Mithril Hall Construction

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Mithril Hall Construction

Post by Jzexleth » Tue Mar 25, 2008 6:15 pm

I'm looking for players of Mithril Hall dwarfs who are currently building or are looking to build to collaborate on an expansion of the areas in and around Mithril Hall. I have a character building, IC, an armed outpost to provide security in the mines. In addition to that project, I have several ideas for Mithril Hall itself, the mines, and Settlestone.

The MH area has been pretty quiet lately. A lot of dwarven characters are making their fortune selling metals and armor to the Realms. It would be great to see those dwarfs winning glory and favor from Moradin by helping to finish the reclamation of this ancestral home.

Any takers?
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Re: Mithril Hall Construction

Post by Caelnai » Wed Mar 26, 2008 10:00 pm

I'm all over this, having had a few MH ideas percolating for awhile. What did you have in mind? Feel free to PM...
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Re: Mithril Hall Construction

Post by Jzexleth » Thu Mar 27, 2008 12:57 pm

Replied via PM. Still looking for other interested builders. I'm planning on holding an IC Gathering of the Clans to kick off the building projects. I'll be posting the details in the Events section once we've got a good idea of what we are doing.

Wrong place for this probably, but MH still doesn't have a Temple to Moradin. Is that a project that exists already?

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Re: Mithril Hall Construction

Post by Caelnai » Thu Mar 27, 2008 11:05 pm

Jzexleth wrote:Wrong place for this probably, but MH still doesn't have a Temple to Moradin. Is that a project that exists already?

I sent in one proposal for that awhile back. The only thing was that I thought it would be nice for a priest to build ICly...and mine's not a priest. Would still love to contribute design/build if someone wanted to join in.
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Re: Mithril Hall Construction

Post by Liandria » Sat Mar 29, 2008 10:57 am

I play a Gold Dwarf out of Mithril Hall and he is an Initiate in the faith of Moradin. I don't have any prior experience in building, but I would be interested in helping. My character has already expressed as much to a Faith Manager in character as well.

I applied with a similar proposal, there are several areas in MH and Settlestone that have been under the same reconditioning and construction for many years IC. I'd love to see some progress actually appear on any of them.
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Re: Mithril Hall Construction

Post by Jzexleth » Mon Mar 31, 2008 6:39 pm


On the Temple of Moradin project. If you want me to see what I can do, PM me the request you sent, if you would. I'll see if I can find out what's holding up approval.

Caelnai: I PM'd and haven't heard from you. Still interested?

Still looking for others.
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Re: Mithril Hall Construction

Post by Dalvyn » Tue Apr 01, 2008 8:17 am


I see that most of you found your way to this thread. There might have been another builder interested in working on Mithril Hall (I'm not sure).

Once you are set on a project (whether it is an individual one or a collective one), don't forget to send an application for it (to the builders address) and, once accepted, to start a new thread in the "Areas under construction" forum.
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Re: Mithril Hall Construction

Post by Kirkus » Tue Apr 01, 2008 12:08 pm

Hey Dal, just a quick question that has nothing to do with this thread but everything to do with your last post in it....
Are we supposed to now have access to the threads of our projects in the Areas under construction? After reading your last post I was hoping to edit my thread in the AUC in hopes to keep me active, and it is locked from way back when Mystra handled all of that jazz.
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Re: Mithril Hall Construction

Post by Dalvyn » Tue Apr 01, 2008 3:42 pm

Older projects are considered closed; if you want to start working on them again, you need to submit a new application.
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Re: Mithril Hall Construction

Post by Jzexleth » Tue Apr 01, 2008 4:51 pm

*Unhijacks the thread*

Caelnai , Liandria and I have started a working group over PM. We are still very interested in additional contributors. We have 50 rooms apped and approved so far and are still brainstorming content. We'll take idea people and builders both.

PM me.

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Re: Mithril Hall Construction

Post by Dalvyn » Wed Apr 02, 2008 10:57 am

If you need to meet up in a "friendly environment", feel free to use the test port. Jzexleth is high level enough on there to transfer you so you can all be in the same room and discuss your project over there.

I'd suggest resending an application once you have determined the content of the area (which might, in turn, change its size in vnums I guess ?).
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Re: Mithril Hall Construction

Post by Jzexleth » Wed Apr 02, 2008 12:13 pm

Depends on how we manage it I guess. I might just apply the individual area ideas, 50 or 100 rooms at a time. But, if it goes well, and we can actually put together a coherent vision for 4-500 rooms, then I'll reapp the whole project.

Thanks for the TP invite.
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Re: Mithril Hall Construction

Post by Liandria » Sun Apr 06, 2008 12:39 pm

Hmm... might be a silly question but, how do I get to the testport? Do we want to meet there? When are you all available? I'd love to discuss this a bit, I imagine the three of us all have ideas for different areas, and some ideas for the same areas. Do we want to form a plan between us and maybe break the areas into small bits we could each work on?

Jzex, I PM'd you with a rough concept of my thoughts for Settlestone, and the stone canyon nearby but if we want to focus somewhere else first, that'd be cool too.

Caelnai sounds as if they have a cohesive plan for the temple. My thoughts were rather limited to a few notes on a spiral note pad and a couple rough sketches. I was thinking it would be nice to have one room alcoves each with a statue (10ft) and small altar to the other gods in the Dwarven Pantheon (leaving out the Evil Dwarven deities since Moradin banished them to the Underdark), and in the main temple, have a massive statue (20ft), with the everburning forge to Moradin himself.

I think the Hammers of Moradin deserve their own battle hall also, I've not seen an area where I've been told I couldn't go, so I assume there isn't currently one. I don't have a character in this organization, so IC I can't really spearhead this. They are supposed to be battle generals, so should have maps of the known dwarven realms and orc and goblin movements that have been reported.

Has anyone given any thought to the "Halls of Dumathoin" in MH. That area is very very basic, aside from the door that only opens to a dwarf its very bland. There aren't even any priests in there, which I found rather strange, unless maybe there's a secret passage my character missed, which is entirely possible.

One question I had, 2nd Edition (Dwarves Deep) seems to be the base from which MH is built, but 3rd ed (Races of Stone) removes many of the old deities, and adds some others instead, which would be better to lean towards, or would a blend be best? The 3rd edition book seems to leave out the Gold Dwarves entirely.
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Re: Mithril Hall Construction

Post by Liandria » Mon Sep 29, 2008 12:24 am

I thought I'd post this info here, since the bulk of it directly relates to MH. Citadels Felbarr and Adbar seem like they might be a fun branch out of Mithril Hall. After looking through another resource ("Lost Empires of Faerun" 3e) All of the old Delzoun settlements (which is most of the silver marches, Ascore, and into some of the anauroch) are linked by an underdark pathway called the Fardrimm, a dwarven highway of sorts, beneath the earth, which as everything else has been overrun by critters. It goes on to say that all passages of the underdark are not necessarily connected though many are...and there are lower, middle, and upper underdark layers also.

Quoted from WOTC FR site "Sneak Peak: Silver Marches"
Sundabar (Large City, 14,259): The area around Sundabar is occupied only by obsessed miners, howling orcs, and citizens of Sundabar who should know better. The double-walled city was built for war. Sundabar's ruler, Helm Dwarf-friend (NG male human Ftr10/Rgr5 of Mielikki) started his career as a member of the Bloodaxe Mercenary Company, rising to command both the mercenaries and his chosen city. He has turned out to be a wise ruler, taxing his people fairly and using the proceeds to ensure his city's defense against orc invasions, which flood in every two or three years and break on Sundabar's sturdy walls. The Everfire, a zealously guarded volcanic rift beneath Sundabar, is the source of some of the finest magic weapons of Faerûn.

Citadel Adbar (Large City, 19,962): The dwarves who populate this militarily powerful fortress live underground in miles of twisting dwarf-sized corridors. Adbar's aboveground citadel may be the mightiest fortress north of Amn, having withstood nearly a hundred major orc attacks over the centuries. Reaching Adbar is difficult: Merchant caravans generally travel through the Underdark from Mithral Hall or Mirabar. And caravans do come -- supplying the dwarves with fruits and surface-grown vegetables and returning with metals or fine dwarven craftwork.

Humans and elves find Citadel Adbar a difficult place to relax: It's too cramped, too cold, and the stench of the metalworks (placed aboveground instead of below, where the dwarves live) remind the elves, at least, of nothing less than an orc siegeworks.

Citadel Felbarr (Small City, 6,987): A former dwarven citadel given over to humans when the dwarves retreated into deeper holds, Felbarr fell to orcs three hundred years ago. Renamed the Citadel of Many Arrows by its new masters, it stood as an example of how orcs could conquer the weaker folk of the south.

Centuries later, in 1367 DR, a huge orc horde moving south against the settled cities paused in front of the orc citadel, held by a chief calling himself King Obould. Instead of pressing on to the human lands, the horde besieged their fellows inside. After a four-month siege, the invaders broke down the gates and entered the main keep, but a strong dwarven force fell on both tribes and seized the citadel out from under the orcs' tusks.

King Emerus Warcrown (LG male shield dwarf Ftr16) took control of the citadel, hanging on through the first bitter winter until six hundred shield dwarf reinforcements could march up from the south to join his forces. Warcrown's people are now well established and determined not to lose their citadel again.

Meanwhile, north in the Spine of the World, Obould, who escaped the fall of his citadel, is gathering forces for another assault upon the lands he once mastered. He is aware of the Silver Marches' defense pact and is attempting to determine how best to strike through the alliance's weak spots.

Mithral Hall (Large Town, 4,991): Mithral Hall was once the greatest of the northern shield dwarf holds. Around 180 years ago, it fell to a shadow dragon named Shimmergloom, let loose from the Shadow Plane into Faerûn when members of Clan Battlehammer dug too deeply in search of mithral. Shimmergloom slew most of the dwarves and took possession of the hall along with his entourage of shadow monsters and duergar. Things were not set right until DR 1356, when Bruenor Battlehammer (NG male shield dwarf Ftr13) returned from Icewind Dale to slay Shimmergloom.

Bruenor drove out the duergar and retook the Hall, proclaiming himself the Eighth King of Mithral Hall. Shield dwarves from all over the north, particularly children of the Thunder Blessing generation, have marched to Bruenor's side to mine mithral and finish cleaning out the Underdark beneath the hold. Mithral Hall's resurgence has strengthened the Silver Marches by providing Silverymoon with an energetic sister city and a staunch ally in war.
More on Adbar:

More on Felbarr:
Last edited by Liandria on Wed Oct 01, 2008 12:15 am, edited 2 times in total.
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Re: Mithril Hall Construction

Post by Liandria » Tue Sep 30, 2008 11:25 pm

This comes from the 2e Castle Guide, I thought it was interesting:

Dwarven Citadels
The dwarven style of living and their culture radically differs from that of humans. Their
unusual attitudes and tastes have resulted in the construction of castles and keeps that are very
strange to human eyes.

As a rule, any castle that is built by humans under the guidance of dwarves will be assumed to
have workers of “average” skill or better. Any structure built primarily by dwarves will have
workers of “good” skill. The morale of a primarily dwarven crew is never worse than poor,
because they enjoy working in stone more than anything else.
Dwarves tend to dwell underground. At the very least, they like to have a rocky shelf cloaking
them from the rays of the sun and stars. They have three basic castle types that include the Kiva
design, the Pit and Cistern design, and the Spoked Well design.
Dwarves hate slavery and will never use slaves, or construct their citadels with the use of
whips or through fear and intimidation of workers. On the other hand, dwarves have the ability
to offer great amounts of gold, silver, gems, and worked iron in the form of weapons and
armors as inducements in the recruiting of laborers. It should be noted, however, that dwarves
in general are quite greedy and will not offer such goods unless the labor is superior or in great
demand. As a rule, dwarves will not hire other races to do their work for them. Rather, they
prefer to labor at their own steady pace.

Kiva Design
The most radical design of the three is the Kiva citadel. It is built on a ledge or plateau
of rock along a sheer mountain face. Usually, though not always, the structure is capped
with an extending stone face that shields the keep from airborne attacks.
From this plateau the dwarves dig a single thin road or path leading to the outside
world. Along its length they may build one or more barbicans or gatekeeps.
Along the plateau, the dwarves ingeniously quarry stone from the rear of the cave and
construct, with chisel and hammer, both flat faced and curved stone walls. With the
precision of fine craftsmen, the dwarves snap these broad blocks of stone together with
wood and steel pins. The result is a fortified castle of unequalled might. Few kiva
citadels have ever fallen into enemy hands, and those that have were taken only after a
major loss of life to the attackers.
Within the kiva citadel, the dwarves will have built cisterns of water both for drinking
and for use as tanks for the breeding of blind catfish and lake trout. With such
provisions, the castle can withstand a prolonged siege.

Pit and Cistern Design
Unlike the kiva citadel, this design type is built completely underground and normally
only constructed in areas with large out outcroppings of rock or dense clay soil.
In construction of this type of castle, the dwarves first find a large suitable cave. If that
is not available, they will build under the shelter of an expansive shelf of hard stone.
From there they dig straight down, creating a vast pit with a diameter ranging anywhere
from thirty to one hundred feet.
From the walls of the pit, the dwarves construct a spiral staircase, wide and stout
enough to hold mules, ponies, horses, and men. In the sides of the pit, they open up
wide and tall tunnels that radiate upwards at a slight angle, usually no more than fifteen
degrees. These hallways lead in turn to the rooms and great halls of the keep.
At the far end of each tunnel is a wide cistern holding water. From these great
chambers, the dwarves draw their drinking and bath water. Further, they employ this
resource to power various winches or mechanical devices. Wasted and unused water,
runs down the sloping corridors where it falls into the pit. Thus, the bottom of the pit will
gradually fill with water and be used to maintain a school of fish similar to those raised in
the kiva citadels.

Spoked Well Design
In this design, which is an offshoot of the pit and cistern citadel, the emphasis is placed
on numerous small pits, called wells, that rarely exceed fifty feet in depth. From each
well, a number of tunnels radiate outward.
In a number of cases, a pit and cistern design has been converted over to a spoked
well layout, with the central and older shaft still used as a reservoir for unused water and
as a “farm” for various fishes.
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Re: Mithril Hall Construction

Post by Liandria » Wed Oct 01, 2008 1:01 am

More info on Adbar and Felbarr in 2e FR 1142 "The North". My last post on this topic until I get responses, I swear!

Adbarr looks especially promising, since the Crag cats and orcs near it surface would give a hunting/quest area for all races, and being the largest Dwarven fort in the north it would be very neat to adventure through, and validate having some new interesting dwarven shops and a variety of smaller temples venerating more than just Moradin. The lowest levels could be accessable to the underdark and possibly connect with MH through the Fardrimm which would be a higher level hunting location, with some secured areas and some unsecured side tunnels made by underdark critters.

Also brought over a small section on "Deadsnows" which is a human/dwarf area and might be a good place for expanding the dwarven world and still integrate other races into it, easily. Will probably want Lathander's permision for this as well though, since Deadsnows religion is 1/2 Lathandrite 1/2 marthammor.

Felbarr looks to be a really good quest area also, because it is more vulnerable, and has been taken by orcs before, and also could link into adbarr and MH through the Fardrimm.

Both of these also were part of Delzoun, wich traded and later recieved many refugees from Netheril and so would be deep in history and lore, so could have some interesting quests and treasures based on that alone.


Citadel Adbar
This fortress is named for King Adbar, the ancient dwarf who built it over 1,000 years ago during
the waning years of ancient Delzoun (the dwarven Northkingdom), making this the last
shard of the dead dwarven kingdom. Quarried of granite, the Citadel, whose gate tower is visible
above the surface, can house up to 60,000 dwarves in comfort; men find its miles and miles of defensive
granite corridors, tunnels, and hallways twisting their way under the Ice Mountains too
dark, dreary, and cramped.
This dwarven city doesn.t welcome visitors. This is not surprising, as most visitors are orcs or
monsters seeking the swift death of its citizens. The Citadel is a fortress, perhaps the mightiest
castle north of Amn. It has ditches that can be filled with flaming oil, bridges that can be drawn up
or swung down into deep pits, concentric rings of walls that can be defended one by one in the
event of a powerful besieging army, and so on. The Citadel has withstood over 60 orc horde attacks
thus far. Each of these were determined sieges by over 10,000 orcs at a time, and occasionally
10 times that number.
Despite its forbidding ways and remote location, Citadel Adbar is a trading city. Around
14,000 dwarves dwell here, forging and smelting finished work from ores. Their work creates quite
a din and clangor, and a permanent cloud of smoke hangs over the city. These factors make a visit
to Citadel Adbar very unpleasant for most folk. By and large, only metal traders and the most desperate
or daring peddlers go there.
Orcs and prowling crag cats make the land around the Citadel so deadly that it is safer to bring
caravans through the Underdark via Mirabar and Mithral Hall. These caravans bring mainly fruit,
which the dwarves delight in eating during the winter.
Goods made in Citadel Adbar are considered top rank and available only at high prices. The
Citadel.s sword blades, axe heads, pick heads, and fine armor are used all over the North. Most
human smiths in the communities of the North use forge bars (blocks of refined metal) from
Citadel Adbar for their work. The dwarven smiths here also make armor and other weapons, and
they mine mithral. Adbar armor is still the best dwarven make this side of the Deep Realm. The
recent opening of long-abandoned Mithral Hall has made the largely mined-out mithral deposits
of Citadel Adbar less important. The dwarves. output has dwindled in recent years, however, as
the miners grow fewer and orc raids upon the trade-caravans grow fiercer.
The fortress humans see is only the small surface part of an underground dwarven hold known
as Adbarrim. The Citadel exists to provide a secure connection with the world above and to keep
the smoke, noise, and stench of metalwork out of the dwarven homes. Miles upon miles of chambers,
passages, and suites have been carved out of solid granite. Like other dwarven communities
in Faerûn, the number of dwarves here has been steadily dwindling.
King Harbromm, is noted for his attention to strategy and detail, and he is a master smith. The
city.s badge is his personal forge mark. It.s an upright, single-bladed hand axe enclosed by a circle
of flame inscribed in red on a silver field. He.s managed to hold his community together in the face
of threats from the orcish tribes.
The king employs human adventurers in patrols outside the walls, and he keeps 200 dwarves on
the battlements of the Citadel. Another 1,500 are ready to take up arms if the horn call is sounded
through the speaking tubes cut in the Citadel.s rock. These tubes also allow dwarves to flee quickly
underground by tumbling into them. In a day, Adbar can arm and armor 9,000 dwarven warriors (F2
to F5). Harbromm.s policy is to safeguard the lives of his folk and to keep inside the Citadel whatever
befalls. No army from the Citadel will sally forth to do battle with orcs or to aid other communities.

Deadsnows was the keep of a human lord whose dream of
establishing a kingdom here was shattered by relentless
orc attacks. It.s now home to 450 dwarves dedicated to the
veneration of Marthammor Finder-of-Trails. The dwarves
dwell in harmony with 30 human priests of Lathander. The
humans serve Lathander in the promotion of growth and beginnings.
To this end, they have a walled garden and a shop
for experimentation. The walls of Deadsnows are studded
with watchtowers covered with climbing roses. The flowers
are tended by the priests of Lathander and provide cover for
The dwarves worship in a natural cavern beneath a tor rising
at the center of the walled community. In troubled times,
everyone retreats to the cavern and the entrances are walled
off. The cavern has two secret paths into the Underdark, but guarded by traps to keep drow and other creatures from
ascending into the dwarven halls.
Deadsnows is named for the battle that killed its lord. It was
a winter skirmish that left orc and human bodies strewn over
several miles of snow-covered ground. When the thaw came,
the area became known as the Field of Wolves, because so
many of the animals came to feed. Local trappers hired mages
to slay the wolves with magic to obtain their pelts undamaged.
The trappers acquired so many pelts that they paid the wizards
and made a handsome profit.
In keeping with the dictates of their deities, Deadsnows
makes any travelers other than armed orcs and evil beings welcome
at the inn in the abbey forecourt. It provides desperate
travelers refuge from winter weather and orcs. The priests of
Lathander heal visitors in exchange for service, typically time
on a fighting patrol scouring the mountain slopes near Deadsnows.
Patrols drive out trolls, orcs, and predators attracted to
the sheep and ponies kept in the two high, fenced meadows.
Places of Interest
Lathander.s Workshop: This building is crammed with odd
pieces of apparatus and failed experiments. Some adventurers
have found this a source of metal gears, pulleys, wire, and
locks, as well as bits and pieces that can be turned into weapons
or armor.
The Rose and Hammer: Tended by the clergy of Lathander
and Marthammor, this inn is clean but barren and cold,
with construction and furnishings sculpted of stone.

Known by humans as the Citadel of Many Arrows and
dwarves as Felbarr, the former home of orcs was liberated
a short few years ago by the ambitions of Emerus Warcrown
(LG dm F11), leader of Clan Warcrown. The circumstances
surrounding King Warcrown.s conquest of the citadel are detailed
in the History section in Book 1.
In the two years that the citadel has been under dwarven
control, the dwarves have managed to clean up the mess left by
its former inhabitants. This has consisted primarily of demolishing
structures (while burning others) and fortifying the
walls. The greatest feat of the dwarves was that of rebuilding
the massive stone gates that were destroyed when the orcs
battled one another. With the main gates sealed once again,
the dwarves have had to worry less about roaming monsters
wandering into the city.
King Warcrown has been fanatical about security, however,
and a full compliment of dwarven guards stands watch at all
times. This has necessitated the dwarves working double-shifts
for more than a year (eight hours of rebuilding followed by
eight hours of guard duty), but all of the dwarves understand
the need. There is a proud sense of accomplishment in the air
here, but each dwarf realizes their tenuous situation. An orc
horde sweeping down from the mountains could very well spell
their doom.
Fortunately, the dwarves have reinforcements on the way:
4,000 dwarves from the south heeding the call of King Warcrown.
When spring arrives, the dwarves should have the manpower
to hold the citadel. Currently, 1,200 dwarves and 250
humans (troops from Silverymoon) reside in Felbarr.
With Felbarr now allied behind Alustriel of Silverymoon,
more and more cities believe that the former Citadel of Many
Arrows has the ability to survive the inevitable clash with the
orcs of the surrounding mountains. While a political crisis has
yet to challenge the fledgling confederation of cities, the rulers
of the allied cities are confident that Alustriel can guide them
into Faerûn.s future.
Places of Interest
Felbarr Fields: This is a vast wilderness area outside the main
citadel that contains the very lifeblood of Felbarr: its gold and
mithral mines. As dwarves and human miners slowly re-enter
the abandoned mines, discovering a variety of
monstrous denizens blocking their entrance into new-found
Hook horrors, orcs, grimlocks, and other beasts have been
reported in the surrounding mines. The dwarves initially sent
large groups to clear out the mines one by one, but they now
prefer hiring adventurers to do the work for them.
Harmglade Arms: Anthos Harmglade (LG dm F5) has
been a weaponsmith for hundreds of years. A known master of
his craft, Anthos produces fine, bejeweled weapons with gold,
mithral, and silver highlights. His work is outstanding, but his
prices are equally noteworthy. A .typical. long sword manufactured
by Anthos costs 150 gp.
Anthos has made it clear to King Warcrown that his shop
should be considered an armory should Felbarr come under attack.
After all, he stated, .no dwarf should ever fall to an orc
because of a poorly crafted weapon..
The Stonemarch: This masonry shop is becoming the
largest in the city, bringing dwarves to Felbarr with the lure of
creating works of masterful stone. Owned by Banthor .the
Razor. Stonemarch (NG dm P5 [Dumathoin]), the stonemasons
are making rapid (in dwarven terms) progress toward rebuilding
the city.
Lately, Banthor has been hiring bands of adventurers to go
out to specific quarries and bring back stone that he.s earmarked
for certain sections of the city. While some adventurers
have scoffed about being paid to haul rocks, Banthor.s been
paying good wages to those who do this back-breaking work for
Warcrown Hall: This is the new hall for King Warcrown
that is still under construction. While once the main hall for
the previous dwarven ruler, the hall is being totally reworked
by the best dwarven craftsmen available. The dwarves are hoping
to complete the hall by 1375, but the audience chambers
and connecting passages should be finished late in 1370.
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Re: Mithril Hall Construction

Post by Caelnai » Wed Oct 01, 2008 3:33 pm

Ok, here's a response so you keep all this good stuff coming! :mrgreen:

I PM-ed Jzexleth last month when I was doing my semi-annual check-up of unfinished projects, and I understand he is now inactive. I want to tackle something else first, but in a few months I'll be available to hard-code on this if you want to pick one thing (maybe the Temple?) and flesh the descriptions out.

Feel free to PM me on this. We can re-apply on the area once we have an action plan. :D
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Re: Mithril Hall Construction

Post by Brar » Fri Jun 04, 2010 12:29 pm

Jumping badly in the middle of something, how I adore that....

Well, I'm going to have more free times soon (if my wife sees that she'll kill me...) so I was wondering if that stuff was still ongoing or not. In any case, seeing the game today, I also think our dear Halls need some more loving, I mean they barely changed in 10 years (the removal of the giants from Settlestone is just a wonderful idea, kudos to whoever had it :) ) so it's about time us dwarves get our hands dirty and do something about it :)
While I don't think doing a project from start to end would be suitable for me, I still could contribute with some descriptions and ideas, while I have a good coding machine (which is also a not-too bad ASCII artist) working for virtually free.

Heads up anyone?

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Re: Mithril Hall Construction

Post by Nysan » Fri Jun 04, 2010 8:11 pm

Old thread, but since Brar brought it up and if someone is working or thinking of working on MH....

If a temple is added to MH, please consider adding a corpse conservatory type addition to the temple. Far too often, I stumble across bodies in the tunnels and I dont see any dwarves on the who list. Waterdeep is too far, especially for naked dwarves that just raised themselves, and I hate to just leave bodies laying around, to be eaten by copyovers. Just my two cents,
-Gilain- -Trilev- -Siros-

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Re: Mithril Hall Construction

Post by Caelnai » Thu Jun 17, 2010 12:20 pm

Just chiming on this thread. I'm wrapping up a fill-in to the 50 vnum area of Settlestone, and it looks like a Temple with be forthcoming also, probably inside MH. (Those two projects have threads under the "Under Construction" forum.) There may be enough stuff to tack on an additional 50-vnum area adjacent to Settlestone with more shops/shrines/whatever depending on people's interest?

Brar, if PM me a good e-mail addy, I was about to send out a status report so we can break up the work, and I'll tack your name on if you like.

Nysan - great suggestion! I'll make sure that is included.
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