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Post by Glim » Wed Mar 07, 2007 9:32 am


Id like to propose a way for people with unlawful intent (orcs, evils, etc), to group together and form a bandit party, a raiding party etc, that wouldnt be a PK outing and would allow them to make money. I got this idea from a Forgotten Realms book I was reading that had the Tuigan hordes in them.

Currently, there are caravans on the major roads, they have guards and can be very hard to attack. But if a group strong enough were to raid them, there might be a certain amount of platinum coins in a locked chest (that would need a thief to open). Also, inside this chest, would be a certain number of trade goods (the ones that are bought and sold from the new merchants guilds). Bandits could raid these caravans, take the coin and the goods, and make a profit off of it.

Someone could claim to be a world-renowned bandit, or land pirate, etc... and bandit parties wouldnt just wait and PK a player when they come along. And since these caravans can be quite difficult, the risk would not outweigh the reward, especially considering the risk when goodly characters hear of these banditry deeds.

If it isnt alright to use the current mobs, perhaps there could be random merchant caravans that go from city to city, that could serve this function. Or, perhaps, also the current bandits that inhabit the roads could have a small number of trade goods on them, that would allow goods to do a similar task.

This is a bit of a rough idea I just thought of, so there are more than likely many cons I have yet to think of.
So, feedback is always welcome,
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Post by Kelemvor » Wed Mar 07, 2007 10:27 am

One of the criticisms regularly levelled at the Immortal team is that there are insufficient roleplays for evils, that we sideline non-good characters or think that you have a greater proportion of abusers/bullys/cheats among your ranks.

I'm happy to try to change that opinion by offering to construct the roleplay you're proposing. However, I'm mindful of the fact that the last time a major roleplay was put together for evils, no-one showed.


Get your horde together - ICly and OOCly - and propose times and dates. I have a number of roleplay and admin committments right now, but I can be available Monday, Thursday and Friday evenings from this time to this time (ignore the date, that's irrelevent for now)

I would like to see a well-balanced party, with a good mix of levels, classes, races and faiths. However, it needs to be something that could exist and work together ICly. Think about your alignment, your race and your faith when clamouring to Danten to come along. ;)

Let me know if my offer will fit with your request Danten and then PM me so we can organise things.

If hours don't suit ot you'd prefer an evil deity to run the RP, just post here to that effect :)
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Post by Glim » Thu Mar 08, 2007 1:12 am

I greatly appreciate the offer, Kelemvor, I didnt really think of this as an imm run roleplay.

Unfortunately, I was proposing this as something that PCs could do without imm support, as I didnt want to request something that would take up an imms time, nor was I hoping this would be a one time thing. All it would really require would be a locked chest dropped on death of the caravans.

Still, you give an interesting idea, but Danten wouldnt really be one to organise a bandit group. I was not proposing this idea for him, but merely as an option if other evil characters wished to do this. If another evil character would like to lead such a band, I think that would be wonderful, but it would really be a different matter, similar, but not the same as to what I was proposing. Perhaps it could be organised by someone in the Zhentilar Network, as they are all about disrupting trade.

I appreciate your offer greatly, and I mean in no way to appear otherwise. I think its great that an immortal would be willing to do such a roleplay for evils. I was just not thinking of this as a one time imm-run roleplay idea.
Feedback is always welcome,
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Post by Algon » Fri Mar 09, 2007 2:06 pm

Kelemvor wrote:. However, I'm mindful of the fact that the last time a major roleplay was put together for evils, no-one showed.
Hey now...I was there! :P Sheesh Kaer gets no respect. lol

But seriously, I really like this idea. This could be an amazing opening for some evil rp. And not just something that ends when the "Quest" is over. Say you have a goody Oghman waiting for a special book that has a spell to allow him to cure a lady that is poisoned. Now the book gets raided and the lady dies. They hear about the raid on the caravan and...Walla! Instant ongoing rp! :D
Im all for it!
Last edited by Algon on Fri Mar 09, 2007 10:19 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by Zilvryn » Fri Mar 09, 2007 10:04 pm

I can be around on one of my evils if it's a weekend, otherwise i'm kinda out of luck. Weeknights ain't so good for me at the moment..
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Post by Kirkus » Sat Mar 10, 2007 1:29 pm

Is this going to be the one time rp that Kelemvor suggested or the ongoing sort of thing that Glim suggested? Both have merrit I belive... personally I like the ongoing idea. Would write more but brain is going into shutdown.... as I am now post 18 hrs of work plus my measly 2 hours of school on friday. Joe want sleep. Enough Socialcomentary. Goodnight all.
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Post by Sirka » Sun Mar 18, 2007 3:29 am

Hey now... Sirka was actually one of the two who showed for that quest :P lol there were TWO who showed up!!!! *mutters* I think we should get credit for that at least :P lol

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