$bPrintedMenuBar = true;
function printMenuJavaScript()
global $bPrintedJavaScript, $TEST_DIR;
if ( !$bPrintedJavaScript )
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Locate Object
Divination Range: Personal Target: Ignored Syntax: cast 'locate object' multiple keywords
This spell reveals the location of all objects in the game having all of the listed keywords in their adjectives. Using multiple keywords helps to refine your search. The number of distinct objects matching the listed keywords which you can locate depends on your skill level with this spell. With sufficient skill, up to a maximum of fifty objects can be found.
Spells like 'locate object' give you a visual description of the place where an object can be found. Remember that most people and mobs in FK don't wear labels with their names on their foreheads! If your PC could not visually identify a location from the images alone, you should not move them to act on the basis of your OOC ability to interpret the names. The keywords can be listed in any order. This spell will NOT function if quotes are put around the keywords.
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