Lichdom and a very simple idea of how to code it.

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Re: Lichdom and a very simple idea of how to code it.

Post by Briek » Sat Jan 24, 2009 5:07 pm

wouldn't this sort of class if coded and put into the game be something more akin to an epic class?
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Re: Lichdom and a very simple idea of how to code it.

Post by Rhiel » Mon Jan 26, 2009 7:14 am

Good suggestions, all. However, what would be the EXACT requirements of lichdom from an /IC/ perspective? If it requires the above-mentioned potion, there should be ample RP. Also, regarding liches going in and out of "restrictive" places like WD MS, we have orcs aplenty who abide by the set rules. I think the playerbase has grown and changed plenty since that happened, Gwain. We're dealing with people who have either: 1.) Grown with the game, and are now mature enough to deal with that kind of responsibility; or 2.) Are already accomplished RPers due to past experience.

All that said, I think the possibilites are worth looking into. It would be fun to play a lich, IMHO. It just shouldn't be easily attainable. It should be sort of akin to paladinhood. A long, drawn out process requiring dedication, RP, and a good track record. There are already systems in place that guarantee that a paladin is a good paladin, and not second-rate. Why couldn't the same be done for liches?
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Bug testing follow-up: I just took a look at a dead shield dwarf, and it showed up as made from mithril.
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This is not a bug. Shield dwarves are actually made of mithril.
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Re: Lichdom and a very simple idea of how to code it.

Post by Kelemvor » Mon Jan 26, 2009 6:55 pm

As noted above by several players, coded liches, vampire and baelnorn have a number of inherent racial abilities which unbalance them when used as player races.

For this reason we are not accepting applications to play those races and we do not envisage their becoming available.
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Re: Lichdom and a very simple idea of how to code it.

Post by Rhiel » Tue Jan 27, 2009 12:37 am

Hm. That settles it, then. :D
Raona wrote:
Bug testing follow-up: I just took a look at a dead shield dwarf, and it showed up as made from mithril.
Balek wrote:
This is not a bug. Shield dwarves are actually made of mithril.
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Re: Lichdom and a very simple idea of how to code it.

Post by Brodnur » Sun Feb 01, 2009 3:15 am

I am a bit on the fence on this topic. There have been many valid, salient points made on the subject of Lichdome being a playable race. I suppose, that if it were to be allowed into the game, the wizard in question would have to be:

1: Of at least, level 50.
2: Have spent a good deal of IC time on researching through the subject.
3: Probable high kismet cost/requirement, thereby verifying a long term, experienced
4: Only benefit to the lich race be of RP value, since any wizard that has had their application accepted would of a necessity be rather powerful, they would need little or no further bonus to their attacks/spells.
5: Be possesed of a dwelling of some sort, with one special room in which to store their phylactery, which could or could not be the means to their destruction, either perm or temp.

These are just a few ideas that I had, some filched from other posts and sort of woven together with my own. I think it could add a great deal of good RP to the game, but it would also have to be done very carefully, in order to retain the sheer scariness of the lich in D&D lore.
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Re: Lichdom and a very simple idea of how to code it.

Post by Alvirin » Sun Feb 01, 2009 7:43 am

Besides their obvious utterly unbalancing powers, the main reason for which liches shouldn't allowed is because they would have a miserable experience.

In Faerun no city has liches running through the streets (nor even Zhentil nor in Thay), and a high percentage of mobs (>98%) wouldn't deal with them, in almost all places they would be attacked (even in places where in FK orcs are allowed but not welcome) having for the most part a very lonely experience.

Also if the option with Lichdom was open we would end with a horde of marauding liches walking around, and people should think how IC it's that.

-Perhaps- a -single- -character- could apply for that keeping in mind that such would restrict their RP opportunies in high measure but this should be evaluated in a single case and not by any means would be an open option.
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Re: Lichdom and a very simple idea of how to code it.

Post by Kohadon » Sun Feb 01, 2009 10:13 am

If becoming a lich would destroy most hopes of normal rp, then whats the use of it? Most wizards, with enough time and practice, are already very strong. I couldn't really see giving up any hopes for char interaction for maybe a few more spell slots or better stats
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Re: Lichdom and a very simple idea of how to code it.

Post by Larethiel » Sun Feb 01, 2009 1:33 pm

As noted above by several players, coded liches, vampire and baelnorn have a number of inherent racial abilities which unbalance them when used as player races.

For this reason we are not accepting applications to play those races and we do not envisage their becoming available.
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Re: Lichdom and a very simple idea of how to code it.

Post by Skeas » Sun Feb 15, 2009 1:49 pm

Lich's Lair
This was once a priest of Lathanders Tomb, but it has since been taken
over by a Lich. It has placed wards to warn it of your presence, and
spells have been placed to hide its presence from the priests in the
temple above.
A lich glares at you menacingly.

[100% health] [90 mana] [98% stamina] [ gold]You begin to chant.

[100% health] [90 mana] [98% stamina] [ gold]
Your touch causes the lich to writhe in pain!
the lich is badly injured.

[100% health] [87 mana] [98% stamina] [ gold]You begin to chant.

[100% health] [87 mana] [98% stamina] [ gold]
With a bonecrunching sound your crush smashes the lich's chest.
the lich is bleeding from several injuries.

[100% health] [87 mana] [97% stamina] [ gold]
The lich's punch powerfully beats your left leg.

[99% health] [87 mana] [97% stamina] [ gold]
You learn from your success and improve at concentration!
Your touch causes the lich to writhe in pain!
the lich has blood gushing from several grievous wounds.

[99% health] [84 mana] [97% stamina] [ gold]You begin to chant.

[99% health] [84 mana] [97% stamina] [ gold]
Your touch causes the lich to writhe in pain!
The lich is mortally wounded, and will die soon, if not aided.

[99% health] [81 mana] [97% stamina] [ gold]
Your crush skillfully shreds the lich's left arm.
The lich is DEAD!

If players CAN become liches, perhaps they oughtn't be too overpowered.
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Re: Lichdom and a very simple idea of how to code it.

Post by Lathander » Sun Feb 15, 2009 4:23 pm

Kelemvor wrote
... and we do not envisage their becoming available.
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Re: Lichdom and a very simple idea of how to code it.

Post by Oghma » Sun Feb 15, 2009 6:20 pm

I will second that. Application for lichdom will not be accepted. If you send them in you will be referred to this forum. If there are any changes to the policies outlined on non player races we will let you know. Still no guarantees on any lichdoms outside of imm sponsored rp and plots.
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