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Mobile language trainers
The code for making a language trainer is the same as any other skills. It costs a player gold and experience to learn a language. If their skill in the language is low they have a small percentage chance of understanding someone speaking the language. If a mobile teaches a language it will show up with the "train" command.
We can make our dwarf teach dwarven now. Refer to the Languages Listing for a list of languages that can be taught by mobiles.
#QQ00 smelly dwarf short~ {30}a short smelly dwarf~ {30}A short smelly dwarf is drinking an ale here.~ {30}He is very short for a dwarf with dark hair and a dark beard. He has a stubby nose and beady eyes. His hands are large and calloused from many hours of work at the forge. He is of a very sturdy build with arms and legs like small tree trunks. Be sure to hold your nose as he stinks! ~ U 25 CLASS_WARRIOR RACE_DWARF SEX_MALE POS_STANDING DEITY_NONE ACT_SENTINEL|ACT_CITIZEN AFF_BERSERK ARMOR_TYPE_PLATE_MAIL MATERIAL_MITHRIL d10+2 500 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 0 0 0 0 0 LANG_COMMON|LANG_DWARVEN LANG_COMMON|LANG_DWARVEN RIS_MAGIC RIS_NONE RIS_NONE %12 2 dwarven~ >fight_prog 15~ say By Moradin's Hammer I will defeat you! ~ |
He teaches dwarven up to a skill level of 12 for twice the going rate.