Your opinion on other players

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Your opinion on other players

Post by Dalvyn » Mon Mar 12, 2007 6:39 am

If you were given the opportunity to rate the roleplay of other characters (at no cost to your character or you, except the time it would take to make the rating), would you do it?

Would you prefer the rating to be anonymous, private (only seen by you and the character you rate), or public (visible to all the people in the room)?

If you had the opportunity to rate someone else's roleplay positively, or negatively, would you use both options? Or would you only rate positively when it is deserved, and simply not rate rather than rate negatively?

If you were given the opportunity to rate someone else's roleplay, would you prefer to be given the option to give a comment explaining the positive (or negative) rating? Do you think that such a comment should be mandatory?
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Post by Tavik » Mon Mar 12, 2007 7:28 am

Hmmm....I would definitely take the time to rate other players.

As for the other questions, I guess I would have to say that should be up to the person being rated and not the rater in my opinion. Personally, I would prefer public rating, both positive and negative and manditory comments (for explanation of strong and weak points).

The reason I say that some of those options should be determined by the person being rated is that everyone is different. Where I may see negative comments as constructive criticism, other may see it as insulting, despite good intentions. I could elaborate further, but I really don't want to deviate too far from the questions (at least no further than I already have).
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Post by Tempus » Mon Mar 12, 2007 8:00 am

Tavik - feel free to deviate from the original questions as long as your thoughts are within the broad terms of reference implied by those questions. I think that Dalvyn didn't intend them as the only questions to be answered, but to stimulate discussion in the area of rating others roleplay.

Personally, I would take the time to rate roleplay and would use both positive and negative ratings. I would prefer the rating to be anonymous if I chose it to be, or private otherwise. I say this because having public ratings shown to everyone in the room may discourage people from using the ratings if there are others about - e.g.

Code: Select all

(From Fred's point of view)

>emote gurns, pulling his lips back as far as possible and screwing his face up so much it makes you want to puke.

>Alice has rated your roleplay 'rather poor' for the reason 'forced emotions'

>Bob Osays "What? That's not fair Alice, he's just new"

>Charlie Osays "Yeah man, thats totally bogus."

>Charlie has rated your roleplay 'very good' for the reason 'nice emotes, dude.'

>Bob has rated your roleplay 'very good' for the reason 'yeah man, ignore her.'

>Alice walks off to find some decent people to roleplay with.
If ratings were to be on a scale, I think comments should be mandatory for the extreme ends of the scale (e.g. if the scale was -2 to +2, -2 and +2 should require a comment, -1, 0, +1 should not). An optional comment should still be allowed for those ratings where it is not mandatory.
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Post by Zilvryn » Mon Mar 12, 2007 8:11 am

I would take time to rate peoples RP, but I don't think it's fair to have it viewable by everyone, perhaps only the imms...

RP can be very subjective, there's plenty of people on this MUD that I don't enjoy RPing with, but that doesn't mean that they are "bad" RPers, they just don't flick my switch, if you know what I mean...

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Post by Tavik » Mon Mar 12, 2007 8:54 am

Alright, I'll go a bit further. In my opinion, the ideal situation would be to make negative comments manditory for everyone. I am one that sees said comments as constructive and incentive to better myself. HOWEVER, as I said in my previous post here, not everyone will take negative comments as constructive and I don't think it is the wishes of anyone here to offend any other player, intentionally or not. From what I've seen, the players here are reasonable and rational individuals that can handle these negative comments without taking offense. That said, I would still urge that the negative commenting be optional and available at the request of the ratee.

In my first post here I mentioned that I would prefer public rating. My reason for this is that positive ratings that you know can be seen by others would mean even more and encourage more good RP. Similarly, a bad rating would hold more weight as more people would see it and would serve as a more powerful incentive to increase the quality of their RP.

On the flip side, though, is exactly what Tempus and Zilvryn pointed out: Perception of RP is subjective. What one may see as good, another may see as bad. Another point I thought of after I posted is that it would not be noob friendly. RPing doesn't come naturally to everyone right away. A complete noob may not do the best job RPing for a while. Are we to publicly label them as a "poor RPer" because they're still learning? Furthermore, people may be disinclined to RP with the recipient of negative comments, thus making it even harder for that person to rectify their RP and even once they do, the stigma from their past failings might taint the views of others in the future, furthering the difficulty correcting their RP. All that said, I will revise my position on the topic from having it publicly visible to privately.

As for the comments, I would say they should be manditory. If I get a good rating, I want to know why so I can do more of it. If I get a bad rating, I want to know why so I can stop doing it. Plus, I think that so long as players can maintain good manners, comments will promote better relationships among players. To me, it means a lot more when someone takes the time to explain something to me rather than just seeing "Guy has rated your roleplay as 'good'". Sure, that makes me feel good, but it makes me feel even better when they say something themselves. On the otherside, I think it would take the edge off of being rated poorly (provided it is done delicately). Seeing "Guy has rated your roleplay as 'poor'." might offend some whereas having someone add "Nothing personal, but you really shouldn't be polymorphing into a giant griffon in these tiny caves" not only points out the specific issue, it avoids OOC hostility by turning criticism into advice.
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Re: Your opinion on other players

Post by Glim » Mon Mar 12, 2007 9:53 am

Dalvyn wrote:If you were given the opportunity to rate the roleplay of other characters (at no cost to your character or you, except the time it would take to make the rating), would you do it?
Dalvyn wrote:Would you prefer the rating to be anonymous, private (only seen by you and the character you rate), or public (visible to all the people in the room)?
Private, because I think people wouldnt rate negatively if people could see that. I also would like to give an honest rating without the person being rated getting angry at me.
Dalvyn wrote:If you had the opportunity to rate someone else's roleplay positively, or negatively, would you use both options? Or would you only rate positively when it is deserved, and simply not rate rather than rate negatively?
Honestly, I think I would rate positively much more often than negatively, but if I saw someone doing something obviously bad form, I would be inclined to rate negatively.
Dalvyn wrote:If you were given the opportunity to rate someone else's roleplay, would you prefer to be given the option to give a comment explaining the positive (or negative) rating? Do you think that such a comment should be mandatory?
I think for positive ratings, such a thing should not be mandatory, but if someone were to rate negatively, then it should be. Sort of like, you were rated negatively, then you get to see why, so you know to improve in that area.

Sorry if my response is a little short, will try to write more later,
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Post by Glim » Mon Mar 12, 2007 10:14 am

On another note, if someone felt that their negative roleplay wasnt justified, perhaps they could have it voted upon by the imms or something similar. Someone might vote something to be bad roleplay, but to the character, that might actually be in his roleplay.


I remember a while back when it was regularly known that skinning or eating from humanoids was bad roleplay for goodly characters. I remember Mystra bringing up an example of one savage goodly character that ate from one of each race of his kills, and that even if it was humanoid, it was still in his roleplay to eat from them (I am a bit unclear of the details of this character, but the example still stands). If a person saw this and rated it as bad roleplay, but the character felt that it was in his roleplay, he could have the bad rating voted upon, with a small comment as to why it was in his roleplay to do this. If the imms or whoever it was put up to voted that his justification was fine, then the bad rating would be removed.

If someone could remember this case and make it a bit clearer for me, that would be much appreciated.

Feedback is always welcome,
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Post by Duranamir » Mon Mar 12, 2007 11:23 am

In answer to the direct questions.

Yes I would rate other characters play.

I would prefer anonymous and private (see Tempus’s Example for why.)

I would probably rate positively more often than negatively.

Comments should be mandatory, How else can I know what I should be improving or am doing well ?

And now for my comments

In general I would like to see how I am rated by the other players of the Mud and would react positively to most comments. But there are also time when I would probably would not want to see such ratings or at the time react so positively (I am human and have bad days !). I think you should at the very least have the option of seeing or not seeing the ratings at the time. And not be penalized for not viewing them.

What might be good is if the ratings and comments accumulated in a log of some sort. So that you could if you wished at a quiet time review the ratings and comments that have been made about your character and then think on how you might want to improve or change your RP in your own time. Rather than reacting instantly in perhaps an inappropriate manner. (see Tempus’s comment)

Should all comments bear the same weight? If I am rated badly by an IMM or another player who is rated as excellent does this have the same weight as the same comment from a player who themselves is rated bad ?

Is this rating going to have some in game effect or is it purely OOC for improving peoples RP ? If it is just for improving RP then it becomes up to the rated player and how they feel about whether the comments are justified and whether they change their RP and that is all. If having a high rating has some in game advantage then people are going to want to have a high rating and do things to get one. The system could then be subject to OOC bias and manipulation.

For example :- OOC bias (positive) I am OOC friends with Joe therefore I always rate his RP as excellent and play with him all the time. He does the same for me. Is our rating as an excellent RP'ers deserved ? And would both of us get some advantage from it. ?

There are plenty of other ways that the system could be used/abused but there seems no point in bringing them up here.

Just a few comments. :)

Duranamir (would like to be rated as Evil :twisted: not bad )
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Post by Zilvryn » Mon Mar 12, 2007 11:41 am

Duranamir raises a good point about OOC bias, there are plenty of cliques on this game, we all have our friends that we RP with more than others and this will impact upon how we rate people (regardless of if we try to be impartial).

Again, it's just something that needs to be considered..
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Post by Duranamir » Mon Mar 12, 2007 11:59 am

Apologies for the additional post but this just came into my head.

Philosophical question

What do we gain by putting a numerical rating on RP ?. RP is such an ephemeral personal thing that trying to pin a number on it seems like an unproductive exercise.

A quote I would personally hate to hear..
Hey my character X has str 18 and an RP rating of + 1.5 I'snt that cool.
Personal Opinion
The whole point of RP is to enjoy your self in playing a game. RP itself is a means to and end and not an end in itself.

I enjoy RP'ing with other people and the interaction between well played characters. I don't do it compete in how well I can RP. I do it because it is fun to put myself into the situations and think how this particular character might react. And see how the other characters react to my character.

In the end the whole thing comes down to are you having fun playing this game and this character whether anyone else approves or not ?.

Important caveat to the above statement. As long as you are not hurting anyone else's enjoyment of the game.

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Post by Ceara » Mon Mar 12, 2007 12:13 pm

I don't really like the idea. For one mortals and even sometimes immortal do not know the whole rp. I recall in the past being accused of rping an evil poorly because I wasn't hack and slash outright evil. However this person didn't see all of the things the character did away from goodies. This sort of thing causes so many problems that it was banned on the other mud I played on. (With the exception of imms giving pointers to new players on how to rp smote etc..) It borders on telling a person how to rp their character.
I think if there is room for improvement that it is up to the immortals or people on the newbie or player council to offer constructive ways for a person to rp better, but shouldn't have anything to do with what the character does but general things like not forcing things on other players via emotes / smotes, or putting what you are thinking in smotes.
I also think it is too open to abuse via ooc relationship especially if it's public. Not only for cliques but for those who just dislike a person, it gives them a forum to embarrass the other and could easily turn into a mudslinging flame war.
We would all like to think that wouldn't happen but the reality of it is, there is a very good chance it will unfortunately. Even more unfortunately I have witnessed this elsewhere.
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Post by Saurel » Mon Mar 12, 2007 1:08 pm

As a newbie i would love to recive pointers, as this is the first forgotten relms game ive played and theres bound to be things i should know or do ic that im just not aware of ooc (and vice versa)

However surely there is a better way to deal with that then a ebay style rating system, perhaps a hanving rpnotes that work like one of the other message systems in game but are purely for teliing someone about there rp.

For example i asume theres a "letter" system in game, how about it being free to send/recive a rpletter with a review/critique of a rp they were in/saw, (posiblitys of autosending a copy to imms) you already have ooc if people want to say someting short at te time

Just a couple of thoughts
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Post by Raona » Mon Mar 12, 2007 1:16 pm

I appreciate feedback on my RP, and have learned a great deal from it. (For example, how a paladin/squire should [could] ICly react to a pitched battle, how to react ICly to a crash or bug or code-like error, and also when I did something well, which encourages me to do more of the same!) I've also had feedback on my RP that I just didn't get, flatly disagreed with. Try as I might, I didn't see where the commenter was coming from. That sometimes made me hot around the collar, and I was always happy when I took a deep breath and didn't react to it right away.

I'm fully aware that feedback on one's RP can be distracting, and would certainly be subjective. I love the goofball RP - the gnome that breaks into a serious situation and makes everyone crack up, for example. Some people just hate that. It's subjective, though - indeed, I'm an advocate for people arriving in the square and listening to what's going on before opening their mouths, so they don't derail whatever RP might be in progress, but I make an exception for gnomish pranks. That's inconsistent in and of itself.

Hoping that RP comments would be intended to help people understand what others like and dislike about their RP, with the goal of improving RP, or at least helping you appreciate where others are coming from, here are a few ideas on my part (and some just echoes agreeing with what others have suggested already):

A config option might let you select between "no RP feedback," "logged RP feedback," and "live RP feedback." I like Duranamir's logged feedback suggestion, and that's probably the way I'd prefer to get such feedback. But others might wish to know right away, and others not at all. This would give them those options in a relatively straightforward way. [Actually, though, the "no feedback" option is moot - it could just be set to logged and they would never need look at the log.]

RP feedback could consist of just a score (or a thumbs up or down, stars, whatever), a score and a comment, or just a comment. It could be anonymous or signed. It would be visible only to the person playing the PC the feedback was for, and the Imms. I suppose that a config option could also specify only feedback with a comment was wanted, but I dunno...sometimes it is hard to boil down what makes someone's RP good or bad to a single line...and when you can, you would hope people would avail themselves of the option to tell you what it is?

Perhaps one could also configure/toggle the option to show or not show who offered what feedback, either live or logged. FEEDBACK ANON might show feedback without attributing even the non-anonmymous feedback, while FEEDBACK would attribute the non-anonymous feedback.

I have learned the most about RP from watching others do it well. I've always found people more than willing to offer feedback when I've asked for it OOC, though in some cases I don't know when to ask - and have thus missed more than my share of "teachable moments!" Indeed, I'm shy about offering unsolicited feedback, except to the obvious newbie - and they are often very appreciative indeed. (Our GREET system, for example, is one spot they often need help on, and accept it graciously, just as I did when I first bumbled into the square...thank you, Kristopher, wherever you are!)

Let me close with a difficult, perhaps rhetorical, question here: Is part of the hope of this system to reform, discourage, or even remove the "bad" RP'ers? There have certainly been players that thought they were *great* rp'ers, but most others stayed away from because they found them positively grating, and to some extent clueless. The only downside I see in the current kismet system is that it doesn't let those folks know there's anything amiss. They can't compare against others, they don't know they are getting rewarded less than others (or not at all). The up side of the kistmet system is that REWARD is minimally RP-invasive. In my experience, it is almost always accompanied by a brief comment of what you did well, if it wasn't obvious...and it's always positive. Getting a REWARD from another player is a really nice warm fuzzy. An up/down ranking system offers the possibility of cold pricklies, too - or at least things that can be perceived as such, even if meant to be constructive criticism. Is the value-added of potentially discouraging rankings/ratings/comments worthwhile?
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Post by Mariela » Mon Mar 12, 2007 3:46 pm

If you were given the opportunity to rate the roleplay of other characters (at no cost to your character or you, except the time it would take to make the rating), would you do it?
Don't we have this already sort of with the reward function? It's nice, unbiased and you can hit it if you want to hit it?
Would you prefer the rating to be anonymous, private (only seen by you and the character you rate), or public (visible to all the people in the room)?
I personally like the fact it says, "You have been rewarded by bleh" and the only thing I could hope for would an option that would show us the list of people who have rewareded you. Or at least the character name of who rewarded you. Me... that would give me an indication of who I end up RPing with the most... and maybe give me more of a key than just the who's list on going out and finding new people in the game to play with.
If you had the opportunity to rate someone else's roleplay positively, or negatively, would you use both options? Or would you only rate positively when it is deserved, and simply not rate rather than rate negatively?
Some people make me very angry about their blind do dee do (oblivious) when they role play. I do not think I would EVER use the negative option on anyone. If I did, I am sorry to say, I would probably only use it on the characters I know have been in the game forever. Peope like Jaeonic, Gwain, Lunette, ect... because they have been around and are likely not to fly off the handle at negative critisim. To be honest, It is very rare for me to reward for RP to begin with. You have to entertain me as we play as well as obviously be contributing to the game as a whole. You can be the most HORRIBLE smoter and actual rules lawyer, but if you are actually contributing to the game... I have to reward that. What can I say, I reward for more than a good one-liner.
If you were given the opportunity to rate someone else's roleplay, would you prefer to be given the option to give a comment explaining the positive (or negative) rating? Do you think that such a comment should be mandatory?
I think if you were rating someone negatively you MUST be able to give a comment. Negative numbers are all well and good, but what good is it to the player to have a negative rating and not know why? What's more, without the option to leave it, it's more likely that ooc communications will break out all over the server and play will screech to a halt to explain a -1 rating cause you inadvertedly pissed someone off.

I honestly don't think we should ever negatively rate RP. If you are contributing to the game, you should get some positive goodies. If you are negative, you should be guided in the direction of good RP and good contribution by those who have been around longer.. or by the player council, ect. If anything, if we need a negative rating or comment board for something, I'd rather it be for people who answer help questions.. or when someone is acting in the role of the player council as an ic/ooc helper to someone new or someone old who has ran across something holy unbelievable.

There are some times that I have asked questions and gotten very rude answers and the ability to comment back about the answer and the tone of the response would have been a lot gentler of an option than me getting the Raona hot beneath the collar. (Hi Raona!) And unlike Raona, I am not a silent angry person. I yell and debate back until I understand for one, and two, get the fact that I am angry across. I have had more problems in the game with out of character interactions with others than I have with In character interactions.. and that includes the cluster-fight against the evily flying griffon boy. (Oh dont' worry.. I still wuve you. That was kinda fun.. but next time lets not start it at 3am. ;) )

I am going to tear a sheet off a site I used to go to all the time and make a suggestion.... They would have on their site a corner section that would showcase different characters as a reward. The rewards were awarded once a month, and ranged from Best Character Background, to Best Role Play moment.... there were like six awards. And it was always really fun to try to earn the award. you would have to submit some of it yourself, but like the best role play ones, you had to be nominated for by others. It was a really fun system, and yes, a great deal of work on the end of the owners of that site but still fun all the same. And if we hooked this sort of thing up in FK, the players council could take care of the details and then submit something to Dalyvn to post here on the board. It would be a lovely way to reward outstanding RP even to those older characters who really do not need kismet any longer.
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Post by Valacktor » Mon Mar 12, 2007 3:57 pm

In my opinion this could be helpfull in a few ways. It would be a great way for players to learn about their RP and how they can improve it, and feel proud of themselves when they RP great.

However, I do not like the idea of it being publicly announced they way Tempus used in his example. It would create an OOC aspect that is just as bad as someone OSAYing during an RP. Many people, such as myself, love to RP and love to keep as much as possible IC. Making a public echo would only add something OOC that is not necissarily desired. However, a personal echo, like an OTELL, saying to the particular player (based on settings suggested by Raona) how their RP was rated by another player(With reasoning) would be great. It would allow players to see how they may improve and see if what they are doing is seen as good by other players.

- In saying this I would use such a system if it was private(only such player that is being rated sees what he/she is rated). I, on many occasions, have wanted to give a suggestion to a new player, or even say "Wow, that was an amazing job RPing". However, I usualy find that that is not enough of a reason to interupt an RP with on OSAY or an OTELL.

- In this same instance if this system was used and made to where it showed publically(as in all players in such room could see the rating) I would probably not use it. First because it would show this rating possibly in the middle of a larger RP with more then just you and the other player, and would create a OOC pause in the IC actions. The second reason would be the possible criticism that you could recieve from certain suggestions from other players. Not all players agree, and that could certainly leed to undesirable disagreements.

Also, I would not like a system that rated it by number such as stated by Duranamir. That would create a system that I would personally dislike because it adds something that people would try to make better then everyone else. Ratings should be such as: excellent, good, above average, average, below average, poor, horrible. It wouldnt create a number that people would try to achieve, and yet would still give the player an idea of what his/her RP is rated. Included with the rating there should be an explanation, this to perhaps show the player what he/she did bad and could improve, or tell the player what they are doing well.

It would also be good to have these ratings logged for the player. A player may not be paying attention to the ratings as he/she is given them or perhaps he/she forgets what he was rated before and what he/she should improve. It would also give the player an opportunity to see if they are improving in their RP.
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Post by Grom » Mon Mar 12, 2007 4:14 pm

I don't really like the idea. I mean its well judging someone. I don't like judging others at all. I do it sometimes and try my best to keep from doing that. If someone where biased against another then rating them could get..messy just because personal feelings. I do like positive feedback and constructive criticism. I don't like calling it negative feedback as it is supposed to be constructive not destructive. I don't wanna get tore down or others to get tore down if it cannot help build back up. I have seen what coworkers called -constructive- critisism. Which was just down right mean. Almost abusive to the others. Why? Just because that person disliked the other just because of their ethinicity.
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Post by Aliatris » Mon Mar 12, 2007 5:14 pm

I always try to figure the IC reasons for a character behave one or other way, since I only know a few characters so well that I can figure what they will do most opinions will be far from accurate. Each character has (or should have) it's background and personality and so each character is roleplayed well at it's own way, in the scenario in which a character don't behave as the minimum expected of a member of one race or class I prefer making the point IC, if someone openly contradicts his faith teachings, a paladin being greedily, cruel, miserable and selfish or a follower of a LG faith making human sacrifices, or other "shocking" RP, I will comment it or act acording with my character perspective. I think that this is better than an OOC tell, say or system, since the character still learns (if he wants) and makes possible the character justify his actions or lie, all IC.

I idea I had is expanding the command REWARD, being possible being rewarded aside for the character personal RP, for roleplaying your race correctly, for roleplaying your faith in a good manner or for roleplaying well your class and the use of their skills, the benefits of each subtype of reward would be different, although that is a different topic.

As a note I will say that also is possible that the RP of a *player* isn't "as good" as the own player would like for real life circumstances and there is little to do about it.
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Post by Maybel » Mon Mar 12, 2007 6:17 pm

I would like the idea to have ratings on the game... maybe not IN game... cause the way tempus put it... it's too ... OOC... maybe have an in game log of it that when you type a keyword you can see all the comments left about your RP... that way you don't have to see it unless you want to...

Or have an option like privacy "That character is not accepting any comments regarding Role play. Thank you for your input"

I would LOVE comments on my RP and how i RP my different characters... just because someone doesn't like my RP... doesn't mean i have to change it... it just means they don't like it...

Then again... on the flip side... if someone leaves bad comments on a character... that someone might want to leave bad comments about the other person and start a bit of an OOC feud between the two...
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Post by Caelyvar » Mon Mar 12, 2007 6:34 pm

I am not all that thrilled about the idea of this rating system. I love the idea of constructive critism, but for a lot of what people see as 'bad RP' they may never know a character motivation or the characters background or anything like that.

Perception. . .its all about perception. Now, I am all for being able to ask OOC a player "Umm. . .why would your character do x or y" And I will probably answer you back as to why. In fact if half the people I play with were to ask me why my character does X and Y they would probably go "OHHHH that makes sense" But just saying BAM you did poorly, well and not give the player a chance to explain. . .well then. . . who are you to tell me what I did was wrong? If you dont know the motivations behind such things how can you judge another character or another player?

I love the reward system as it stands, I really do. . .if I see something awesome I can just be WOW you did great! and leave it at that, eventually people will come to understand what is WOW worthy and what isnt, it takes time and patience.

My next question, is who is going to moniter said behavior? Are we going to place this on the shoulders of our already overtaxed IMMs?
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Post by Ninde » Mon Mar 12, 2007 6:35 pm

No, I wouldn't rate anyone's roleplay. It is a game, not a contest.
Even though, an option for to comment on someone's roleplay would be cool. You can write in anonymous or, with your PC name that you liked bla bla roleplay and bla bla roleplay is not suitable for that race/faith/event etc.
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