyone, though, that while the above is a good guide, it doesn't agree 100% with FK, as each god's player actually has the latitude to set their own parameters for their followers - and a few here do differ from canon. I'm halfway through updating the helpfiles to include the information that Kelemvor rescued from the old website, so each god in HELP List of Deities should soon include information on their portfolio and alignment restrictions - please just confirm with that before you commit to a player direction. (Also, any gods wishing to change the information given there, please let me know, or just change it yourself!)

Posted: Wed Jun 13, 2007 9:50 am
by Kelemvor ... en&strip=1

This is googles cache of the dead link I posted previously, if anyone wants a copy before it is lost completely