Chopping wood to make kindling?

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Chopping wood to make kindling?

Post by Wenin » Fri Dec 09, 2005 2:14 pm

I've looked in the help files, did a search of the forums and didn't find this idea listed.


It seems that you can only gather a horde of it from the dummies in the basement of Oghma church (or other dummies), or buy the wood at 2+ silver from merchants that happen to have it. I'm sure there are other ways to obtain the wood, but they don't seem to be from 'obvious' sources such as chopping down trees (love it rangers!) or even gathering wood from the ground when outdoors.

There should be a VERY good chance of finding firewood within a forest, and should still be possible to find wood on the plains of Faerun.

Perhaps if the 'search' command could be utilized for this?

I know this goes along the lines of previous ideas of search being used for forage, but I'd also like to add the ability to chop down trees... as I'm sure some orcs out there would love to be taking up their time doing such things. =)

Plus it would be kinda cool if rangers could have a chance of hearing someone chopping down trees in neighboring or from two rooms away. Make for some good RP.
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Post by Tortus » Fri Dec 09, 2005 2:55 pm

There already is an easy way to obtain wood to make fire with from the forest, much like the one you suggested, and additionally: Any wooden item is flammable.
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Post by Algon » Fri Dec 09, 2005 2:57 pm

It is possible to come across pieces of wood on the ground while walking through the forest. It is much like coming across an earthstone or Perfectly Smooth stone, you just kind of find it.
But nobody wants to walk into a room with 200 pieces of wood laying on the ground where someone is trying to train their logging trade. :P
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Post by Wenin » Fri Dec 09, 2005 4:39 pm

I'm having problems wrapping my head around for this seperation of IC and OOC information. I understand the concept, but I don't understand the implementation of the policy.

My character should know how to grab an axe, head out to the woods and start chopping up wood. He should also know how to go and pick up wood from within the forest.

Tortus, indicates that such methods are available within the game, but because me as a Player is unable to find the OOC "Command" that would allow me to do what my character should be able to do ICly... the information is withheld on the board. To me, commands that work within the game is OOC information, that should be given freely.

Or am I reading Tortus' vague reply incorrectly?

Algon, good point, I hadn't really thought of that, though I hadn't thought it would be a skill that could be trained... so no such items would accumulate. Also the wood could be made to disappear.... ie blend back in with the world, eat'n by insects, much like the maggots eating corpses within an hour... and blood soaking through the ground.
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Post by Algon » Fri Dec 09, 2005 5:14 pm

Well most people would be able to go out and take a knife and cut a piece of meat from a corpse also. But you need to have the slice skill within the game to do so. There are a number of things that someone should be able to do, but cannot do without certain skills.
Say someone decided to go out and cut a tree down to get some wood. They would need to know how to do this so they dont have a tree fall on their head. So I can see where it would have to be learned. But perhaps make it a quest where when you are done you can just do it, no skills or trades to level just able to cut a piece of wood. Much like cutting a branch to make an arrow?
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Post by Balek » Fri Dec 09, 2005 9:47 pm

Tortus's reply seems vague and fails to include a command simply because there isn't actually a command to use to get wood in the game. Forest rooms in the wilderness occasionally create items when someone walks into the room, one of the possibilities is a piece of wood.

On another note, I believe there is some kind of a logging trade either being considered or coded.
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Post by Tyr » Fri Dec 09, 2005 10:07 pm

Logging is already coded. Waiting on area support I think.
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