Fighters: Charge, headlong rush, feint

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Fighters: Charge, headlong rush, feint

Post by Athon » Wed Mar 28, 2012 8:51 pm

As it stands right now, Fighters are a very straightforward, and dare I say, boring class to play. That doesn't mean they're not enjoyable; it's just that their skillset is simply nothing more than moving and standard melee/ranged attacks.

Part of this problem is that FK does not account for spacing or arrangements of characters in a room. This negates a lot of Fighter skills, like grapple, bull rush, overrun, etc. However, I'd like to take some of the fighter abilities from the 3.5ed and modify them to fit into FK. What I state below are my ideas for their inclusion in FK.

Charge will act similar to rescue. It is a standard action. You chage a selected enemy that you are currently fighting. You gain +2 attack bonus and a -2 AC penalty for one (or however many) round. No attack of opportunity. That enemy now attacks you. Cannot be used again for X rounds.

Lances do double damage when charging while mounted.

Spears, tridents, and other applicable piercing weapons do double damage against a charging character.
Headlong rush, feat:
Traditionally an orc-only feat, I think its application should be universal. You charge at a selected enemy with such reckless abandon that you cause all enemies (including the one you targeted) to attack you. A successful headlong rush acts like charge (+2 attack bonus, -2 AC), except that it deals double damage to the targeted enemy and provides an opportunity of attack for all enemies with the - 2 AC penalty applied.
Since we don't have bluff, just use the feint skill. You check your feint skill against an opponent's sense motive skill. The opponent adds his base attack bonus to his sense motive skill. If your feint check is higher than the opponent's sense motive skill, the opponent loses his dex bonus for AC for the next round (or however many).

Feint has a -4 penalty against non-humanoids and a -8 penalty to animals. Feint does not work on non-intelligent creatures.
The purpose of these skills is to give fighters some more things to do while already in combat. Charge and headlong rush serve dual purposes: they can be for "tanky" reasons (causing opponents to attack you, like an improved form of rescue that does damage) as well as to allow for some burst damage from warriors (you can adjust the values for balance purposes; i.e. +10 attack bonus but -10 AC penalty if you want to make it an extreme risk-reward situation for high-damage in combat).

Feint is just another thing to spice up combat for fighters as well as provide a soft-counter against rogues, rangers, and other high-dex opponents.

I'll try and think of more skills for fighters. For one, I personally believe that fighters need some spicing up in combat to be more enjoyable. In that context, I feel that we need to venture away from 3.5 and become creative on our own. Nothing exceptionally powerful, just different options to employ.

Edit: These could apply to other classes as well, but I feel as they apply to fighters/warriros best.
~Vanguardier Athon, High Priest of Torm~
~Moranall, Fighter of Waterdeep~
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Re: Fighters: Charge, headlong rush, feint

Post by Briek » Fri Mar 30, 2012 11:28 am

I like it
Athon wrote:In that context, I feel that we need to venture away from 3.5 and become creative on our own. Nothing exceptionally powerful, just different options to employ.
like you said, there are plenty of options to employ we just need to modify them to fit the game.
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Re: Fighters: Charge, headlong rush, feint

Post by Zanven » Tue Apr 03, 2012 12:22 pm

I would also add tumble as a warrior/rogue skill that would be sort of an inverted "rescue", the effect would be that in any case your enemies attack you instead the designated member of your party. Success/Failure would indicate if you manage to turn your enemies over your party companion and if you get attacks of opportunity or not while doing so.
Zanven, Rilun, Dalio.
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Re: Fighters: Charge, headlong rush, feint

Post by Selveem » Wed Apr 04, 2012 4:11 am

Zanven wrote:I would also add tumble as a warrior/rogue skill that would be sort of an inverted "rescue", the effect would be that in any case your enemies attack you instead the designated member of your party. Success/Failure would indicate if you manage to turn your enemies over your party companion and if you get attacks of opportunity or not while doing so.
I believe there is a feat for that, called Goad. I forget which book it's from. I would not be opposed to making it a skill that can be toggled and takes affect when in parties. Obviously, the skill would only increase while toggled on and actively fighting in a party.
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