$bPrintedMenuBar = true;
function printMenuJavaScript()
global $bPrintedJavaScript, $TEST_DIR;
if ( !$bPrintedJavaScript )
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Mountain Orcs
Thse are the stereotypical orcs. The Northern orc hordes that tend to lair in the Spine of the World, and other northern climates. They are also the oldest, and most numerous of the orcish subraces.
A Mountain Orc is quite obviously a monstrous creature. Most of the creatures look vaguely like primitive humans only taller. Most of them stand slightly over seven feet tall, occasionally reaching a height of eight feet. Their eyes are always a deep shade of red and their faces dominated by hoggish snouts and large tusks and their hair is mostly black. Barbarians and fighters dominate among this race, their society built around the concept ‘Might Makes Right”. The mountain Orcs are more interested in physical combat rather than magic. Nonetheless, they understand and appreciate the tactical value of magical support in war.
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