Weather - How does it feel to be pelted by hail?

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RE: Eating during major RP events

Post by Andreas » Sat Dec 20, 2003 10:09 pm

Actually, the norm is to NOT eat during major RP events. It disrupts the RP and is usually posted either by the Imms or by the person running the event.

And I don't know about you, but if someone at MY wedding got up during the middle of the ceremony and hit the buffet table, I'd be MAD. That's just inexcuseably RUDE behaviour. Just as bad as cell phones in the movie theater or at a wedding: there's just some things you DON'T do.
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Post by Glim » Sat Dec 20, 2003 10:21 pm

Common courtesy please people. Taking food out of your pack, eating it, even RPing eating just adds to the spam. What is the loss of a few HP and some spam that only you can see when you save people from many lines of spam. Just think if at a ceremony everyone pulled some food and drink out of their pack and pigged out.

Also, I dont know about you, but I have alot better things I can be doing with my char for 80 mins.

Btw, isnt this thread about weather? hehe, oh well
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Post by Rorix » Sun Dec 21, 2003 6:45 pm

Yes Glim, I do believe this was a post about weather at one point. I think we are going in circles or staying parallel with one another. If you all feel that this so call 'forced rp' is no good and that it takes away from the fantasy of the game, that is fine. I see your point, but I think things like sleeping, which take many hours are far different than weather. We are penalized for not eating and starving to death or dying of thirst are we not? If you see this as forced rp, then so be it, but it is implemented in the game and I really see no problem with it. I think the weather things would be much like this in that they take a small amount of damage away. Now I certainly see how shivering or coughing (like the affects from poison) from being cold is forced rp. Tell me whatcha think about that.
Remeber ... this was also a reminder to *rp* the affects of weather on people, as it ruins the rp for clerics of the Stormlord. Not just to start a war against code I think would be fun. :) lateaz

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RE: RP & Weather

Post by Andreas » Sun Dec 21, 2003 8:21 pm

Again, I think it's a matter of personal choice. And I don't see how another person RPs their reaction to weather could "take away" from other PCs in the same situation.

Andreas will endure the weather with stoicism. That's just how he is. Some of my alts would probably dash for cover while others will just carry on despite the weather. To each their own.

There's no rule that says ONLY Talassans can be out and about in a storm. Sheesh, I'd hate for Umberlee to catch word of that since sea and SHORE (I'd count Waterdeep as shore) storms are her jealously guarded (and contested) domain.

I lived on Adak, Alaska for two years. It's a small (mostly) treeless island in the middle of the Aleutian Islands chain (Andreanof Islands group) surrounded by wind, rain and fog. It's known as the Birthplace of the Winds in Inuit legends. It NEVER precipitates straight down and even during the worst weather we still had to be out there doing our jobs. Life doesn't stop for a little bit of sideways hail at 20 knots... but the buses DID stop running at 30 knots ;)
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Post by Tychina » Sat Dec 27, 2003 8:46 pm

Getting back to the weather suggestion..

I do like to RP the weather, when it is feasable. But I do not think that coding it so you are forced to RP it would be good. There are times when, it simply would have ruined my current RP to aknowledge the weather. When it is balmy and warm one minute, and a freezing blizzard the next, just to change to cloudy with a warm southerly breeze five minutes later.. that is quite a bit to try to incorperate into an RP you have going. And while I realize five minutes is like a half hour er so game time, really, think of the slow typers and how much conversation they would get done in that five minutes of changing weather patterns if they stopped to RP each little change.

Also, for one reason or another, some characters, it would be well within their RP to not mind, or not even notice the weather. The tempus guy who is showing off his Deities power for instance, but there are others who would have just as much of an RP reason to not care that it was a freezing blizzard out, or a booming thunderstorm. And we can have no way to know it, if they have an IC reason or not, and if it was coded to force you to aknowledge such weather changes, I am not sure how easy it would be for them to fix the code to aknowledge those special rp cases. And yes I realise those special rp cases should probably have been applied for t begin with, but I do not think that would make coding it easier.

While many times I have been peeved when I tried to incorporate the weather into my RP, and had folks look at me as if I were a nut, I still prefer the freedom of choosig to RP it over coding it.

*shrugs* just my two cents


Post by Opia » Sat Sep 11, 2004 12:19 am

Quuick Question: Say I was in Anauroch and the universal weather system suddenly tells me I'm in the midst of a freezing blizzard, is it safe for me to ignore that while I'm in places that get supposedly less than four inches of rain per year? Or should I rp it out as a snow covered desert?

Thanks much,

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Post by Elwin » Sun Sep 12, 2004 1:01 pm

I would venture to say that you should ignore it. I mean, I guess a dessert COULD have a freak blizzard or something. But, what are the chances of that?
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Post by Lathander » Sun Sep 12, 2004 3:59 pm

Ignore it. Pretend it's a sand storm.
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Post by Rhytania » Mon Sep 13, 2004 10:06 pm

Just a funny story kinda. Last year when we first touched down in the desert it was so cold it actually hailed and snowed at the same time. yeah that was pretty wierd, granted it was only for about 20 mins, but they were bonified snowflakes. This year, only saw rain twice. So it would be safe to say to go ahead and RP it as a sandstorm.

ps Almost home so Ill be on an a more regular basis.

crosses fingers and toes, "3 and a wakeup...3 and a wakeup, no whammies, no whammies"

Post by Opia » Tue Sep 14, 2004 7:05 pm

Thanks! Thought that was it, just checking.

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Climates on FK

Post by Telk » Wed Nov 03, 2004 1:40 am

I was wondering if there was enough sources to make up a list of climates of the various places of FK. Like the climate of Waterdeep would be perhaps 70 degrees etc. I could see this creating wonderful and interesting RP. E.g shadowdale is colder than Waterdeep, so I could see a character from Waterdeep RPing being cold and buying more layers etc.
Just a thought :)
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Post by Zilvryn » Wed Nov 03, 2004 2:11 am

for second edition there was a box set called elminsters ecologies, that had all that kind of thing in it... not sure if there is a 3e equivelent though...
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Post by Telk » Wed Nov 03, 2004 2:16 am

I am just looking for possibly a list of the tempuratures that is current to the game areas.

Post by Chester » Wed Nov 03, 2004 9:24 am

In the 3rd Ed Forgotten Realms Campaign setting there is a table with climates and precipitation randomly rolled. Also each area has its climate briefly described. In Forgotten Kingdoms the weather is shown ICly. For example I have seen many a rainy day in Waterdeep and snow in Silverymoon. Which is in keeping with the realm ;)
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Post by Telk » Fri Nov 05, 2004 3:49 am

Ah, Thanks Mystra :)
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Weather and Visibility

Post by Glim » Tue May 31, 2005 2:08 am

I was thinking up the other day and considering, many people do not acknowledge weather very much, even a full strength blizzard or pouring rain, I myself try and RP weather as much as possible, as it is a fun thing to RP, but I have found myself ignoring it in the past as well.

Here I was thinking of something that might help people acknowledge weather more while they are out travelling in the wilderness (though I find walking through city streets and RPing rain in the city to be a bit more fun). Weather could limit your visibility on the VT map, much the same as darkness and such does, it could also perhaps cost more stamina and such to travel in bad weather than it would normally, but mainly this is about visibility. I dont know if this is how it is, but I think there are three main levels of visibility, full (can see a wide VT map), mid-range (can see about a 2 room radius around the charry) and close (can see about a 1 room radius about the charry). I was thinking maybe weather could do this:

Full- Sunny, no adverse weather

Mid- rain, snowing

Close- blizzard

Just thought this might add a little bit more realism concerning weather.
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Weather and Visibility

Post by Isolrem » Tue May 31, 2005 8:30 pm

I am definitely all for the idea of enhancing weather, and perhaps these other attributes might be considered:

Faster dehydration in warm days
Cold damage without enough armor pieces in cold days
Lowered resistance to lightning in rain
Heightened fire spells in heat
Heightened cold spells in blizzard
Need of magical warmth or physical fire (power to torches!) in cold
Lowered mental status when subject to direct sun rays
Sun blindness in extreme cases
Snow blindness in extreme cases
Colds, sneezes, sunburns, etc. if you don't take care of yourself

Some of these might already have been discussed, or are even in effect, but I haven't noticed yet...

furthermore, specific spellcasting/rituals might only take place in one kind of weather. Theremight be occasional random events such as avanlaches in mountains, forest fires in... um... forests...
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Post by Tychina » Thu Jun 16, 2005 4:22 am

I've rp'd the weather in the past and enjoyed it. But I have also found myself in situations where I would hate to be forced to rp it. Imagine for instance, trying to rp the weather, when it changes every few minutes irl time? That would make for some seriously odd rp. Just a thought.
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Post by Lorion » Thu Jun 16, 2005 5:27 am

Usually the weather stays constant enough over quite some time. If it didn't, maybe you have come across someone who knows the control weather spell? ;)
Glim's idea about seeing in bad weather isn't that bad. How about an additional bonus for hiding, sneaking(or similar skills, i don't really know how they work)? I'd imagine in bad weather you can walk past someone with a 3 meter distance and might not see him. Just a thought of me
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Post by Kirkus » Thu Jun 16, 2005 7:15 am

Could we add something so we always know what the weather is. Yeah sure you can type weather but all that tells you is that its hot and humid or stormy. That leaves such a wide range for what the weather could really be. I think it would be cool if its raining perhaps there is an echo every minute or 30 seconds that rain is comming down depending on how hard it is raining. Think about that.... if its raining really hard and every 30 seconds or less you are getting an echo that says the rain is coming down in in sheets, blah blah and you are soaked to the bone.... people are going to be running to the nearest inn to take the rp out of the constant interuption. Plus it would be more ic for people to be trying to get out of the rain. Same thing for lightning and thunder. OOhhh cool thought if the lightning is really close the game could give the same effect as when you are blinded for a second or two. And thunder could make you deaf for a second.
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