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Feats listing
More information about each feat can be found either by typing help featname in the game or by doing showfeat featname with your builder character on the testport.
awareness armor proficiency blind-fight blooded bloodline of fire bullheaded cleave combat casting courteous magocracy daylight adaptation deflect arrows empower spell endurance enlarge spell evasion expertise extend spell extra turning far shot foe hunter great cleave heighten spell improved bash improved counterspell |
improved critical improved disarm improved familiar improved initiative improved trip improved brawling luck of heroes maximize spell militia mind over body mounted archery mounted combat persistent spell point blank shot poison resist power attack precise shot quick draw quicken spell rapid shot run saddleback shadow weave magic |
silent spell silver palm skill focus smooth talk spellcasting prodigy spell focus spell mastery spell penetration spirited charge stealthy still spell strong arm strong soul sunder teacher thug toughness trample twin spell twin sword style weapon focus weapon proficiency |