Corpse Conservatory

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Post by Dalvyn » Thu Jul 26, 2007 11:02 pm


An option would be to prevent people from using the commands "take", "get", "empty", "drag" and "order" in the room with the priest, and allow anybody to reclaim any corpse (i.e., to have any corpse moved to this room above).

They could then pay the priest to raise anybody.

Would that work, or can you find loopholes in this system?
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Post by Selveem » Thu Jul 26, 2007 11:04 pm

If you disabled that, how would the owners reclaim it? :P
Unless you enabled a 'reclaim' command that 'gives' it to them?

Hmm, but weight of corpses are really heavy most of the time in addition to the current gear (for instance, it is not unheard of to have a warrior wearing 200 lbs worth of armor) + bodyweight is over 180 lbs.. 380 is higher than most people's cwt. Especially after res sickness.
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Post by Lukon » Fri Jul 27, 2007 2:46 am

Which...armour in general runs a bit on the heavy end, once you account everything. If I remember correctly, "modern" medieval full plate, circa 1400s ran at about 85lbs in total, as low as 45 if well-tempered. With dwarven craftsmen and magical smelting or minor enchantments, it would be easy for the setting to match/surpass that level of technical proficiency.
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Post by Dalvyn » Fri Jul 27, 2007 2:30 pm

Right. What about this.

Room A = the room with the priest (above)
Room B = the room with all the corpses (below)

1) Allow people to go down to room B (currently, they can't)

2) Make it impossible to use "take", "get", "empty", "drag" and "order" below.

3) Add a healer priest below, so that people can resurrect corpses.

Would that work?

People who have been auto-raised, who have reincarnated (BAD option!), or who have been resurrected, can reclaim their corpse in the room above, then proceed to take out their belongings from their corpse (they can, since it's above).

Friends who want to raise someone (either directly or with the help of an NPC) can go down and raise their friends; then they can equip/put things in pack and move out.

Any objection?

My only interrogation is ... is it possible to pick up which corpse you are raising if there are several corpses on the ground near the PC healer's feet?
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Post by Selveem » Fri Jul 27, 2007 5:23 pm

Can only pick up your own character name?

Like if Selveem died.. he goes in to retrieve his corpse. 'get corpse' or 'get <adjective>' does not work, however 'get selveem' does!
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Post by Dalvyn » Fri Jul 27, 2007 11:03 pm

If there are several corpses in the room, and you want a mob to raise one of them, you can't choose which one... soooo I had to add a third room to the Conservatory (actually, a fourth, since there's a hidden room too).

Here's how it works:

Room 1 - Entrance

If you want to reclaim your corpse, you can just go there and ask for your corpse.

(If you are a member of the Watch or a high level follower of Kelemvor, you can reclaim any corpse there).

Corpses brought there can also be 'move'd to the crypt.

Corpse left on the ground there are NOT protected! People can loot them. To protect the corpse, you have to ask the priest to 'move' it!

Room 2 - Crypt

That's where the corpses are stored. You can't physically enter it; you can take a look at this room's contents by asking to take a look at the 'register' in the entrance.

Room 3 - Altar of rebirth

If you want to raise someone, you have to go there.

In this room (the Altar of Rebirth), you can ask for any corpse currently stored in the crypt. You can ask for a friend's corpse to be brought there.

Commands like: take, drag, shove, get, empty, order are disabled in this room, so corpses brought in that room cannot be looted.

Once you have a corpse brought there, you can (a) cast raise dead on it or (b) have the cleric mob 'heal raise dead' the corpse. You can also ask the priest to 'move' the corpse back to the crypt (that is necessary because, before you can use 'heal raise dead', there can be only one corpse in the room).

Once the character is 'raised', the corpse disappear and all his belongings are moved to his inventory (so, there is no need for 'take'). Note that, if the character is 'resurrected', the corpse is not needed! Resurrection can be cast anywhere, without the corpse. The newly-born character can then reclaim his corpse normally.

This new version should be in the game after the next copyover. Does it cover all options? Can you think of possible improvements/loopholes?
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Post by Oghma » Sat Jul 28, 2007 3:07 am

Might want to make it impossible for players to drop things in the Altar of rebirth so that they can't drop any of their items by mistake.
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Post by Mariela » Sat Jul 28, 2007 6:12 am

Thank you to everyone who's been working on this. This is the most awesome thing I have run across lately! *bows and worships*
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Post by Dalvyn » Sat Jul 28, 2007 1:30 pm

Right. I'll add "drop" to the list of commands that can't be performed there.
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Post by Raona » Sun Jul 29, 2007 1:44 pm

I'm only figuring out what this is from context, but it sounds like a superb idea - a way to avoid the piles of dead bodies (and their post-decay loot) in the Font! The only downside may be that newbies are less likely to be raised by compassionate souls who happen to bump into their bodies, but that may be for the better. It sounds we can still look at the register to see who's died recently and may need a helping hand. Bravo!
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Claiming corpses in the wrong room

Post by Oghma » Thu Sep 13, 2007 1:18 am

A slight bug I found. It appears that you can claim corpses from either room, those that are claimed in the alter of rebirth cannot be taken or moved once they are brought in by the mobiles. It might have to do with the mobile type or that the coding is carrying over into both rooms.
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Post by Dalvyn » Thu Sep 13, 2007 6:02 am

That works as intended... You shouldn't be able to take anything from the corpses near the Altar of Rebirth.

- If you are back and just want to claim your corpse, you should use the other room.

- If you are a priest and want to cast 'raise dead', you go to the altar of rebirth, claim the corpse, then cast 'raise dead'. This spell automatically junks the corpse and puts the contents in the newly raised's inventory, so there is no need to take anything from the corpse.

- Same if you want to have the priest near the Altar of Rebirth cast 'raise dead' on a dead friend.

- If you are a priest and want to cast 'resurrection', you do not need the corpse in the first place. So, you can resurrect the dead guy anywhere, then have the newly resurrected player go and claim his corpse from the first room (not the altar of rebirth).

Does that cover all situations, or is there still a bug?
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Post by Raona » Thu Sep 13, 2007 10:56 am

It may be the case that once a corpse is retrieved from the conservatory, it can not be put back, even by asking the priests to move it. Can anyone confirm that is the case? I found one corpse there not long ago that the assistants were unable to move. (This is potentially problematic for a case of mistaken identity.)
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Post by Oghma » Thu Sep 13, 2007 7:28 pm

Only problem I can think of is if a pc claims their own corpse at the altar and cannot remove it or take anything from it.
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Post by Dalvyn » Fri Sep 14, 2007 3:44 am

They can then have the priest "move" it back to the crypts, then go to the other priest and claim it there, no?
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Post by Oghma » Fri Sep 14, 2007 3:48 am

That is probably the best thing to do. Is it possible for the priest to announce that he can do the same thing as the priest in the other rooms or would it be better to leave as is?
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Post by Raona » Sat Sep 15, 2007 2:03 am

Dalvyn wrote:They can then have the priest "move" it back to the crypts, then go to the other priest and claim it there, no?
I found one corpse there that when the priests were asked to move it, they came, I got the echo that they left with the body, but the body was still there. Same thing at both the altar and the registry. It may have been an isolated incident specific to that body, crash related or somesuch.
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Post by Dalvyn » Sat Sep 15, 2007 7:40 am

Most likely... Was it a PC corpse?

Hmmm I guess it could just have been too heavy. How was the corpse brought there ? Did the mobs bring it there, or did a PC drop it there?
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Post by Raona » Sat Sep 15, 2007 11:10 am

It was a PC corpse, a dwarf, in dragon hide armour. I don't know how it got there, as it was there when I found it. But it may be the case that whoever brought it there encountered the same problem...has anyone else had the assistants in the Corpse Conservatory prove unable to move a corpse?
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Post by Larethiel » Sat Sep 15, 2007 11:23 am

Yes, I have been unable to have the cleric/guards/whatever move a corpse into the conservatory. It would give the echo of being dragged away but remained on the ground. A PC corpse, too.
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