OK Muds Down. Looking For Something to do?

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OK Muds Down. Looking For Something to do?

Post by Rhytania » Tue Aug 08, 2006 9:51 pm

Hey Guys,
I got a couple of areas that I am working on. This is a chance for you to finally get that great mundane item you would love to see in game.

Is a major Hub for the caravan system of the Sword Coast, so ICLY they would have all manners of goods from all over Faerune. So be creative!
I need fluff Items for the shops:
-Trinkets: (If you have have something that you want to do something ie pull a strink and the dolls eyes open or something similiar try and be specific and ill put a prog on it.)
-Armour/Weapons: Really only looking for colors/desc for these. Please no +5 Vorpal Sword of Imm-ness. If there are some mundane weapons or armour you would like to see go ahead and list them.

I would really like to put some great quests in this area. So if youve got a Quest idea go ahead an pitch it. I would prefer that you do not post here the information or details, however if you email them to me I can hold them and Ill get back to you if I have any more questions or details. Im doing this of my own accord and if I use your quest in any of my areas, Ill go ahead and add your name into the created by Section. Sadly I cant offer more, but I always give the credit where it due so you get the bonus of having a really cool quest in the game and your name in the Built By section! So go ahead get those gears spinning for a quest for any alignment/class/race you would love to see. (Ill even go so far as to offer the chance for you to be immortalized by creating you as one of the mobs!) No technical experiance is neccessary All I need you to do is give me a summary or a flowchart of how the quest works.

So let me know, My email is listed as are my IMs.
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Post by Glim » Tue Aug 08, 2006 10:06 pm


Id love to see the different gems and jewelry that are featured in the FR. Beregost always makes me think of the Baldur's Gate game, so maybe I can list some of the items for that game and you can pick and choose and get ideas from there?

Alot of these items are already in the game, so forgive me if they are. Also, ignore the item codes before the name, it was easier just to copy and paste without removing them.

AMUL04 - Studded Necklace with Zios Gems
AMUL05 - Bluestone Necklace
AMUL06 - Agni Mani Necklace
AMUL07 - Rainbow Obsidian Necklace
AMUL08 - Tiger Cowrie Shell Necklace
AMUL09 - Silver Necklace
AMUL10 - Gold Necklace
AMUL11 - Pearl Necklace
AMUL12 - Laeral's Tear Necklace
AMUL13 - Bloodstone Amulet
MISC16 - Fire Agate Gem
MISC17 - Lynx Eye Gem
MISC18 - Sunstone Gem
MISC19 - Turquoise Gem
MISC20 - Bloodstone Gem
MISC21 - Skydrop Gem
MISC22 - Andar Gem
MISC23 - Jasper Gem
MISC24 - Tchazar Gem
MISC25 - Zircon Gem
MISC26 - Iol Gem
MISC27 - Moonstone Gem
MISC28 - Waterstar Gem
MISC29 - Ziose Gem
MISC30 - Chrysoberyl Gem
MISC31 - Star Diopside Gem
MISC32 - Shandon Gem
MISC33 - Aquamarine Gem
MISC34 - Garnet Gem
MISC35 - Horn Coral Gem
MISC36 - Pearl
MISC37 - Sphene Gem
MISC38 - Black Opal
MISC39 - Water Opal
MISC40 - Moonbar Gem
MISC41 - Star Saphire(sic)
MISC42 - Diamond
MISC43 - Emerald
MISC44 - Kings Tears
MISC45 - Rogue Stone
RING10 - Gold Ring
RING11 - Silver Ring
RING12 - Onyx Ring
RING13 - Jade Ring
RING14 - Greenstone Ring
RING15 - Bloodstone Ring
RING16 - Angel Skin Ring
RING17 - Flamedance Ring
RING18 - Fire Opal Ring
RING19 - Ruby Ring

Forgive my lack of originality :P Dont have much time before class.
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Post by Raona » Tue Aug 08, 2006 10:25 pm

There were a few non-cooking objects in that came up in this thread, that I liked:
http://www.forgottenkingdoms.com/board/ ... php?t=5154

I'm particularly keen for puppets, myself. I'd love to be able to play the puppeteer from time to time! (Though they might be the coolest as pets, so you could ORDER them to do things? Ah, but then they would count against the pet maximum. SMOTE will work just fine, then!)

Raona has a couple of stories she's writing into books, but she'd love to put them on as plays, with some bardic help...they are parables, fables, really, even though based on IC real life history! Perfect for the young to learn about the dangers that lurk outside the walls, methinks.

Oh, and they may already be available somewhere, but more available eyeglasses would be neat!
Last edited by Raona on Tue Aug 08, 2006 11:15 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by Geneveve » Tue Aug 08, 2006 11:02 pm

I'm bored so I should be able to come up with lots of fluff..

-Food: Hmm..As far as food goes maybe some muffins, porridge, oatmeal, bacon (It's breakfast time..), toast, maybe some candy of some sort..

-Clothes - Different colored ribbons that can be worn in the hair.
Maybe just sell whole sets of clothes but put the different pieces in different shops. For example one shop will sell a long flowing blue skirt, and then the inn a few shops down will sell the belt to go with it (Like in the certain town where you have to walk all around to find a whole set of studded leather armour) I like having to look around the town for things.
Maybe some different colored high-heeled shoes..besides red..
A blue pack of some sort....if there is one on the game already...it is well hidden.

-Trinkets: Since there are so many people getting homes now...maybe things for the home like a potted plant, or a pretty vase with some sort of intricate design on it. And I liked the puppet idea!

-Armour/Weapons: I got nothin for this section..

It's amazing the junk you can come up with when you have nothing to do.
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Post by Rhytania » Wed Aug 09, 2006 12:08 am

I'm particularly keen for puppets, myself. I'd love to be able to play the puppeteer from time to time! (Though they might be the coolest as pets, so you could ORDER them to do things? Ah, but then they would count against the pet maximum. SMOTE will work just fine, then!)
Great Idea Raona. What sort of things would puppets do? Gimme a list of things that you would like them to do like dance, swing, ect ect and Ill look to attaching progs to it, so they can echo when you use them.

Great Ideas keep em rolling in.
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Post by Tortus » Wed Aug 09, 2006 7:11 am

How about wrist sheaths and scabbards in every thinkable colour?

Code: Select all

a red leather wrist sheath
a bright green leather wrist sheath
a blue leather wrist sheath
a yellow leather wrist sheath
a cyan leather wrist sheath
a pink leather wrist sheath
a white leather wrist sheath
a grey leather wrist sheath
a crimson leather wrist sheath
a green leather wrist sheath
a midnight blue leather wrist sheath
a brown leather wrist sheath
a teal leather wrist sheath
a purple leather wrist sheath
a black leather wrist sheath
The same could be done for items made of metal as well, both scabbards and sheaths.

I think many would be happy about items like those.
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Post by Hrosskell » Wed Aug 09, 2006 8:51 am

Weapons loops, too, would be nice. As far as weapons go, I could think of a few exotic/less seen things for you, if you'd like - there are certainly some mundane weapon variants in the game, such as the main gauche or sabres (there are a few sabres, but they're not as interesting as one could hope). But, uh, more are on the way. I'll edit this post to save some space.
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Post by Brar » Wed Aug 09, 2006 9:03 am

If we have some coding abilities, can we already code the items so it's less work for you?

I'm thinking about dice.. where you can throw from one to six.
Would help to play dice...
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Post by Raona » Wed Aug 09, 2006 11:58 am

I don't actually know enough about code for objects to be sure how to answer your question, Rhytania! But here's a possible RP of a puppet play:

If they are pets:
PC1:ORDER DOG SMOTE raises its hind leg and says "My property is my property."

Echo: A dog puppet raises its hind leg and says "My property is my property."

PC2: ORDER ELF SMOTE winces in disgust but then shrugs, saying "Ah, it is the way of nature."

Echo An elf puppet winces in disgust but then shrugs, saying "Ah, it is the way of nature."

If puppets are objects:
PC1: SMOTE causes a dog puppet to raise its hind leg and say "My property is my property."

Echo: PC1 causes a dog puppet to raise its hind leg and say "My property is my property."

PC2: SMOTE makes his elf puppet wince in disgust, then shrug, replying "Ah, it is the way of nature."

Echo: PC2 make his elf puppet wince in disgust, then shrug, replying "Ah, it is the way of nature."

A list of commands for puppets would either have to be expansive, and it would seem to make sense to use existing commands for them, or it could be short, limited to cutesy things like SNUGGLE, HUG, SLAP, CRY, and TICKLE, or something along those lines.

Hope that helps!
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Post by Eltsac » Wed Aug 09, 2006 12:43 pm

What would be nice is some boot sheats for short blades in the middle layer (between socks and boots).
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Post by Larethiel » Wed Aug 09, 2006 1:04 pm

Undershirts would be nice :) I do always need them

And perhaps something where you can buy weapons bzw. shops that have an enlarged/advanced range of swords especially longswords and one-handed blades. You could buy sheats, scabbards, weapon-loops and accessory there as well.

But only a suggestion :P
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Post by Lukon » Wed Aug 09, 2006 1:26 pm

I, for one, would like to see a couple more 'wilderness' weapons, such as machetes or maybe a kukri. Somehow, hacking throw the foliage with a saber seems wrong. Also, I support all additional sheath-related activity.
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Post by Lysha » Wed Aug 09, 2006 8:27 pm

Sorry, I'm a little late.

-I would like to see more faith armour. *coughcoughTormcoughcough* ^^;;
-Maybe a few RP only items like a cast, a sling for an arm, a brace, splints, dressings for wounds...and make them wearable. :D
I could see people having their arm in a sling after having an arm regrown or something. Or RPing that they broke their leg in a spar.
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Post by Japcil » Wed Aug 09, 2006 8:53 pm

Lysha wrote:Sorry, I'm a little late.

-I would like to see more faith armour. *coughcoughTormcoughcough* ^^;;
-Maybe a few RP only items like a cast, a sling for an arm, a brace, splints, dressings for wounds...and make them wearable. :D
I could see people having their arm in a sling after having an arm regrown or something. Or RPing that they broke their leg in a spar.
I can see some use out of the cast and wound dressing kits. You could code a prog on them so that after a few days of wearing they disentegrate and give the PC a health increase while wearing them.
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Post by Rhytania » Wed Aug 09, 2006 11:07 pm

Wasnt planning on putting a shrine of torm in Beregost, but ill see what I can do. Dunno about the cast though. too open for abuse, I can make some things for RP value, but if it starts getting weird with adding health and stuff that means ill have to limit stam and movemants then make it un removeable until it disintergrates. Maybe make it force you to hop unless you have crutches in each hand at which point you can limp around? I dunno, ill look into it though.
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Post by Eltsac » Thu Aug 10, 2006 8:10 am

Maybe some musical instruments for all. A lot i see in game are expensive (i don't know if they have special abilities). I would love to see others of all kind accessible even at low level.

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Post by Rhytania » Thu Aug 10, 2006 2:31 pm

Maybe some musical instruments for all. A lot i see in game are expensive (i don't know if they have special abilities). I would love to see others of all kind accessible even at low level.
Any instruments in particualr?
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Post by Eltsac » Thu Aug 10, 2006 2:48 pm

Not really, it's more to have a choice on an rp point of view :)

I found some ideas here searching now, i will add if i find other links with instruments picture / description.

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Post by Cret » Fri Aug 11, 2006 8:23 am

I have some Ideas. Was going to put them into my area.. but sense that toppeled..

some bandages (worn close to skin) - body, arm, legs

different sorts of picks:

a latch catch
a bent wire

Formal clothing:

A fashionable silk shirt with a collar
A double brested jacket
Ivory cuff links (maby have them added to lapidary?)

Thats all for now.
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Post by Eltsac » Fri Aug 11, 2006 9:52 am

I was thinking about scabbards / sheats / components pouch / money purse / belt pouches of all sorts wearable at different layers on the belt, so we would have more choice on what to put and where on our belt.

Eltsac who wanders around with 3 spell pouches
Eltsac, Loren Wildsoul, Gaymor, Heleyn Featherhand, Aminiel Emeraldeyes, Derissa Silvershield, Hova, Cal Nimblefinger, Cylistria Baenre
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