Money... is it a rich man's world?

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Post by Eltsac » Fri Aug 04, 2006 8:34 am

I really like the idea of an offline job.

Just wondered how you would deal with multiple characters?
I mean i have quite some characters...
when i play one would all the others making money on the side?

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Post by Glim » Fri Aug 04, 2006 8:49 am

From a timepoint perspective as well as looking at IC costs of things, I also dont think a peasants salary would be more than a few gold, if they word really hard maybe a platinum.

But I could be wrong... :)
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Post by Cret » Fri Aug 04, 2006 9:46 am

About Dalvyns post: Off line Jobs.

This would be wonderful. I mean. I rp Cret as a theorticical teacher for different guilds, mainly in illusions and mental abilities. Being that the only reason he would go out and kill anything, let alone farm for coin, is to help someone who need it. This goes along with his Smithing, Lapidary, Smelting, and Minning. I dont like to sit and spam-skill. Thats why I havent GMed any of them (not even at the point where you could do so in less then 2 days). If I could somehow show meaning behind these proffesions beyond Rp that would help a whole lot.

You can use similar code to the Faith lists: Have someone apply for a job at some union/jobfair. Immortals can set rank in these jobs.

Level # Name gold/day

level 1 - New Hire (For low level people or those new to the job) 1g /day
level 2 - Novice 2g/d
level 3 - Journeyman 4g/d
level 4 - Skilled Laborer 5g/d
level 5 - Foreman 8g/d
level 6 - Master 2p/d
level 7 - etc..

These would be applyed for. Make seperate areas for people.

Jobs could include:

Anything under trade's. Dockworker - Messenger - and anything else that could work. Alow people to hold multiple.. maby up too 3. No one could have the same rank in anything say above a level 3.

Cret's score: Jobs: Teacher(Master), Jeweler(Foreman), Smith(Journeyman)

As for money: (this isnt actual facts, just an example)

A platinum band ring with a ruby setting on Fk sells for 4g and change.
A suit of plate mail sells on fk for 15 platinum.

The same ring would sell for 100 platinum
The plate would sell for 40 platinum.. at most.

Im not saying incress the cost of lapidary. Cause its too simple to be abused. However change the cost of gems in the game.

"Oh look, its an ebon blood ruby! This will sell for 100 platinum. Oh a sword of painfull mistakes! That will sell for 48 platinum! Oh! 52 platinum! There are four of us.. I will give somone fifty platinum right now for their share if I can have the ruby. And the other two can manage with the sword and coin." After much backstabbing, i walk away with it all anyways but the point is.

Platinum is not the only form of curency in the game. Gems make a viable sourse too. Dont have people hoarding Platinum. I know on Cret. I held 15 seperate wands. So I didnt have to sell them for platinum. But I still held their worth. That worth was 2400 platinum. Then when shops stoped buying wand.. I had wands I didnt need and was out that much coin.

Have areas set as group_only areas. Where people can go in as a group. And at the end might get a special item. Such as the Dragon's hoard. 10 gems worth 10 plat a piece, a shiny buckle of gnat slaying, and a used toothpick with a value of 2 bent copper. Or a pound of suplher, 3 donughts, and a snickers bar. Not only would it promote more Rp, but it would alow people to make money in that way.
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Post by Kirkus » Fri Aug 04, 2006 6:20 pm

Isolrem... Dalvyn never said anything about imprinting on room descriptions. Names arn't going to be shown of people who are off line, as far as I read. Now if you can point me to the spot where he said that.... perhaps I missed something but from what I saw of Dalvyns post It does look good for rp.
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Post by Gregal » Fri Aug 04, 2006 8:08 pm

LOL, I personally love this idea, I mean I can see Griggs writing scrolls and copying books in a Temple of Oghma. Even a famous newspaper writer has to have a past time hobby. But I think that this will add to rp, and allow characters to really help out. Chaunteans quitting in a garden and get paid for helping plant the crops maybe even some coins and food when they log back on. Talonians quitting in a alchemy lab and get paid and perhaps a herb. Tons of diffrent ways to increase the rp, also can add a favor increase, depending all on the time you are logged off.
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Post by Isolrem » Sun Aug 06, 2006 5:41 pm

Let me rephrase. I suggested the imprint of character's name in the room description following Dalvyn's idea, so that characters can not simply work at jobs they have no IC cause to do without any thought of consequences. After all, who would know about the job besides yourself when your character is offline?
Of course, the other logical idea to control this is for imms to monitor all logs of characters working at jobs. However, this seems to be way to much work for imms (especially as they need to know the intricate IC details of each character), and the consequences are not as related to RP.
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Post by Lerytha » Sun Aug 06, 2006 5:58 pm

I am rather enamoured of this as a solution to everything, I know. Sorry.

How about a "toggle" command, in relation to offline jobs? So, you go to an ICly appropriate area, and type "toggle job on".

Or maybe, "toggle scribe on" if you have more than one job. This would then send an echo, much like "steal" does, or such like. That way, imms can peruse it at their leisure.

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Post by Kirkus » Mon Aug 07, 2006 1:46 am

Thanks for clearing that Isolrem, I had missed that you had suggested that. I like the idea. But logging it as you said, would probabily be too much work for imms.
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Post by Glim » Tue Aug 08, 2006 6:32 am

Three words:

In game poker :twisted:
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Post by Nicolya » Fri Sep 01, 2006 4:59 am

I know my first character was constantly broke. Either from her buying new outfits or just my general ignorance of where to get coins.
Coming back now and playing Cerise, the Express service and a few quests have been just wonderful. Now I dont feel I have to rely on the charity of others and I dont feel to inept.

A suggestion to add to the job idea tossed out is that perhaps for a few coins a player who logged out in a temple could do some odd jobs. Maybe base this on favor level. Ignored earns you sweeping the cobwebs out of the tallest spires while cherished or love maybe grants you some role in a ritual, like an altarboy for those non priests. Or for a priest officiating some services.
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Post by Velsavius » Fri Sep 01, 2006 8:42 am

Going back to where a character can continue to work whilst not in game and concerning the logging off in particular areas ie; smithies (for metal workers) temples (for priests and scribes) there was talk of earning a little money on the side you could easily cap the amount earned depending on skill or level or favour or any other combination. So even if you didn't log onto a character for a month there would not be some exorbitant amount accrued

Sadly this like a lot of things in the game could be abused, so some form of timer that stops you from collecting your dues and then logging off again would have to implemented say.. after 3 hours of connection time you are able to re'work' again.

I think the whole thing is a good idea but then I'm not the one who would have to work out how to implement the programming. Like other things in the game it really depends on whether others like the idea also and/or have the time and inclination to go ahead with it.

Just my five cents... We don't have two's anymore in Australia :wink:
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Post by Amalia » Fri Sep 01, 2006 2:12 pm

If it's de-twink-able, the jobs idea sounds dandy.

Removing the 20-40 platinum cost for exchanging glory would, in my opinion, also greatly reduce the demand on coin-- I've been told this is in the works a few months ago, but as far as I can tell hasn't been implemented.
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Offline job

Post by Valdimyr » Fri Sep 01, 2006 8:55 pm

If it's de-twink-able, the jobs idea sounds dandy.

Amalia took the words right out of my mouth. I read over the entire thread and from the sounds of it, I didn't like it. But, if you can take the twink out of it, I wouldn't mind it one bit.
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Post by Rennick » Wed Dec 20, 2006 10:40 pm

I don't really know how to best word my question with this...but I read a lot of interesting things discussed in this string of posts and I was wondering if these things were still in the works, or something else entirely? For me, I find it quite difficult to earn money on any sort of regular basis, and so this topic interests me.

I was reading and it seemed that people were torn over whether or not the best way to earn money was raiding areas or some other way. I personally hate raiding areas, because it is boring, but I will admit that I know of few other ways to earn substantial coin.

So I really don't know what, if anything, to suggest to fix it. But I wanted to say that I liked the idea about having offline jobs for characters, but would agree that it would need to be carefully examined to work out potential abuse.
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Post by Dalvyn » Thu Dec 21, 2006 1:15 am

Offline jobs require hard code modification to be introduced, so I cannot really say anything about those (since I'm not a hard coder).

If you have area-based solutions though, that could be added without changing the hard code (e.g., without adding new commands), I would be find with coding them.

I have already added a few mobs around the world, who hire guards to escort them to various cities (Waterdeep, Zazesspur, Westgate, Zhentil Keep if I remember well). Would it be worth adding more of those? Wouldn't eventually driving people from one place to another be as boring and nonsensical as raiding areas though?

Another option would be to introduce a system of shops in various cities, each of them selling some products and buying another type of products (based on the importation/exportation plan presented in the Forgotten Realms world book), and allow PCs to get coins by buying goods in some place and selling them in another place, that is, acting as travelling merchants. Would it be used though? Wouldn't it too get boring and nonsensical?
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Post by Japcil » Thu Dec 21, 2006 3:14 am

The traveling idea to sell goods as an import/export idea sounds interesting. As far as nonsensical and boring, well yeah if you go alone and don't hire help maybe. I think it would allow for interesting roleplays on the behalf of the followers of waukeen and yondalla especially because of their portfolios, maybe others as well.

A system where interest can be accrued would be nice. Say as rough numbers you gain 1 gold or possibly a few electrum per hour played for every full platinum in your account. This way you can't log an account after a month of inactivity and find you have 100 plat you didn't have before.
Thats would be hard code however.

As far as area code being used to manipulate to help increase the economy of the PCs I see little ways other then some quests. Like perhaps such:

"The bankers in berdusk are short on platinum coins for exhanging of currency. They are paying an extra 5 silver per platinum coin exchanged." Where such a intercept prog can be used with "exchange".

That is my thoughts for now.
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Post by Rennick » Fri Dec 22, 2006 11:15 pm

So...just wanted to respond to Dalvyn's post and say that after your last post was the first time that I'd tried one of the mobs that hires a guard, and I really like it. I will say that the one that I tried did not provide a lot of money, but it did provide some and is a good help in such. This was in response to whether or not you should add more...I won't say yes or no since i've not found any of the others that you mentioned...but i just wanted to say that I like that quest/job/task.
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Post by Dalvyn » Sun Dec 24, 2006 11:21 am

Well, yesterday, it was raining down coins in Waterdeep... so I guess that qualifies as a good way to help people get richer. Though not one that can happen too often :)
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Post by Kregor » Mon Dec 25, 2006 10:51 pm

Dalvyn wrote:]Another option would be to introduce a system of shops in various cities, each of them selling some products and buying another type of products (based on the importation/exportation plan presented in the Forgotten Realms world book), and allow PCs to get coins by buying goods in some place and selling them in another place, that is, acting as travelling merchants. Would it be used though? Wouldn't it too get boring and nonsensical?
I had offered some posts on this topic a long while back, and actually submitted a proposal to Sharni for such an area-driven trading system... it kind of got lost after I submitted it though. I think such a system would be very lucrative for those who want to establish a character in the life of a trader. Since we do have the goddess of commerce established ;)

I think it would be a great idea, to have a buy low/sell high model between the cities, and take advantage of the vast expanse of land this game covers.
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