[SKILL] More involved lockpicking

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Re: [SKILL] More involved lockpicking

Post by Selveem » Mon Apr 07, 2008 7:30 pm

On a side note, I think traps with different affects are a great thing. Especially Summon Dragon. ;) *ducks*

Back on topic, though. I think that lock picking SHOULD be made more fun for thieves. Now, I don't think they should still always have access to everything, but I really like the tumblers idea - something more interactive.

It would also be nice, too, if some of the traps on locks weren't fatal to pursuade thieves (or is this only player housing? *blush*) to encourage me to WANT to help people more on my thief. :P
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Re: [SKILL] More involved lockpicking

Post by Hrosskell » Mon Apr 07, 2008 10:17 pm

I won't say anything about the location of traps other than that they are in UM, and there are plenty that dissuade me from doing certain things, because frankly I don't like being blind in UM with Halaster floating around, and I don't like being clumsy in UM with big things that want to crush me also floating around. But, UM is a rarity. Speaking on the general stuff there, it's hard to kill them without magic users; but there's also a lot of need for utility from wizards and thieves, and lots of the things can duke out that damage that fighters can take. So, no, leave UM out of it and leave it alone. I've always thought it needed no more tampering with - it's a masterpiece in and of itself, and I thank whoever (Dalvyn, maybe?) created it.

Now, on to the true meaning of this post. Thieves (and I say thieves because that's what we call them) have a lot of specific areas; some are old, they're a little outdated, some are new, they're secretive, but, I would love to see a few more quest areas (dungeons, if you will) that involved thieves (not just limited, but at least an attempt at a balanced party would be necessary; maybe even throw it into the code, like some quests currently do). Abandoned mansions, long-lost prisons of ancient wars, other thief-and-bandit strong holds, anything. I'd go so far as to say I'd be willing to design these areas, if a builder was interested in working with me. These days, people want a variety of things; new areas, new adventures, new roleplay, and let's not kid ourselves, new rewards, for everyone, so why not do it?
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Re: [SKILL] More involved lockpicking

Post by Glim » Thu Aug 28, 2008 3:48 pm

Been a while and I really like this idea. So I thought I might give it another bump and see what some of the new blood (and anyone else) thinks about it.
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Re: [SKILL] More involved lockpicking

Post by Pakur » Thu Aug 28, 2008 11:26 pm

I think it's a great idea Glim. :D
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