Ranger armor proficiency

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Ranger armor proficiency

Post by Eltsac » Sat Jul 10, 2010 10:38 pm

Hello again,

How many ranks in armor proficiency are supposed to have rangers?

Brar only has one point as ranger.
Answering a player today about starting ranks in armor proficiency for druids, he told me his rangers started with 2 ranks as warrior and he trained a third rank.

Is it possible that a warrior starts with 2 ranks, then when joining the ranger guild, a warrior looses one rank in armor proficiency, but if the warrior has already trained a third rank, he won't loose any rank?

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Re: Ranger armor proficiency

Post by Raona » Wed Jul 14, 2010 2:15 pm

Canon calls for rangers to have one rank in armour proficiency. Warriors are not a canon class for PCs (just for NPCs), but the plan was that the base classes would each get the lowest proficiencies of any of the guilds they lead into. Giving unguilded warriors just one rank in armour proficiency seems harsh, though!

We gave this something of a think, and decided that giving up one "free" rank in armour proficiency is a reasonable associated cost with guilding as a ranger. However, we need to do some extra code trickery to get it to work properly.

What SHOULD happen:
Warriors get two "free" ranks in armour proficiency, and can train a third.
When a warrior joins the ranger guild, one of these "free" ranks goes away, but additional ranks, purchased with feat points, are maintained.

So, Brar's feats are correct, but those of rangers who trained an extra rank in armour proficiency should be reduced by one. (As a ranger, they should not be clunking around in platemail...that's the thought, anyway. They, like all others, still have the option to buy the proficiency with feat points, though.)

Entered as Bugzilla bug 935
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Re: Ranger armor proficiency

Post by Luthir » Sat Aug 07, 2010 5:33 am

I believe I'm the one this refers to - for the record, I trained the third rank after I joined the guild, not before. Don't know if that makes a difference or not. And I know at least two rangers, not counting mine, who uses heavy armour when in battle.
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Re: Ranger armor proficiency

Post by Raona » Thu Feb 17, 2011 12:14 pm

This issue should now be fixed across the board, thanks to some serious work on Mask's part bringing us into the new era. The game should now retain any extra ranks you have trained when your guild changes your base feat proficiencies (specifically, armor proficiency dropping from 2 to 1 when guilding ranger). Thanks to some extra effort on Mask's part, the game also provides a brief explanation of what is happening.

Thanks for the report!

If anyone sees or has seen problems similar to this recently, please report them here.
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