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Quest log
This section goes before the #MOBILES section in your area file, after all the other headers.
The questlog command in the game shows players what quests their character has completed, or is in the process of doing. The information for this command is generated by the #QUESTS section of the area file. This information is also handy for builders to see at a glance what their quests do and what the quest bits are. It is also used by game administrators to help reset quest bits for characters affected by bugged quests and so on.
#QUESTS 8000 10 4 1 7 {E0}You are helping Jonathon the Armourer in Waterdeep.~ 8000 10 4 2 2 {E0}Jonathon needs a polished metal shield.~ 8000 10 4 3 3 {E0}Jonathon needs a hardened leather helm.~ 8000 10 4 4 4 {E0}Jonathon needs a tapestry vest.~ 8000 10 4 5 5 {E0}Jonathon needs topaz earrings.~ 8000 10 4 6 6 {E0}Jonathon needs fine chainmail armour.~ 8000 10 4 7 7 {E0}Jonathon needs a wizards hat.~ 8000 10 4 8 8 {A0}You have helped Jonathon the Armourer of Waterdeep stock his shop.~ -1
This is the quest journal for a quest with Jonathon the armourer in Waterdeep. Lets break it up.
8000 - This is the vnums of the area, that the quest bits are checked in.
10 4 - These are the quest bits that are being checked. This quest is using quest bits from 10 to 4. For more information on how this works refer to the quest bits tutorial.
2 2 - This is the step. Step 2 of quests bits 10 to 4, this is where the PC has to find a polished metal shield. The first line uses 1-7 and while the bits equal that, it will show that line as well.
{E0}Jonathon needs a polished metal shield.~ This is the comment that the PC sees when they look at their quest log. The colour is important as this is what the questlog command uses to work out what is current and so on. Each comment must be finished with a tilda.
Colour codes - Event codes
- {F0} - Special Event or Misc.
- {E0} - Quest in progress.
- {A0} - Completed quest.
- {90} - Failed quest.
- {20} - Knowledge Geography etc.
- {30} - Trade learned.
- {B0} - Quest not yet started.