$bPrintedMenuBar = true;
function printMenuJavaScript()
global $bPrintedJavaScript, $TEST_DIR;
if ( !$bPrintedJavaScript )
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Looting Corpses
You can ascertain what is on a corpse with the command LOOK in corpse.
You can take items from a corpse with the command GET <item> corpse.
You can get all of the items in a corpse that you can carry at once with the command GET all corpse.
You can loot unconscious characters and character corpses, as well as the corpses of mobiles.
You may not take anything from the intact corpse of a player character (one that describes them in detail when you LOOK corpse), except as outlined below. Once the corpse turns to dust, the items that were in it may be picked up by anyone, but their owner may still come looking for them - taking such items carries with it a certain risk, and certain IC implications.
In a player kill situation, you may NOT loot a corpse completely. It is acceptable to take ONE item. It is expected that you do not immediately sell this item, but hold on to it to allow for the deceased to roleplay an effort to get it back. Please do not take a container, as this consititutes more than 1 item. Please make sure it is in-character for you to loot the corpse. Looting from player corpses is logged, and violations of this policy will be dealt with harshly. Please consider only doing unto others that which you do not mind being done unto yourself.
Please note that you may only loot a player corpse if you were involved in the PK situation that led to it. (This means the actual combat.) In addition, you should not hold a corpse for random, unless you first run it by the player of the corpse. It is unfair to make any player wait without knowing the fate of their body and belonging.
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