Catalog Drive Vol 2
Posted: Fri May 09, 2008 5:05 am
This is to announce a drive to hear more ideas for the catalog shop. We want to hear your ideas for items and use them in the shop. This will allow us to follow the mandate of the catalog, to stock rare and unique items that can be purchased. These items include clothing, armour and weapons to gems foods and miscellaneous items that are otherwise unavailable for purchase elsewhere.
This time however there will be a few stipulations and restrictions. Firstly, the catalog store is not a rename machine, it should not be used for personalized items, past preferences aside, this time we will endeavor to stock a composite item and it will be up to players to rename such items in either glory renames or ic rename sessions.
So this is how it will work:
Submit the name of an item, without personal details (colours, logotypes, symbols or materials)
Explain what the item is, what it does and wear it is worn
We will not accept personal item ideas or items generally available already in the mud. The objective is to create a large reference file of item ideas to use in the future for restocking the catalog. There is no guarantee that all items will be used or used in a timely manner (The catalog store usually restocks once every two - two and a half weeks)
The more ideas received generally means the more ease there will be in stocking the catalog with items desired by the player base, instead of relying on one or two people for ideas. I repeat that the catalog store is no substitute for a glory rename or ic rename, it thrives on the idea of mass produced poorly documented goods like any catalog warehouse. So anything going in will be randomized like any store in the realms, variety is restricted or limited.
Final note:
Any submissions are subject to appropriateness to the storyline and setting of Forgotten Kingdoms Mud. No firearms or modern items. Bear in mind it will be several rl weeks before any suggested additions are entered within. Do no ask on question about said additions. Type ideas directly into email and do not submit attachments. Wikimedia pictorial examples/articles welcome, do not submit third party web links.
Submit your ideas to
This is to announce a drive to hear more ideas for the catalog shop. We want to hear your ideas for items and use them in the shop. This will allow us to follow the mandate of the catalog, to stock rare and unique items that can be purchased. These items include clothing, armour and weapons to gems foods and miscellaneous items that are otherwise unavailable for purchase elsewhere.
This time however there will be a few stipulations and restrictions. Firstly, the catalog store is not a rename machine, it should not be used for personalized items, past preferences aside, this time we will endeavor to stock a composite item and it will be up to players to rename such items in either glory renames or ic rename sessions.
So this is how it will work:
Submit the name of an item, without personal details (colours, logotypes, symbols or materials)
Explain what the item is, what it does and wear it is worn
We will not accept personal item ideas or items generally available already in the mud. The objective is to create a large reference file of item ideas to use in the future for restocking the catalog. There is no guarantee that all items will be used or used in a timely manner (The catalog store usually restocks once every two - two and a half weeks)
The more ideas received generally means the more ease there will be in stocking the catalog with items desired by the player base, instead of relying on one or two people for ideas. I repeat that the catalog store is no substitute for a glory rename or ic rename, it thrives on the idea of mass produced poorly documented goods like any catalog warehouse. So anything going in will be randomized like any store in the realms, variety is restricted or limited.
Final note:
Any submissions are subject to appropriateness to the storyline and setting of Forgotten Kingdoms Mud. No firearms or modern items. Bear in mind it will be several rl weeks before any suggested additions are entered within. Do no ask on question about said additions. Type ideas directly into email and do not submit attachments. Wikimedia pictorial examples/articles welcome, do not submit third party web links.
Submit your ideas to