Drizzt Wanna-bes

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Post by Zilvryn » Sun May 08, 2005 5:41 pm

I don't quite understand what you're asking...
What matters the most is how well you walk through the fire.

Post by Gwain » Sun May 08, 2005 6:17 pm

Mobs do not care if you are standing merrily and skipping along or keeping to yourself. They are mobs, angry villagers that see evil brought on by years of legends and horror stories, so they will attack.

What I dislike is seeing half drow and such in the open in the Market square of waterdeep. I have foul evils myself and it took a while to grasp the concept of taking them out of a busy place full of god fearing people so that I did not get strung up. I accepted the fact that I looked evil (wonderfully evil :twisted: ) and I had to sulk back into the shadows and plot a safer course of events as to parlay into the city again.

Some peoples are jaded enough or indifferent enough to let things slide. However I begin to question the ic knowledge a pc holds of the race they are playing when they bring it into a place frequented by mortal enemies of their bloodline and daly about like a happy faerie. I accept the fact that you can become the centre of attention in the square, but come on, would a half drow risk their lives in Waterdeeps market ? Would they destroy their plans... would they soujourn there any longer than needed to do something? Would they walk around with no disguise and causually speak their own tongue and deal with elves?

I'm not one to judge but in all honesty a drow is a drow. I think that it's been said here, that many will see a half drow as a full and react in turn and many will not. But I wonder, I wonder what a half drow would need in Waterdeep. I wonder for all the fr full drows living solidary lives on the surface some evil and others trying to be good. They must hide and they are suspicious of all contact, going so far as to wear magical disguises and living in isolationist ways. They are subtle and they live.

Those drow that are not, no matter how good their intentions, no matter that they have done nothing or are indifferent. They will most likely be caught, tarred feathered, burnt at the stake, lynched and thrown out. It's to be expected. Drow are drow if they look like drow. Be they half blooded or full. Try to rp this accordingly if you wish and expect not only pc's but mob's also (yes mobiles even though they would not react to you codewise, would icly be afraid and angered by the sight of something drow-like) to treat you like what you look like. Do not be suprized at being bothered icly as you lounge in the market and deal with the other races through fk. Just try to rp accordingly.

thank you.

Post by Dilan » Sat Jun 04, 2005 5:41 pm

I'm so tired of hearing about Good Drow trying to act like Drizzt, be yourself! Be Evil! Play the Drow right for crying outloud! Don't be a good Drow. Or I will eat you!!!
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Post by Zilvryn » Sat Jun 04, 2005 6:17 pm

Come down to Menzo, we're lovely down here...
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Post by Nerre » Sun Sep 11, 2005 6:50 pm

Adding my two cents to this topic...

...if I were to see a half-drow, my character would be prone to kill it, as well as anyone being nice to it. They are DROW, plain and simple.

I'd also like to express my disgust at anyone wanting to mimic Drizzt Do'Urden. Sure, he is a pretty cool character, but the absolute rarity of the good Drow elf is being shortsold by dozens upon dozens of children because they want to stand out like he did.

You want to stand out as a character? Play a race no one plays. Start storylines with your character.

Imitating a character from a book won't get you praise. It'll get you laughed at, most likely.
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Post by Isolrem » Sun Sep 11, 2005 10:11 pm

True enough... except there is a fair number of at-least-neutral drows in service of the Lady of the Dance - Eilistraee, maybe one per a hundred drows? five hundred?
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Post by Sia » Sun Sep 11, 2005 10:27 pm

It may be true that there are neutral-going-on-good drow in the Forgotten Realms world, but FK simply does not have enough drow to begin with, and considering the vast majority are xenophobic evil killing machines.. maybe when Menzo is overflowing with dark elves, then we'll have a good drow or two.

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Post by Nerre » Mon Sep 12, 2005 2:15 am

Once I find out how much kismet it is to play a Drow (and once I get finished with a few RP story arcs that I am in) I plan on making an evil Drow.
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RE: Drow

Post by Andreas » Mon Sep 12, 2005 4:58 am

The only kind of drow you can make are evil ones.

And as much as it might be "realistic" RP to kill a half-drow on sight, we all need to follow the pkill rules and roleplay appropriately. Just because PC Jane Doe is of a race that your PC hates is not enough reason to go lopping heads off.
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Re: RE: Drow

Post by Nerre » Mon Sep 12, 2005 6:50 am

Andreas wrote:The only kind of drow you can make are evil ones.

And as much as it might be "realistic" RP to kill a half-drow on sight, we all need to follow the pkill rules and roleplay appropriately. Just because PC Jane Doe is of a race that your PC hates is not enough reason to go lopping heads off.
Oh, I know, and I'm sorry I wasn't clear. His inclination would be hostile. I wouldn't just walk up and kill. Trust me, I like this place too much to accumulate strikes :)
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Post by Wenin » Sat Dec 10, 2005 1:59 pm

Something that hasn't been mentioned here, but the liberal side of my brain calls out to be heard (damn weak thing!!) is for those half drow (and half orcs) that came about at no fault of their mothers. I'm not saying that this should allow for good or neutral half drow, at all.... but perhaps pity to be felt by others for these bastard children.

I've read a lot of the FR material, and this really isn't cover within them either.


I recently ran into a Half Drow character, and didn't want to automatically jump to the position that he should be ground into the dirt. Though after reading through this forum, anyone playing a Half Drow should expect this kind of treatment, so I probably shouldn't have given any slack.
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Post by Kregor » Sat Dec 10, 2005 3:29 pm

While I think that most of us would probably advocate tolerance toward verious races, faiths, creeds, et al, in the real world. When we sink into our FK roles, we have to take ourselves back into a much earlier frame of mind for the most part.

Racism is alive and well, and pretty much expected on Toril. And broad sweeping generalities about with this racism. Some races are mortal enemies - orcs and elves/dwarves, drow and just about every goodly race, the humans of Hillsfar and Sembia hate and persecute elves, and so on.

To this end, If it looks, talks and smells like a drow, for most people, it's a drow. It's hard to live down a heritage of hatred and self-superiority toward just about every other race, and this stigma from goodly chars is part of the drawback of playing a drow or half-drow.
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Post by Kirkus » Sat Dec 10, 2005 8:02 pm

Let me pose a question..... If a half-elf, the child of a human and an elf, has mixed features, wouldn't a half-drow be the same? ie mixed features of his lineage. Second question, are we saying a half-drow is; a, half drow and half human, or b, half drow and half surface elf?

Here is my point. All of these situations bring up different reactions from the surrounding community. Say a drow raiding party attacks a human settlement there is the usual events of raping, pillaging and burning. A child of that attack would be half-drow. Half drow and half human. Now depending on the attitude of the mother of the child and her family and society she might or might not keep the child. In our case the child is obviously kept, or there would be no cause for discussion. Now the child is going to have mixed features of drow and human, so who knows, he/she might even be able to pass as human in the right situation. But the child is going to be raised to hate drow.

In elven society, a half drow half elf child would be, in my opinion accepted but not with loving open arms. It would be constantly viewed as an outsider but I do not think it would be hated. The child would lead a very hard life but I don't think it would be enough to say that all half-drow are evil.

Then in drow society I think it would be simply either be put to death or made a slave.

I think other societies would look at the person and either see enough drow to keep a close eye on the half-drow or not notice. It once again all depends on the half-drow.
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Post by Wenin » Sun Dec 11, 2005 4:18 am

Elves breed true.

If a Drow and a Surface Elf were to have a child, the child would be either a Drow or a Surface Elf, no mixture of features. This is according to canon material you can find mentioned in the WotC forums. Think about it, with the elves living so close to each other for tens of thousands of years.... there wouldn't be any Moon Elves or Gold Elves... there would only be Elves.

Half Drow would have to be half human, as I'm not sure of any other races that are able to breed with elves.

The dark skin of a half drow would stand out, and would never pass as human. While there could be "brown" or "tan" skinned humans... there are no greyish, black skinned humans.

In real life, if a person from Africa and a person from Europe were to have a child, the child's skin is never "white". It is a shade of "brown", that shade gets lighter and lighter with more mixture of European lineage.... but for someone from the heart of Africa being involved... there'd be no mistaking the child for being of European decent.
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Post by Kirkus » Sun Dec 11, 2005 5:36 pm

You were doing very good......... untill you said that there wern't any dark skinned humans. There are, and amazingly enough there are lots. If you have the FR Campaign setting check out page 10 there is a nice little box that describes the humans of Faerun. And says where people with this shade of skin or this hue of hair are from. I know of this because I use it every time I begin a new character.

Now let me just hit upon the pertinent entries. Those with Southern blood in Waterdeep, Amn, the Dragon Coast, and Sembia.... they have black hair and Dusky skin. Then there are those from Calimshan and They whose skin range from dusky nut brown, to ochre. Next the Old Empires some have skin a dark dun, a dark brownish grey to dark greyish brown. And finally there are those from Rashemen and Narfell with swarthier skin.

Here is my point. We have all seen people, I assume, with mixed heratige. Going to college you see thousands of people a day. We are not simply white or simply black. Yeah to a drow it would be obvious that the half-drow was a half breed but not to a surface dweller.

dusky - Tending to blackness in color; Rather dark in color tending toward black in comparison with other shades.

dun - An almost neutral brownish gray to dull grayish brown

swarthier - having a dark complexion of color
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Post by Wenin » Sun Dec 11, 2005 6:50 pm

While there could be "brown" or "tan" skinned humans... there are no greyish, black skinned humans.
No where in my post did I say there aren't dark skinned humans.

Human pigment isn't capable of producing "BLACK" coloring. Only very dark dark brown.

Drow are BLACK, as in obsidian.

The descriptions within 3ed Campaign Guide describe the same spectrum of skin color you find in Reality. No where on this planet are there TRUELY black skinned people.

Half Drow would be of lighter skin color of a Full Drow. Light Black, is not dusky... it is grey... to smokey in color.

Perhaps a dark skinned human and a drow mating, would produce an interesting skin color that could pass as human. Shrugs, I was limiting my thinking to the skin colors found in and around Waterdeep, Cormyr and the Dales.

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Post by Timaeus » Sun Dec 11, 2005 10:26 pm

The help files for both races include the normal skin tones acceptable in FK. Drow are jet black skinned and Half-drow are dusky skinned. While heritage may be evident in a half-drow they are sufficiently different that it would be apparent that they are not full drow.
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Post by Kirkus » Sun Dec 11, 2005 10:44 pm

I was merely pointing out that half-drow could live in certain societies and blend in with little difficulty, and not look like a total outsider so different to make people say " Oh thats a drow! kill it!"
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Post by Timaeus » Sun Dec 11, 2005 10:48 pm

I agree Kirkus, and no one should just see a half-drow (or any race for that matter including half-orcs) adjective and then immediately become aggressive. Take time to look at the characters description, pose, and equipment. You may not even be able to discern the race at all depending on what they are wearing. Especially if they are wearing maskshoods etc.
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Post by Athon » Mon Dec 12, 2005 5:30 am

One of my drow was on the surface due to a a long-term RP to increase activities between the underdark and the surface. In such, I was playing my drow as to hiding in the shadows of a sewer.

However, I still had people say, "Look, a drow!" despite my pose being something like: 'Diszaxl hides in the shadows, wrapped tightly in his robes so that his race is undetectable.' In reality, they would have no way of knowing I'm a drow but it is near-impossible to enforce this in the game. Basically my point is a reiteration of what Timaeus said: People just ignore things like pose, equipment, and other factors and just immeditately jump to assumptions and must be fixed in order to enhance the RP between the variety of races.
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