Kismet and characters

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Kismet and characters

Post by Nemay » Sat Feb 05, 2005 3:37 am

Alright I was just wondering about characters, I was wondering is it your current or accumulated kismet that allows you to create a drow or orc? Because from what I have gathered we do not want players that are unexperienced to play the orcs or if a person have 1000 kismet points accumulated but have decided to reward for great rp, which I think there are some players here that RP very well and should be rewarded for it, because the Imms can't always be around to watch, and the gods are always watching your scene...for instance a scene Pibbs was in with a plump bird or some rp I have had with the orcs, I won't give any info but the player did a awsome job and deserved a reward. Now I don't understand why a player can't play a orc or drow because they decide a player should be rewarded. Is it possible for kismet to help get special items or objects or such? I mean people could use their current kismet for their characters instead of actually getting their characters and maybe having accumulated kismet for actual races. It is just a thought because I would like to play a diffrent race and see what else is out there. Any input would be welcome thanks! :D
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Post by Argentia » Sat Feb 05, 2005 4:56 am

I'm pretty sure (But correct me if I'm wrong) that right now creating a drow/orc doesn't take away your kismet. Also, when you reward, it'll take away your current kismet but not your accumulated kismet. And creating an orc/drow checks your accumulated, not current kismet. I believe I read that accumulated kismet would be used for much rarer races when they become available, and also for character auctions. I believe certain areas will also check your current kismet (Unless that system is not yet in the game) which will keep younger players from getting items and quests intended for the more vet players.

Hope this answered some questions! :D

EDIT: Here's a good link to look at: ... php?t=1601
Answers a few questions.
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Post by Nemay » Sat Feb 05, 2005 5:22 am

Well I have over 1000 kismet accumulated and cannot create a orc, is this a problem with my account or something? I don't know if someone could help it would be great!
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Post by Timaeus » Mon Feb 07, 2005 1:06 am

With the new character generation some selections will require an actual expenditure of kismet. Orcs and drow are two that will. You would have to have a current kismet level sufficient to pay the costs.
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Post by Elvoriel » Mon Feb 07, 2005 7:53 am

Will this be per character or per race, as I have two drow characters at the moment. What will happen to those who have these type of characters but dont have enough kismet to pay for them all when this goes live?
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Post by Timaeus » Mon Feb 07, 2005 3:04 pm

The kismet costs are not retroactive, if you already have a character in your account that will cost kismet under the new code then you will still have the character after the character generation all comes in and it will not deduct from your kismet.
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Post by Elwin » Mon Feb 07, 2005 3:58 pm

I had a question about this. If you create multiple characters that cost kismet, will it deduct each time or only the first time?
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Post by Algon » Mon Feb 07, 2005 4:34 pm

I believe it will cost you each time you create a new character that requires a certain amount to create.
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Post by Isolrem » Tue Apr 05, 2005 10:58 pm

Why would creating races cost current kismet?
we gotta change that :) it just prevents players from awarding good RP when they feel like it (oh no i gotta save up!)
and what is the accumulated kismet for then?
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Post by Gwain » Tue Apr 05, 2005 11:15 pm

If you are a good rp'r why would you worry about conserving kismet? Eventually you will gain more or gain more with the donation of kismet from fellow players. I do not believe that the char creation system will cause people to horde kismet. If an rp warrants a gifting of kismet I give it and know eventually I will gain back that kismet or someone else will give it to me. Time heals all and replenishes what is lost. Patience sees things done and rewards.
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Post by Tandria » Wed Apr 06, 2005 1:14 am

The kismet for certain characters (drow, orcs, evils, etc.) was put in place so that newbies can get used to RPing a bit and explore the area, plus get help ICly when they need it most before they start playing a more difficult character to get IC help for and such. In the past, newbies have jumped right in playing evils and have gotten greeted with a player kill, which can be discouraging when you're just getting used to the game.

I think the kismet for certain characters thing was put in for a great reason, and I really don't think it needs to be changed at all. :)
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Post by Isolrem » Wed Apr 06, 2005 1:24 am

Gwain wrote:...I do not believe that the char creation system will cause people to horde kismet...
True for some cases, but I've also heard a lot of people go

XXX OOCsays, "*Rewards XXX* srry can only fake reward saving up on kismets."
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Post by Zilvryn » Wed Apr 06, 2005 1:59 am

That's just poor form, though.
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Post by Argentia » Wed Apr 06, 2005 3:27 am

I can't say I've ever seen anyone do that. I myself do not mind giving away my kismet to someone who deserves it. I play enough hours that I have it in spades anyway. :roll:
Besides, that encourages me to RP better so that others will see it fit to reward me.
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Post by Nysan » Wed Apr 06, 2005 8:38 am

Character creation kismet requirements were put into place to stop the new player from going in over their head. I can't count how many times I stumbled across an orc, drow, or even a evil character that didn't have a clue how to play their characters and was always asking on question or OOC for advise/aid in the days of old. It is not really a reward system, its a teaching system. You don't start a game by playing a high level character. Same thing with rp. You don't start your first rp game by picking the hardest rpable race in the game.
As for the hording of kismet... Who do you play with? Never once seen anyone say that or even heard of anyone saying anything remotely like that before your post. If there are people like that in FK, I'm glad I haven't come across them. They are not the kind of people I would want to waste my time with. But thats just me....

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Post by Lerytha » Wed Apr 06, 2005 9:04 am

I just thought I would post to say that I am one of the people who says "Sorry, I can't reward you because I am saving up." Now, I have since stopped this, having realised that I like my current characters, and that I don't NEED a drow.

I would like to defend those who say this, however.

Firstly, getting rewarded does not always equate to being a good RPer. It can quite often be something as simple as being in the right place at the right time. Two people who are both "good" could have different levels of kismet, mainly because another happens to have been seen by more people. That doesn't make much sense. What I mean to say is this: sometimes rewarding isn't always a direct correlation between ability.

Secondly: I wouldn't say saving up is bad form. Quite often, I have said to friends that I RP with: "Do you mind if I don't reward you? I thought that RP was amazing, but I am saving up for a drow." People have always said not to worry, and that it is the thanks that matter.

Also, the point Gwain made about Kismet replenishing itself. Quite often, you spend kismet far faster that you can ever get it back. This means that someone who really wants a drow/orc can never get it if they reward.

Saying that, I do not think the system needs to be changed, I am just saying that the attitudes towards people who "hoard" their kismet are perhaps a little unfair.


That was not meant to offend anyone at all, so if I have, my apologies.
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Post by Zilvryn » Wed Apr 06, 2005 9:56 am

No offense taken, I just don't see how it is a valid attitude, I reward freely and regularly, have four drow chars and an orc and still have over 1000 current kismet. So I see no reason to hold back from rewarding someone because you are saving up kismet, as Gwain said, it replenishes itself rapidly enough...
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Kismet and characters

Post by Gwain » Wed Apr 06, 2005 10:44 am

Also I feel that to tell someone their rp is good enough to warrant a kismet gift and then tell them that you cannot give it because you are saving it for a special character is bad form in my opinion. It might offend the character that has rp'd to be informed of that fact and might discourae them in the future. Though most will shrug it off.
I can understand if you have no more kismet to give that day or none left to give to tell someone that you would if you could, but to tell them when you have available that you are denying them kismet does not seem right.

This does not mean you have to give all the time, but you should not say at all what you would give if you do not plan on giving. It's like a teasing.

Either gift or do not. Don't explain that an rp is worthy of a kismet gift then not give if you have available kismet to give.

This is of course my own opinion.

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Post by Kregor » Wed Apr 06, 2005 11:17 am

Kismet cost for certain classes and races, as I understand, is also geared toward the coming new char creation system which will include even more difficult RP races, as well as rare races such as planetouched, certain elf subraces and the like.

As I understand, in this latter case, the purpose of the kismet cost will be to limit the number of a rare species floating around the realms. It would be a real RP killer if a whole group of Aracocra or Aquatic elves were to just pop into the scene on the first day of the new system, or one person created two or three. The kismet cost (I suspect it will be high) would help govern this.

My thoughts would be that if people just hoard their kismet, when this system ultimately does come out, if the cost of these new chars is indeed a regulating factor, then all it will accomplish if people hoard kismet is that the admins will pump up the cost of kismet chars.

I personally, would like to see even a minimal kisment applied on many of the char races.... We began requiring dwarves to have kismet in order to encourage play by experienced chars who will RP a dwarf well. Where in honesty, it takes some effort to RP an elf properly also. It disappoints me as much to see pointy eared humans as it does to see flying dwarves. Most of the non-human races have their own quirks, traits and such that set them apart from humans. Putting a kismet cost on non-human races in my thoughts would 1) Put non-humans in the hands of those more experienced on the MUD, and hopefully better exposed to the traits of that particuler race in Fearun as they observe other chars. and 2) Having newbies create humans initially helps boost the ratio of humans in the FK world, which as I observe, is sorely out of proportion to the population of Fearun.
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Post by Isolrem » Wed Apr 06, 2005 8:56 pm

considering people who have less time to play, to invest time in RP or game time in general, kismet is more valuable.
I, for example.
But most importantly, no one has given a credible reason about why total kismet is unsatisfactory for the purpose of this... learning.
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