[?] Temples - Comforts & Luxuries

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[?] Temples - Comforts & Luxuries

Post by Dalmil » Sun Aug 23, 2009 2:41 am

Just something I was thinking about. Not very "vital" to the game, but it would make a nice addition in my opinion.

1) Taxes/Offerings/Tithes: Implement a tax system to faiths that would ICly have taxes. The way it would work is like this, faiths would have a tax %, either various % depending on the faith and its dogma, or the % would be able to be set by the current manager of said faith. Whenever you do something that earns your PC coin (other than withdrawing it from the bank of course) a cut would be taken out of it and delivered to an account specifically dedicated to the welfare of said PC's faith. Otherwise, you could also make offerings, in which case the donated amount would added to the account.

To sum it up, applicable faiths (faiths whose dogma would not oppose this) would have a treasury where these taxes and offerings are deposited.

2) Then, with these "earnings" the Churches would be receiving, PC's of viable rank within the faith (perhaps inner circle and faith manager) would be able to buy upgrades* and additions to their temples, or if they have no temple, they would be able to build one (in this case, the PC's in question could do some research on FR cannon temples, and then replicate it I guess).

* Upgrades could be anything from new rooms, fountains, furniture (couches, chairs), hiring NPC's (maybe trainers, so there would be places to put in the spells that are missing from the game.) Maybe, could even be used to add new wares to the shops.

I'm not sure the way this mud is coded, so it may or may not take a lot of building and code updates or it could take very little, but if its the latter then I think it would be a good addition, if not, then there are much more important things. :wink:
-Dalmil the Magician
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Re: [?] Temples - Comforts & Luxuries

Post by Saranya » Tue Aug 25, 2009 10:36 am

Yea, faith-driven projects!

One way to do something like this (currently being used in two cases!) is an IC-project among the Faithful. One player first sends in an applications for modifying the area. Then their PC (or several) IC-ly organizes everything amongst the faithful (collecting coin, suggestions, dividing up construction, whatever..) After the RP, they submit the intended revision to the Temple through the builders process. Several Temple and other area expansions have been done like this. :D
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