Considering adding an extra something to my work while we await the area checker to be fixed. I can't seem to find in the lessons, though, how to make an armor wearable only by quadrapedes (looking to make barding etc.). Thought it might be something set in objval0, 1, or 4, but the lessons show those all to be unused. Any ideas?
Also, I've noticed that barding and the like tends to be no better than half plate in the game. Is this just coincidence, or is full plate barding something to avoid even if produced at fairly high cost to the PC?
Thanks mucho!
Barding and Other Armor for Quadrapedes
Barding and Other Armor for Quadrapedes
Nascentes morimur, finisque ab origine pendet.
Re: Barding and Other Armor for Quadrapedes
It's generally unrealistic without a good reason. No horse is walking around in full plate, their legs couldnt function. They are armoured cupcakes, the plate armour is the frosting. 1 is the bit value for quadrupeds.
A goblin, a trickster, a warrior? A nameless terrible thing, soaked in the blood of a billion galaxies. A most feared being in all the cosmos. Nothing could stop, hold, or reason with it. One day it would just drop out of the sky and tear down your world.
Re: Barding and Other Armor for Quadrapedes
Aha, I gotcha. That makes sense when I think about it for longer than two seconds.
Thanks lots!
Thanks lots!
Nascentes morimur, finisque ab origine pendet.
Re: Barding and Other Armor for Quadrapedes
Also, if you're more interested, there is a pdf floating around somewhere about the 'Armored Horse in Europe'.
Horse barding and armor is a really interesting and widely ranging topic, same with different types of horses and their use.
Also, if you're more interested, there is a pdf floating around somewhere about the 'Armored Horse in Europe'.
Horse barding and armor is a really interesting and widely ranging topic, same with different types of horses and their use.
Weit in der Champagne im Mittsommergrün,
dort, wo zwischen Grabkreuzen Mohnblumen blühn,
da flüstern die Gräser und wiegen sich leicht
im Wind, der sanft über das Gräberfeld streicht.
dort, wo zwischen Grabkreuzen Mohnblumen blühn,
da flüstern die Gräser und wiegen sich leicht
im Wind, der sanft über das Gräberfeld streicht.