Magic Vestment not able to enchant anything

This contains bug reports which the test team have confirmed and are now in the queue to be fixed.
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Magic Vestment not able to enchant anything

Post by Gwain » Mon Jan 13, 2014 1:17 am

Magic vestment does not seem to be functioning, tried it on a variety of armour, including masterwork leg armour and mundane leather gloves to a cloth cap. All you get is this echo:

Code: Select all

The enchantments already on a grey silk cap with three green feathers prevent the success of your spell.
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Re: Magic Vestment not able to enchant anything

Post by Raona » Wed Jan 15, 2014 3:17 pm

Looks like there is something wrong with the IF check.
Log: [*****] BUG: Attempt to mprog_do_ifcheck 'getapply($o,armour) > 0' returned BERR!
It currently reads
if getapply($o,armour) > 0 then
and I'm guessing it should be
if getapply($o,ac_armour) > 0 then

Anyone sure on the syntax here?

In any case, the fail echo should be changed to something broader, perhaps
This object is not a viable target for the Magic Vestment spell.
because the two ways this spell can fail are 1) it's already got an apply_ac_armour or 2) it's not armour. The current failure echo is only appropriate for the former failure mode.

I can fix these but if there's someone who can confirm that
if getapply($o,ac_armour) > 0
is legit, I'll be less skittish about trying it. It's the underscore I'm not sure about.
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