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Lukan Barra, Former Warden of Mielikki and cartographer of the kingdoms
Cartographer and Ranger of Mielikki by Betandor Battlebard.
Where is the one place you might find a map for any part of the Realm, and a willing explorer to chart the unknown with you? The answer to that would be the ranger hero, the cartographer, Lukan Berra. From the chilled mountains of Hartsvale, to the cities and environs of the Underdark, Lukan has mapped them all. It might be a part of his ranger habits not to stay in one place for long, and always have a chart of an area in hand for emergencies, but the details of his maps are precise to the last step. If he charts it on his maps, the landmarks will be within five steps of his reckonings. His skill with an axe for trailblazing and combat is also unmatched by anyone in the Realms.
The success of Lukan pleases his goddess, Milekki. It would seem that his training in ranger skills and the blessings of his goddess are a major part of his success. Between his faith in Milekki, his skills, and his support of those in the Realms who are most in need of a role model, Lukan has many riches that the nobles of the Realm can not claim. His friends, both known and not, can always count on a smile, and a ready trailblazer, to explore and assist in any endeavor which will bring friends, glory, and new territory to explore.
Lukan was the first Warden of the Kingdoms.
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