The Injection

A place to announce forthcoming events and roleplays, organised by imms or players.
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The Injection

Post by Neleya » Mon Sep 16, 2024 9:45 am

"We have watched. We have waited. And the time has come for an injection of power.

At the holy price of a single secret previously unrevealed, you may request for spells, prayers, coin, objects too distant to acquire, or wishes to be granted by the Church of Shar.

As Lady Loss taketh away thine burdens, so doth She grant thee peace and strength. Send your wishes through the straw dolls available at The Ferryman's Refuge at the piers of Waterdeep and Zhentil Keep."
OOC: We'll run this injection committedly until Starvation Festivities on Dec 2nd, so if you're a lonely tribute needing sponsorship, don't hesitate to write in (you can do so on the paper inside the dolls - it's parchment). Otherwise, this is generally status quo and you can always write in anytime, any month, any year, and a friendly appointed Sharran will attend to your letter when fate allows.
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Re: The Injection

Post by Neleya » Tue Oct 15, 2024 3:54 am

Quick tips because I noticed some difficulties/confusion:

1. Protip because even I got lost: The Ferryman's Refuge in WD is located in the westernmost edge of the docks. For ZK, it's at one of the Piers.
2. The pretty paper inside the dolls is for writing on. Hoard em or write on em.

Feel free to reach out if you have any queries! c:
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