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Object applies

An 'A' section ('apply') contains an apply type and an apply value. When a character uses this object as equipment (holds, wields, or wears it), then the value of 'apply-value' is added to the character attribute identified by 'apply-type'. If the value put in is a negative it will deduct from that attribute. Older builders please note that several apply flags are now defunct and been replaced. Some of the old ones have been removed from this list altogether as they are no longer on the current bit list. Only those that are still on the bit list are on this table. There are also many new ones.

1 A APPLY_STR Adds or takes away strength.
2 A APPLY_DEX Adds or takes away from dexterity
3 A APPLY_INT Adds or takes away from intelligence
4 A APPLY_WIS Adds or takes away from wisdom
5 A APPLY_CON Adds or takes away from constitution
6 A APPLY_SEX Changes the sex of the PC by the value
7 A APPLY_CLASS Do not use
8 A APPLY_LEVEL Do not use
9 A APPLY_AGE Do not use
10 A APPLY_HEIGHT Adds to or takes away from the height of the character
11 A APPLY_WEIGHT Adds to or takes away from the characters weight. (Not the weight carried)
12 A APPLY_MANA Adds to or takes away from the character's total mana
13 A APPLY_HIT Adds to or takes away from the total hitpoints of the character
14 A APPLY_MOVE Adds to or takes away from the total stamina/move of the character
15 A APPLY_VALUE Adds to or takes value from an object. This is measured in Copper.
16 A APPLY_EXP Do not use
17 A APPLY_AC Affects the character/s armor class. Negative value improves armour class, a postitive value degrades armour class
18 A APPLY_HITROLL Adds or takes away hitroll to/from a weapon
19 A APPLY_DAMROLL Adds or takes away dammroll from a weapon
20 A APPLY_RANGE Allows the character to shoot or throw further or less, by the number of rooms specified
21 A APPLY_BOWS Adds or takes away from the characters bow skill
22 A APPLY_SAP Adds or takes away from the characters sap skill
23 A APPLY_BRAWLING Adds or takes away from the characters brawling skill
24 A APPLY_APPRAISE Adds or takes away from the characters appraise skill
25 A APPLY_CHA Adds to or takes away from a PC's charisma
26 A APPLY_AFFECT Used to apply AFF_ flags. Character remains affected while the object is worn.
27 A APPLY_RESISTANT No longer in use. Do not use.
28 A APPLY_IMMUNE No longer in use. Do not use.
29 A APPLY_SUSCEPTIBLE No longer in use. Do not use.
30 A APPLY_WEAPONSPELL Casts a spell when hitting use SPELL_ 100 % of the time.
31 A APPLY_LCK Adds to or takes away from luck
32 A APPLY_BACKSTAB Adds to or takes away from the backstab skill
33 A APPLY_PICK Adds to or takes away from the pick locks skill
34 A APPLY_TRACK Adds to or takes away from the track skill
35 A APPLY_STEAL Adds to or takes away from the steal skill
36 A APPLY_SNEAK Adds to or takes away from the sneak skill
37 A APPLY_HIDE Adds to or takes away from the hide skill
38 A APPLY_PALM Not coded. Do not use.
39 A APPLY_DETRAP Adds to or takes away from the detrap skill
40 A APPLY_DODGE Adds to or takes away from the dodge skill
41 A APPLY_PEEK Adds to or takes away from the peek skill
42 A APPLY_SCAN No longer used
43 A APPLY_GOUGE Adds to or takes away from the gouge skill
44 A APPLY_SEARCH Adds to or takes away from the search skill
45 A APPLY_MOUNT Adds to or takes away from the mount skill
46 A APPLY_DISARM Adds to or takes away from the disarm skill
47 A APPLY_KICK Adds to or takes away from the kick skill
48 A APPLY_PARRY Adds to or takes away from the parry skill
49 A APPLY_BASH Adds to or takes away from the bash skill
50 A APPLY_STUN Adds to or takes away from the stun skill
51 A APPLY_PUNCH Adds to or takes away from the punch skill
52A APPLY_CLIMB Adds to or takes away from the climb skill
53 A APPLY_GRIP Adds to or takes away from the grip skill
54 A APPLY_SCRIBE Adds to or takes away from the scribe skill
55 A APPLY_BREW Adds to or takes away from the brew potions skill
56 A APPLY_WEARSPELL Used to apply SPELL_ spell affects. Spell is applied to wearer when object is worn, and will wear off like a normal spell.
57 A APPLY_REMOVESPELL When object is removed, the SPELL_ affects the character.
58 A APPLY_EMOTION Adds to or takes away from a PC's emotional state
59 A APPLY_MENTALSTATE Adds to or takes away from a PC's mental state
Wearing of object forces spell to wear-off.
61 A APPLY_REMOVE Use AFF_ flags here. Removes the affect upon wearing the object.
62 A APPLY_DIG Adds to or takes away from a PC's dig skill
63 A APPLY_FULL Affects the hours until the PC is hungry
64 A APPLY_THIRST Affects the hours until the PC is thirsty
65 A APPLY_DRUNK Affects the hours until the PC is sober
66 A APPLY_BLOOD Do not use.
67 A APPLY_HAGGLE Increases or decreases the characters haggle skill.
68 A APPLY_OBJWEIGHT Increases or decreases the weight of the object.
69 A APPLY_RESIST_MAGIC Wearing of the object affects the characters resistance to magic
70 A APPLY_RESIST_FIRE Wearing of the object affects the characters resistance to fire
71 A APPLY_RESIST_COLD Wearing of the object affects the characters resistance to cold
72 A APPLY_RESIST_ELECTRICITY Wearing of the object affects the characters resistance to electricity
73 A APPLY_RESIST_ENERGY Wearing of the object affects the characters resistance to energy
74 A APPLY_RESIST_ACID Wearing of the object affects the characters resistance to acid
75 A APPLY_RESIST_POISON Wearing of the object affects the characters resistance to poison
76 A APPLY_RESIST_DRAIN Wearing of the object affects the characters resistance to drain
77 A APPLY_RESIST_HOLD Wearing of the object affects the characters resistance to hold spells
78 A APPLY_RESIST_PHYSICAL Wearing of the object affects the characters resistance to physical attacks
79 A APPLY_RESIST_HEALING Wearing of the object affects the characters resistance to healing
80 A APPLY_RESIST_MIND Wearing of the object affects the characters resistance to mind spells and attacks
81 A APPLY_RESIST_BASH Wearing of the object affects the characters resistance to bash
82 A APPLY_RESIST_PIERCE Wearing of the object affects the characters resistance to piercing weapons
83 A APPLY_RESIST_SLASH Wearing of the object affects the characters resistance to slashing weapons
84 A APPLY_RESIST_NONMAGIC Wearing of the object affects the characters resistance to non magical attacks
85 A APPLY_MAGIC Wearing of the object increases magic damage
86 A APPLY_FIRE Wearing of the object increases fire damage
87 A APPLY_COLD Wearing of the object increases cold damage
88 A APPLY_ELECTRICITY Wearing of the object increases electrical damage
89 A APPLY_ENERGY Wearing of the object increases energy damage
90 A APPLY_ACID Wearing of the object increases acid damage
91 A APPLY_POISON Wearing of the object increases poison damage
92 A APPLY_DRAIN Wearing of the object increases drain damage
93 A APPLY_HEALING Wearing of the object increases healing
94 A APPLY_PHYSICAL Wearing of the object increases physical damage
95 A APPLY_MIND Wearing of the object increases mind damage
96 A APPLY_BLUDGEON Wearing of the object increases bludgeon damage
97 A APPLY_PIERCE Wearing of the object increases piercing damage
98 A APPLY_SLASH Wearing of the object increases slashing damage
99 A APPLY_WEAPONSPELL_ONE Casts a spell when hitting use SPELL_ 10 % of the time.
100 A APPLY_WEAPONSPELL_TWO Casts a spell when hitting use SPELL_ 25 % of the time.
101 A APPLY_WEAPONSPELL_FIVE Casts a spell when hitting use SPELL_ 50 % of the time.
102 APPLY_DUAL_WIELD Increases or decreases the dual wield skill
103 APPLY_DISGUISE Increases or decreases the disguise skill
104 APPLY_LEVEL_ONE_SPELL_SLOTS Increases or decreases the number of level 1 spell slots
105 APPLY_LEVEL_TWO_SPELL_SLOTS Increases or decreases the number of level 2 spell slots
106 APPLY_LEVEL_THREE_SPELL_SLOTS Increases or decreases the number of level 3 spell slots
107 APPLY_LEVEL_FOUR_SPELL_SLOTS Increases or decreases the number of level 4 spell slots
108 APPLY_LEVEL_FIVE_SPELL_SLOTS Increases or decreases the number of level 5 spell slots
109 APPLY_LEVEL_SIX_SPELL_SLOTS Increases or decreases the number of level 6 spell slots
110 APPLY_LEVEL_SEVEN_SPELL_SLOTS Increases or decreases the number of level 7 spell slots
111 APPLY_LEVEL_EIGHT_SPELL_SLOTS Increases or decreases the number of level 8 spell slots
112 APPLY_LEVEL_NINE_SPELL_SLOTS Increases or decreases the number of level 9 spell slots
113 APPLY_SN Used in spell definitions only, to cast a spell
114 APPLY_WEATHER Used in spell definitions only, to modify the weather
115 APPLY_EXHAUSTION_MENTAL_STATE Modifies the exhaustion mental state of the wearer (100 for dead tired, 0 for normal)
116 APPLY_SANITY_MENTAL_STATE Modifies the sanity mental state of the wearer (100 for mad, 0 for normal)
117 APPLY_STUN_TIMER Used in spell definitions only
118 APPLY_HELD_TIMER Used in spell definitions only
119 APPLY_VALUE_ZERO Used in spell definitions only, to modify an object's value0
120 APPLY_VALUE_ONE Used in spell definitions only, to modify an object's value1
121 APPLY_VALUE_TWO Used in spell definitions only, to modify an object's value2
122 APPLY_VALUE_THREE Used in spell definitions only, to modify an object's value3
123 APPLY_VALUE_FOUR Used in spell definitions only, to modify an object's value4
124 APPLY_VALUE_FIVE Used in spell definitions only, to modify an object's value5
125 APPLY_SET_VALUE_ZERO Used in spell definitions only, to change an object's value0
126 APPLY_SET_VALUE_ONE Used in spell definitions only, to change an object's value1
127 APPLY_SET_VALUE_TWO Used in spell definitions only, to change an object's value2
128 APPLY_SET_VALUE_THREE Used in spell definitions only, to change an object's value3
129 APPLY_SET_VALUE_FOUR Used in spell definitions only, to change an object's value4
130 APPLY_SET_VALUE_FIVE Used in spell definitions only, to change an object's value5
131 APPLY_CREATE_MINION Used in spell_definitions only, to create a minion
132 APPLY_CREATE_OBJECT Used in spell_definitions only, to create an object
133 APPLY_CREATE_MOBILE Used in spell_definitions only, to create a mobile
134 APPLY_CALL_PROG Used in spell_definitions only, to run an area program