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Standards for colourising mobiles
Refer to the lesson on colourising an area for the syntax on putting colour into an area.
Every mobile in the game should be colourised, even if you think that the mobile will be the default colour. There is more than one default colour as players get to choose a colour system on account creation. So while you think a mobile might be one colour for you, it will be another for another player. When the colour code is manually set on the mobile it over-rides all defaults. Below is a sample of a mobile that has colour codes:
#QQ00 danilothannmob thann~ {70}Danilo~ {70}Danilo Thann gives you a wicked grin. ~ {70}He is a handsome man, dressed to the hilt in the finest of clothes. He is from one of the most wealthy families of Waterdeep. Actually he looks like a bit of a dandy. ~ U 45 CLASS_BARDS RACE_HUMAN SEX_MALE POS_STANDING DEITY_NONE ACT_SENTINEL|ACT_NOSHOVE|ACT_CITIZEN 0 ARMOR_TYPE_LEATHER MATERIAL_LEATHER d15+15 1000 13 13 13 18 13 18 13 0 0 0 0 0 LANG_COMMON|LANG_ELVEN LANG_COMMON|LANG_ELVEN RIS_NONE RIS_NONE RIS_NONE
In general mobiles will be one colour. Do not colourise the keywords. For one they are not seen by the players, and secondly if you put a colour code in front of a keyword, the keyword will no longer work. Below is a sample of a mobile that has an acceptable use of more than one colour:
#QQ01 small brown black rat~ {30}a small brown and {80}black rat~ {30}A small brown and {80}black rat {30}hides here. ~ {30}The body of this small rat is mostly covered with brown hair, while {80}the hair of its head is much darker. ~ S 5 CLASS_WARRIOR RACE_RAT SEX_MALE POS_STANDING DEITY_NONE ACT_WIMPY|ACT_NOASSIST
The above rat is two coloured, and to give that impression the builder has divided up the short and long descriptions into two colours. Note that he included his articles in the colourisation. Do not make your articles a seperate colour, as that would not be consistent with the rest of the game.