$bPrintedMenuBar = true;
function printMenuJavaScript()
global $bPrintedJavaScript, $TEST_DIR;
if ( !$bPrintedJavaScript )
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Fey'ri are the result of four noble houses of Sun elves, breeding with demons in an attempt to strengthen their bloodline., Fey'ri are a type of planetouched that breed true among their own kind. Unlike most planetouched, Fey'ri have a self-sustaining community, so young are raised amongst their own kind.
Fey'ri, being bred of demons and sun elves, and then breeding for so long, have begun to develop some common characteristics. All appear as sun elves, with large batlike wings. They also have one or more unique features such as, fiery red eyes, fine scales all over their skin, batlike ears, long pointed tails, or deep red skin.
Fey'ri blood practically overflows with sorcerous power, so many choose that path, and the few who don't generally choose to become fighters or rogues. They also rely heavily on the innate powers and abilities granted to them from their fiendish blood. * This race is not available for creation at this point in time.
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