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[SPELL] Animate Object

Posted: Thu Jul 09, 2009 8:44 pm
by Leveran
Would it be possible to make it so animate object doesn't destroy the object in question? For one, the spell isn't supposed to work on magical objects anyway (which is totally understandable, and should stay that way here if it is. Granted, haven't tested it personally). For another, in canon, it doesn't describe the spell as consuming the object in any way. I can even think of instances in novels where a favored sword was animated again and again, though I can't remember the exact instance to quote. =/

I think this would allow for the spell to be RP'd a bit more accurately, and increase its overall functionability: IE being able to carry 2-3 spears and animate them and reanimate them after duration wears off, as opposed to 20 spears that poof every time you use the spell.

Re: [SPELL] Animate Object

Posted: Wed Jul 22, 2009 12:39 am
by Skeas
This would be a wonderful and welcome change, for me, at least. We have components that get eaten by the spell, I don't see why whatever it is we're animating has to be destroyed too- especially if on tabletop it doesn't. It's been stated, however, probably hundreds of times, that FK isn't tabletop... So I'm not sure. However, this would be an extremely easy thing to amend in the code, so maybe we'll see? I always like your ideas, Leveran. (: