$bPrintedMenuBar = true;
function printMenuJavaScript()
global $bPrintedJavaScript, $TEST_DIR;
if ( !$bPrintedJavaScript )
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Load / Carrying Capacity
Your load is an indication of how over-loaded you are - whether you find the amount of 'stuff' you are carrying to be too much or not. Your load can be light, medium or heavy. Loads other than light affect your ability to move about freely and may reduce your dexterity or speed.
If you are carrying less than about 35% of your CarryWt, your load will be light. If you are carrying more than about 65% of your CarryWt, your load will be heavy.
* Your load will impact the "max dex," the maximum dexterity bonus allowed, for all armour locations, which is indicated on your scoresheet. With a medium load the maximum dexterity bonus is reduced to three, across the board, while with a heavy load it is reduced to just one. * Your load will impact how quickly you tire
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