If statements tied to Area Reset?

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If statements tied to Area Reset?

Post by Dovan » Sun Oct 03, 2010 9:05 pm

I've been searching around through everything for a few days now, so forgive me if I'm blind. The question pertains to a interesting concept for a zone idea that would rely heavily on the ability to reset the zone to certain ways. Perhaps maybe the best way to explain it would that it would load in 2 different fashions. Let me give a brief show of the if statement in some rough manner then I'll go from there.

if mobinroom(vnumevil) > 0
load areareset evil
load areareset good

The concept here is to be able to use a variable reset. If vnumevil is in a certain room, the whole area resets to an evil setup otherwise if it's not there it resets to the good way. With the evil reset active, special vendors and quests will become active for use in the zone. If the good reset is active, a new set of vendors and quests become available. Also to prevent people playing both sides of the fence and reset the zone to gain each set of rewards, I'd set the if questr's to reflect having finished one off and closing off the other.

if questr (areavnum, 0, 2, $n) == 1
sayto $n You have done us good work.
if questr (areavnum, 0, 2, $n) == 2
sayto $n You think I will work with you after all you have done?!

If I haven't been clear enough, please ask me to go on or send me a pm and I'll give a full detail thought of how the zone plays out. I haven't seen anything like it in FK at all, but I think it would bring a very interesting element and could possibly change how some zones are built.
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-Dovan, Burning Blade of Luck
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Re: If statements tied to Area Reset?

Post by Harroghty » Sun Oct 03, 2010 9:19 pm

You could do this with a RAND_PROG that checks for mobiles in rooms and loads them appropriately? This could also set a QBIT as needed.
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