Attention Faith Managers

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Re: Attention Faith Managers

Post by Aveline » Sat Dec 05, 2009 7:38 pm

!! Helpfile commands are fixed as of yesterday !! So this is back going again. I put in Mystra last night and should be finished with Oghma and maybe another today. Once I get them all put in, I'll go back through here and fix up the suggestions that people gave, and I'll be restarting my hunt for all you lazy FMs that never sent in helpfiles. I'll get you. And for those of you who used to have FMs, but do not anymore, do not think you are off the hook. I'll find you too. (And just to make it seem more fair, I have one character on that list that I thought I got away with... but alas.. I have to make up her helpfile too.)
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Re: Attention Faith Managers

Post by Aveline » Sun Dec 06, 2009 11:25 pm

Hey guys. Was going over Selune's info and I'm missing some things that I have for the other faiths. Things that I don't think we were asking for the first time this call for help came through. So if someone could dig this up for me it would be greatly appreciated.
Maiden of Pain, the Willing Whip
Symbol: Nine-tailed barbed scourge (will vary in game)
Followers: Loviatan(s)
Domains: Retribution and Suffering
Cleric Alignments: LE, NE, CE
Follower Alignments: LE, NE, CE
Enemies: Ilmater, Eldath, Talona, Lliira
Allies: Malar, Bane
Current Faith Manager: Vivija Vouhi, Truescar of Loviatar
All of that information.. only for Selune. And her dogma. ... seems like I had it, perhaps I lost it :oops: . Anyway help please?
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Re: Attention Faith Managers

Post by Nearraba » Mon Dec 07, 2009 7:12 pm

Our Lady of Silver and the Moonmaiden
Symbol: Two darkly beautiful human female eyes surrounded by a circle of seven silver stars (will vary in game)
Followers: Selunite(s)
Domains: Chaos, Good, Moon, Protection, Travel
Cleric Alignments: LG, NG, CG, LN
Follower Alignments: LG, NG, CG, LN, N, CN
Enemies: Shar, Umberlee, and Mask
Allies: Chauntea, Lathander, Mystra, Sune, and Tymora
Current Faith Manager: Bugoron Bearfang, Silverstar of Selune
Dogma: Let all on whom Selune's light falls be welcome if they desire. As the silver moon waxes and wanes,
so too does life. Trust in Selune's radiance, and know that all love alive under her light shall know her blessing.
Turn to the moon and she will be your true guide. Promote acceptance and tolerance. See all other beings as
equals. Aid fellow Selunites as if they were your dearest friends.
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Re: Attention Faith Managers

Post by Aveline » Sat Jan 02, 2010 5:02 am

So, I'm finishing up with the last few helpfiles. Getting in the information that was sent to me. Then I have to go back and put in the suggestions and fixes that were made here. But something I still lack is a lot of FM helpfiles. Those of you who have stepped down, don't think you've gotten out of making a helpfile for your character. I will still hassle you for one. I've compiled a list of previous and old FMs...
this is a very rough list. Not everyone is on here, and some people who were good and have already submitted a helpfile are on here. But if you are on this list and have not submitted your helpfile, GET ON IT! *ahem* When you have time of course :) When I have all of the helpfiles updated with the information I've gotten, I'll get a more up to date list with these FM people. And those of you that I have already been bothering and you haven't coughed up the file yet... expect to be hit first. I mean business people!
Yzelle, Sable, Spaki, Gesine (yes, I know I'm here and I'm yelling at myself), Dalvyn, Lacie, Summer, Larethiel, Sindava, Halia, Lunette, Bugoron, Jarris, Balek, Mazikeen, Khara, Faria, Paige, Maybel, Modimyr, Saelyan, Exer, Sade, Jarus, Wynne, Nedylene, Ramirus, Peverell, Athon, Akordia, Ooma, Lerytha, Ynaura, Daunyelle, Kaer, Algon, Lathlain, Maeithra, Rynn, Hrosskell, Arlen, Jaenoic, Plutoch, Danten, Vibius, Kesiel, Melian, Glim, Japcil, Nyskall
Again, this is a rough list. Some people that need to be there aren't. And there are some of you that shouldn't be there that are. I'll make a prettier more accurate list later. But that is to get those of you that should be there thinking about this.
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Re: Attention Faith Managers

Post by Aveline » Mon Jan 04, 2010 7:18 am

YAY! Party! I'm done! All deity helpfiles have been updated!!

That being said I still have to go back through and tweak things here or there. I know there were some fixes to be made to malar's helpfile. Everyone look at them and make sure the info in the helpfiles are correct. If not.. --PM me-- with the suggestions. Things are getting hard to keep track of here, and if you PM me, it is easier for me.

Like I said I've still got a few things to fix here and there with these, but the bulk of everything is done. While I'm getting that done... I have a new project for you guys. There are those of us that follow uncoded deities, and I know for me personally as a new player it was very frustrating to see these characters and not being able to get any information on that faith at all. Most other characters didn't know what the symbol was either! So what I am asking now, is that if you have an character that follows an uncoded deity, you PM me a little blurb about that deity. I don't need all of the the things like alignments and such for these. Maybe just some tidbits of information and their dogma, and the symbol you were given. Does not need to be, nor do I want anything elaborate. And I only want those uncoded deities that currently have followers in the game.
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Re: Attention Faith Managers

Post by Gwain » Mon Jan 04, 2010 7:39 am

Congratulations and thank you for doing it!
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Re: Attention Faith Managers

Post by Raona » Tue Jan 05, 2010 12:07 pm

I want to second that, this was a BIG project, and you have not only completed it but done so superbly! So a huge thank you from everyone (certainly including myself) who has ever wondered "Now what's the symbol for so-n-so again?" and more pressingly "What church's symbol is that?!?"

Also a sincere thank you to everyone who provided the information needed for this project (more or less willingly) - it would have been nigh impossible to do without your help, and the quality of the contributions made for the quality of the final project!

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Re: Attention Faith Managers

Post by Saranya » Thu Jan 07, 2010 2:10 pm

This was such a massive project! Thanks Aveline and everyone who contributed! *applause*
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Re: Attention Faith Managers

Post by Aveline » Sun Feb 14, 2010 7:28 pm

Hey everyone! I'm back and I have a list!
Faith Managers with No helpfile
  • Takket
  • Gesine
  • Dovan
  • Lirith
  • Larethiel
  • Vivija
  • Harroghty
  • Vantessa
  • Briony
I think you old ones are famous enough to have your helpfile done too. So if you had a character that was previously an FM please send your helpfile in for that character too. Also, if you have a look at 'help uncoded deities' you'll see that four people have sent in helpfiles for the uncoded gods that they follow. There are still a few more out there though. With the uncoded deities, I'm only looking for gods that actually have players at the moment. Thanks for all of the help guys!
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Re: Attention Faith Managers

Post by Nysan » Mon Feb 15, 2010 6:09 am

Uncoded deities? I don't have alot of spare time these days, but I'm sure Siros can put together something for Istishia.

edit: Heck with it, here's one I made a few years back. Feel free to cut it up, if need be:

The Water Lord, King of Water Elementals
Symbol: A cresting wave
Domains: Destruction, Ocean, Storm, Travel, Water
Cleric Alignments: CN, TN, NE, NG, LN
Followers Alignments: Any
Enemies: Kossuth
Allies: Any deity related to water, such as Deep Saselas, Eldath, or Umberlee
Dogma: A neutral deity of water and purification, Istishia is one of the elemental lords. His followers
are encouraged to maintain the Balance of Elements, teach the value of water, cleanse fouled water
sources, and oppose the followers of Kossuth, Lord of Fire, whenever possible. Due to his limited
involvement in the mortal realms, how his faithful fullfill these duties is often left to the indivisual
faithful to decide. Like the other Elemental faiths, Istishia's faith are loyal but unorganized,
consisting of small cult groups and secluded shrine and holy grounds.
Last edited by Nysan on Fri Feb 19, 2010 5:01 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Attention Faith Managers

Post by Mele » Mon Feb 15, 2010 5:11 pm

It may give the impression of code benefits to following when a helpfile exists? I over-worry, also, but throwing that up there!
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Re: Attention Faith Managers

Post by Ramirus » Mon Feb 15, 2010 5:36 pm

That definitely is a potential concern, but I think that the helpfile for "uncoded deities" communicates pretty well that there aren't code benefits to following an uncoded deity. I would think as long as it is made very clear in the individual deity helpfiles that the deity is an uncoded deity, there theoretically shouldn't be too much confusion.
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Re: Attention Faith Managers

Post by Nysan » Mon Feb 15, 2010 7:01 pm

The helpfile for uncoded deities is fairly clear and it is still an application requiring RP. I doubt there would be a rash of "where's my stuff?" complaints with a few uncoded god links at the bottom of the helpfile. And like Ramirus suggested, a small "**This is an uncoded deity, see -uncoded deities- helpfile" tag at the bottom of these helpfiles should ensure little or no confusion.

On another note, if Istishia's helpfile looks alright, I can put together something for the other 3 elemental lords. I know they used to have followers, though not sure if any are still active.

Edit: I had today off... :lol:


Queen of Air, Lady of the Winds
Symbol: Pale cloud on a blue background
Domains: Air, Illusion, Travel, Trickery
Cleric Alignments: CN, TN, NE, NG, LN
Follower Alignments: Any
Enemies: Grumbar
Allies: Deities related to air, such as Aerdrie Faenya and Shaunakul
Dogma: A neutral deity of air, speed, and flying creatures, Akadi is one of the elemental lords. Her followers
are taught to maintain the Balance of Elements, travel as much as possible from place to place and from
activity to activity, and oppose the faithful of Grumbar whenever possible. Like the other three lords, Akadi
has limited involvement with the mortal realms, leaving a great deal of freedom in the day to day activities of
her followers. Like the other Elemental faiths, Akadi's faith are loyal but unorganized, consisting of small
cult groups and secluded shrines and holy grounds.



The Lord of Flames, the Firelord
Symbol: Twining red flame
Domains: Destruction, Fire, Renewal, Suffering, Wrath
Cleric Alignments: CN, TN, NE, NG, LN
Follower Alignments: Any
Enemies: Istishia
Allies: None
Dogma: A neutral diety of fire, Kossuth is one of the elemental lords. His followers are taught their
superiority to all other faiths, how those fit to succeed will do so, the purity of the flame, and
oppose the activities of Istishia. His interest in the mortal realms is lacking, a common trait of the
elemental lords, and thus leaves the worship and activities of his faithful in their own hands. Fierce
and loyal to their Lord, the faithful of Kossuth are unorganized and scattered, usually forming small
cults and worshipping in hidden shrines and places of fire, such as volcanoes.



Earthlord, Gnarly One
Symbol: A Large Mountain
Domains: Balance, Cavern, Earth, Metal, Time
Cleric Alignments: CN, TN, NE, NG, LN
Follower Alignments: Any
Enemies: Akadi
Allies: Deities with ties to elemental earth, such as Geb, Garl Glittergold, and Dumathoin
Dogma: A neutral deity of earth, Grumbar is one of the elemental lords. His followers are encouraged
maintain the Balance of Elelements, preach the perils of travel by ships, teach patience, the endless
strength of the Earth, and oppose the ever-changing will of Akadi. His interest in mortals is limited,
like other elemental lords, most of his followers and power comes from beings of the elemental planes.
This leaves his mortal followers to thier own methods of worship. The church of Grumbar is
unorganized, consisting of small sects, cults, and other small groups that worship in places that
represent the strength of earth, such as caves and mountains.

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Re: Attention Faith Managers

Post by Aveline » Mon Feb 15, 2010 11:45 pm

I'll add a note to each about being an uncoded deity!
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Re: Attention Faith Managers

Post by Mele » Wed Feb 17, 2010 4:10 pm

Thanks Maggie!

Sometimes no matter how clear you think something is people still interpret it their own way. :)
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Re: Attention Faith Managers

Post by Aveline » Thu Dec 16, 2010 12:46 am

Ooooook, now that we've all settled in with these helpfiles, and I am back..

1st if you have an issue with a specific faith helpfile that hasn't been addressed, PM me. It is liable to be lost in this post, but if you PM me, it will definitely get attention and I'll get back to you.

2nd We are looking into the alignments of various faiths. We try to stay as close as possible to the various standards that are out there, but sometimes, for FK those standards just don't fit! If you feel that one of the faith's alignment options for FK needs a tweak let me know and we'll open it up for discussion.

For example, in FK, it really doesn't make sense for Mystra to accept evil followers. Doesn't make sense codewise, or player base-wise. We've tried it, doesn't work. So evils of Mystra will no longer be accepted even if all the other little standards say we should.
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