A few rules on the test port...
Who can be on the test port?
Only builders, admins, and code testers can be on the test port. If you need help to test a quest, you are free to invite people over there, but they should only be on the test prot while they help you with the test.
Also, don't idle on the test port. Log on there only to build, or seek someone, or ask a question, or test an area. Don't stay on the test port if you are not paying attention to the screen. There is nothing more frustrating than having to copyover, asking if those logged in are fine with a copyover, and not getting any answer because they are not paying attention to the screen.
Where can you go while on the test port?
While on the test port, you can only go to the following areas:
- Limbo, especially room 1, to use the Builder Board.
- Waterdeep, to get items to equip mortals to test quests
- the area(s) you are currently building
DO NOT GO TO OTHER AREAS. You are given access to the test port to build your area, not to visit other areas and/or gain information that you shouldn't have access to.
Policy on ostat/rstat/mstat/opstat/rpstat/mpstat
You can use those commands only IN THE AREA(S) YOU ARE CURRENTLY BUILDING. Do not go and o(p)stat/r(p)stat/m(p)stat objects, rooms, and mobiles from other areas. This policy has been repeatedly breached recently, so I'll repeat it once again in bright red, You can only use o(p)stat/r(p)stat/m(p)stat in the areas you are currently building, not in other areas.[/b]