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Apprentice Drive

Posted: Thu Jun 11, 2009 11:56 pm
by Takket
To all citizens and friends of the city of Waterdeep,
In the continued effort to further quality education, the city will soon be holding an apprentice drive. This is an opportunity for any who are either looking to take on an apprentice or are looking for a mentor to potentially find what they are looking for. This event is free of charge to all who wish to attend. However, anyone looking to attend will be asked to answer some questions. These questions are to ensure mentor quality and to facilitate preliminary matching. This event is NOT limited to only wizards. Anyone friendly to the city looking for an apprentice or mentor is welcome to sign-up and attend. At this time, since we don't know how many from each category will sign up, we cannot guarantee absolutely everyone will be matched up with someone. We will, however, make every effort we can to ensure as many people as possible find what they are looking for. If you are interested in this, please sign up with either myself, Takket Keppur, or my apprentice, Gemma.

Takket Keppur

OOC: As always, if you have trouble getting a hold of me IC, feel free to PM me instead. I'm looking at holding this at this time: ... c=0&p1=197 but nothing is set in stone and we'll change it as needed to get as many people involved as possible.

Re: Apprentice Drive

Posted: Fri Jun 12, 2009 10:03 am
by Elke
*small cheer*

Re: Apprentice Drive

Posted: Fri Jun 26, 2009 7:47 pm
by Takket
This was supposed to happen today, but at the time of this writing I have only three potential apprentices signed up and no potential mentors. I'm going to push this off for a week to advertise more. You still have time to take part in this!

New time: ... sec=0&p1=0

Re: Apprentice Drive

Posted: Tue Jun 30, 2009 5:14 pm
by Lerytha
You can put Miriel down as potential mentor. Sorry, thought I'd let you know! :)

Re: Apprentice Drive

Posted: Fri Jul 03, 2009 10:24 am
by Takket
I'm canceling this for now. Interest is too low at the moment. I do have a few people signed up and did keep records of you all. This will be continued as an ongoing service. I will still be taking in info from both apprentices and mentors and making matches where I can so please don't hesitate to continue to take advantage of this service. For now, though, there will be no big in-game event.

Those of you that are signed up already, you are not forgotten! We're still going to do all we can to get you situated with someone who can help you!