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Sword Grand Master
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Post by Leohand » Wed Sep 20, 2006 11:09 pm

What qualifies as a chapter in a book of Poetry? One poem? Two? Three? I am just wondering.
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Sword Bumbler
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Post by Charissa » Wed Sep 20, 2006 11:17 pm

It really depends if the poems fit together and how you would like to write it. :) If you are publishing a book of poems about something like flowers then you should combine them, but if they were completely opposite subjects, I would say to divide them into different chapters.
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Sword Grand Master
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Post by Leohand » Wed Sep 20, 2006 11:22 pm

I have a poem about light, one about darkness, and one that's a warning, really. The one that's a warning is about a certain artifact from D&D that will never be added to FK, I'm sure, but I just made a warning poem about it. All three are of decent length too. I also have a fourth, short one, a dwarven mining ballad I wrote.
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Sword Apprentice
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Post by Moradin » Thu Sep 21, 2006 12:33 pm

Guidance around publications is present in three threads within this part of the forum. Please do search before posting

Regarding size of chapters ... php?t=2389

Regarding stories and poems separated into individual works ... php?t=3010

To summarise; seventy characters per line, twenty lines per page (chapter) and at least five pages to be considered a separate book because of the shortage of vnums available to create new publications

For ease of submission, you may wish to submit publications grouped logically and not submit, say, a single poem until you have others which would sit with it in the same book
Me childr'n 'll make o' their sens yer greatest friends or yer most implacable foe.
If yer daft enough ti git on our wrong side ye'v only yersen ti blame.
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