Weapon finesse with both hands

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Weapon finesse with both hands

Post by Rawlys » Sat Aug 11, 2007 10:04 pm

Obviously, weapon finesse applies to 'light' weapons but since there's no clear definition (in game) of what a light weapon is, is it safe to assume that if a weapon is small or tiny, that it is also light?

As discussed previously ( http://www.gallwey.com/fk/board/viewtop ... light=dual ), when certain weapons are held with both hands (vs. one hand), their catagory changes to 'one catagory more powerful'. Maybe that's not the best way of explaining it but it's as simple as I can think of it.

My question is this: If wielding a small weapon with two hands (which in turn, would make it a size more powerful), would weapon finesse still apply?

I'm sure it can be argued both ways but rather than doing that, how does it work when it comes to game mechanics?
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Lack of Response

Post by Rawlys » Wed Aug 15, 2007 12:59 am

??? Was it terribly rude of me to not ask for a discussion of the subject but rather have an answer? Is it the fact that no-one actually knows the mechanics of the combat system in FK?

I can't help but to think that a lack of information pertaining to the mechanics of FK is directly a product of this being a 'RP enforced MUD'. *SPECULATION* It saddens me that measures have been taken in the past in order to 'force' RP with all characters vs. entrusting the players with information that could lead to 'a pure number character' but trusting that they are here for the enjoyment of everyone as a whole.

It woud be naive to think that everyone who came here, came for the purpose of making this game enjoyable for themselves by making it enjoyable for others. I wish it was this way but reality wins. People are selfish and terribly short minded.

There was a discussion in the past about allowing an option of numbers being shown in game. From what I remember, the majority of people that chimed in were either in favor of the numbers or wanted an option for either (or both). Maybe this was a 'feeler' for a direction to go if/when the new combat system is implemented, and in which case, thank you for asking.

Maybe it's the fact that I got a little butt hurt about my question not being answered. Maybe it's the fact that the mechanics are secretive so no-one can build the ultimate twinker. Maybe it's the fact that all of this has been overlooked in the past. I don't know.

I'm certainly not trying to point fingers at anyone or place any blame (if there is any) on anyone. I am truly grateful what the builders, Imm's, and staff in general do here and with that being said, sorry for my poor attitude.

Not trying to start a flame war, just making some concerns known. A reply to this post or a PM to me would be appreciated and gratefully received.


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Post by Arothian » Wed Aug 15, 2007 1:29 am

It is understandable that you may have a bit of frustration with not getting an answer to your post. I think it may not be that people are shunning you, or anything like that. There may not be an answer, at this point. Code is a strange and powerful thing. It sometimes works. It sometimes doesn't, and sometimes you have no clue if it is working or not.

I personally have no idea how this works. Patience and time will get you your answer, is what I have found.
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Post by Japcil » Wed Aug 15, 2007 6:49 am

No, it should not apply since the weapon type changes when you place two hands on it. This goes back on the fact the mud is .5 deminsion. A two handed weapon that could be held in one by some sized creatures could be 2 feet or 5 feet long and the game wouldnt interpret if its light or not.
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Post by Dalvyn » Wed Aug 15, 2007 8:47 am

Re: the lack of answer

The only way to find out about most of those questions is to go and look into the code, because most code changes are not documented and such modifications quickly get forgotten. Currently, there is only one person who can go and take a peek into the code and they cannot really be expected to always be on hand to answer every single question. So, what I mean is: don't take the lack of answer as an insult, it's not what it is.

Re: using weapon finesse with 2-handed weapons

As far as I remember, the "official rule" says that you can only use weapon finesse with light weapons (a subcategory of one-handed weapons) or a (normally-sized) rapier.
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Post by Rawlys » Wed Aug 15, 2007 6:34 pm

Thanks for the responses. Now that I look back at my post, I can't help but to notice how whiney I sounded in it. Bleh, sorry for the 'poor me' attitude.

It's understood that only one person has access or the know to when it comes to the hardcode. I guess I didn't know if this type of information was common knowledge or if one really had to look into the code. I would much rather Mask use the time he volunteers to this game to fix any issues or modify it as the Imms see fit rather than spend it trying to figure out an answer for my post.

Hehe. Once again, sorry about my attitude (long week).

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