I'd like to suuuggesssssttt:
Adjectives be given a 3-5 limit amount of times to change it for more proper character development.
IE: Your character starts at age 16, young and slender and what not. Your adjectives are slender, youthful.
Several months/a year down the road your character is 20-28 years old score wise. Your character grew their hair out and is no longer youthful. Your adjective is slender, long-haired.
Several years down the road your character has gained quite a few years. At this point they're a human and are begining to show their age. Your adjectives are plump, graying.
So on. I understand this could come with a bit of "abuse" so to say. Meaning someone could change their adjectives at will for the alloted amount of times. But my thoughts on that are, just that. It's only so many times given. So if you waste all three in a month, you lose them.
Beshaba potatoes.
Perhaps make it so the adjectives need to be authorized by someone every time you change them for RP reasons and that in order to be authorized the player just needs to give a valid reason to the authorizee?
That might curb any abuse.
That might curb any abuse.
A sapphire haired male aasimar replies to you 'What would you get Tanya for a wedding present?'
You reply to A sapphire haired male aasimar 'A swift kick to the head. '
You reply to A sapphire haired male aasimar 'A swift kick to the head. '
Perhaps, if authorization is required, it's really not much different than applications email, right?
Or, if you want in-game function, I suggest doing something like adding to help adjective:
During the course of the game, changes will take to your characters that may be unforseen or perhaps simply normal character development (such as aging). In order to request the change to your character, you may use the following:
adjchange <New Adjectives> [Reason]
adjchange <old, balding> [Isaldur is a character who has been around for a long time and his age is finally taking hold.]
This way, the same people who do character authorizations (which I believe include the Player Council) may also accept adjective changes.
Or, if you want in-game function, I suggest doing something like adding to help adjective:
During the course of the game, changes will take to your characters that may be unforseen or perhaps simply normal character development (such as aging). In order to request the change to your character, you may use the following:
adjchange <New Adjectives> [Reason]
adjchange <old, balding> [Isaldur is a character who has been around for a long time and his age is finally taking hold.]
This way, the same people who do character authorizations (which I believe include the Player Council) may also accept adjective changes.
This land shall come to the God who knows the answer to War. -Ninety-Nine Nights
I like the idea of having adjective setable with reasons and having the adjective with reason considered and authorized. Basically like the naming-system
Weit in der Champagne im Mittsommergrün,
dort, wo zwischen Grabkreuzen Mohnblumen blühn,
da flüstern die Gräser und wiegen sich leicht
im Wind, der sanft über das Gräberfeld streicht.
dort, wo zwischen Grabkreuzen Mohnblumen blühn,
da flüstern die Gräser und wiegen sich leicht
im Wind, der sanft über das Gräberfeld streicht.