area checker issue?

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Sword Journeyman
Sword Journeyman
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area checker issue?

Post by Thurgan » Sun May 14, 2017 12:54 pm

I am getting this when I attempt to use the area checker

File was successfully uploaded. Testing...
Sun, 14 May 17 13:53:07 +0100 file: Ironclad area file.txt

sh: 1: /home/martin/projects/fkareas/svn/hooks/ not found

Testing of the area failed, hopefully the output above will help you to find the problem.
If it does not, please email
Sword Grand Master
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Re: area checker issue?

Post by Areia » Mon May 15, 2017 12:13 am

Ya, that's been like that since the game was braught back up. The original problem was fixed, but this one popped up from that fix or something.

Little to do but wait it out until there's a chance for it to be looked at.
Nascentes morimur, finisque ab origine pendet.
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