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Re: Allowed Race/Class Combinations Helpfile

Posted: Sat Mar 29, 2008 2:43 pm
by Duranamir
Glim is slightly wrong about the illusionists only being gnomes :twisted:

Drow can be the following...

Warrior - Fighter
Rogue - Thief, Bard
Cleric - Of Lloth and you should be female...others should probably be application
Wizard - Mage, Necromancer, Invoker, Illusionist, Conjurer

Hope that helps


Re: Allowed Race/Class Combinations Helpfile

Posted: Sun Mar 30, 2008 3:03 am
by Kregor
Until there are guilds put into place, there are no guilds for evil transmuters, or invokers (those who are evil have done the "silverymoon switch" which the imms have said shall not be allowed anymore short of stripping the newly evil PC of his skills)

No illusionists except gnomes, because the only illusionist guild is in the gnome hometown. We need someone to build an illusionists guild ICly to admit all races.(Not counting drow, you have your own thing down there.)

There are also no good necromancers, the one who was in the game previously was the one who was going to build a white necromancers guild ICly, she no longer logs or plays, that I know of. The quest required to join the current necro guild requires decidedly evil tasks to complete, and a good aligned guild would have to place a totally different focus on the entire school of magic in order to allow goodly necromancers wholesale.

We still need to edit the quest (nudges again) for the ranger's guild that checks for races, as we currently have BOTH an aasimar AND an earth genasi that cannot take the quest even though their token is given. Quite frankly, I think we should just yank the race check out of the program entirely, because they can't take it without the token anyway, and I've still much lobbying to do dragging this crotchety old rangers guild into the 3rd edition.

Re: Allowed Race/Class Combinations Helpfile

Posted: Sun Mar 30, 2008 3:48 am
by Glim
Kregor wrote:Quite frankly, I think we should just yank the race check out of the program entirely, because they can't take it without the token anyway, and I've still much lobbying to do dragging this crotchety old rangers guild into the 3rd edition.
I think we should yank race checks from every class per 3.0, but that's really for another thread.

Re: Allowed Race/Class Combinations Helpfile

Posted: Sun Mar 30, 2008 11:32 am
by Raona
Duranamir wrote:Hope that helps
It certainly does! Thank you! Any chance you also know the scoop on halfdrow?
Can Drow illusionists be evil?
Kregor wrote:Until there are guilds put into place, there are no guilds for evil transmuters, or invokers (those who are evil have done the "silverymoon switch" which the imms have said shall not be allowed anymore short of stripping the newly evil PC of his skills)

No illusionists except gnomes, because the only illusionist guild is in the gnome hometown. We need someone to build an illusionists guild ICly to admit all races.(Not counting drow, you have your own thing down there.)
Thanks for clarifying that - and the other information as well. The illusionist guild being in the gnome hometown - does that really rule out non-gnomes?

Any definite "no" races for Rangers, Kregor? Otherwise I'll just tag them all as subject to the judgment of the council.

Updates continue:

Re: Allowed Race/Class Combinations Helpfile

Posted: Sun Mar 30, 2008 1:08 pm
by Layna
There is an all-race illusionist guild in progress (though it still won't accept evils) - I'm waiting on my character being guilded herself, but the building aspect is underway, though I can't really give an ETA ^_^

Re: Allowed Race/Class Combinations Helpfile

Posted: Sun Mar 30, 2008 1:57 pm
by Dalvyn
If you are waiting on an imm to quest you, feel free to resend a mail to the applications address to remind us about it. :)

Re: Allowed Race/Class Combinations Helpfile

Posted: Sun Mar 30, 2008 7:25 pm
by Duranamir
In Answer to Raona's Question, ALL Drow must be evil illusionist or not. The Drow guilds are currently not accesible to non-drow except pherhaps Half-Drow.

As for Half-Drow

Warrior - Fighter
Rogue - Thief, Bard
Cleric - Clerics of most gods i would think dependant on alignment.
Wizard - Mage, Enchanter, Conjurer, Necromancer (Not sure about Transmuter, and i know Invoker is out)


Re: Allowed Race/Class Combinations Helpfile

Posted: Tue Apr 01, 2008 4:34 am
by Kregor
Glim wrote:
Kregor wrote:Quite frankly, I think we should just yank the race check out of the program entirely, because they can't take it without the token anyway, and I've still much lobbying to do dragging this crotchety old rangers guild into the 3rd edition.
I think we should yank race checks from every class per 3.0, but that's really for another thread.
You and me are lone crusaders for our troop of Malarite Bugbear rangers :)

Re: Allowed Race/Class Combinations Helpfile

Posted: Tue Apr 01, 2008 4:56 am
by Glim
Honestly, I don't see why Silverymoon couldn't be opened to evils. I mean, I think that the whole mythal thing was removed in 3rd ed anyways. It doesn't make sense that something as subjective as evil could be kept out of one of the largest cities in the north. :P That would open up a couple of choices that are closed to evils.
Kregor wrote:
You and me are lone crusaders for our troop of Malarite Bugbear rangers :)

Oh... and halfling paladins riding blink dogs into battle :mrgreen:

Re: Allowed Race/Class Combinations Helpfile

Posted: Tue Apr 01, 2008 7:13 am
by Peverell
Glim wrote:Oh... and halfling paladins riding blink dogs into battle :mrgreen:
The mind boggles! :shock:

Re: Allowed Race/Class Combinations Helpfile

Posted: Tue Apr 01, 2008 10:31 am
by Raona
Peverell wrote:The mind boggles! :shock:
:D That reminds me of a great comedy bit...which is funnier if you know a little French:

A few more updates made to the chart - but lots of blanks to fill in! Please do tell me more, even if it is just one specific combination (i.e. Lightfoot Halfling bards are/are not possible, etc.) drawn from your own experience. Thanks for your help, everyone!

Re: Allowed Race/Class Combinations Helpfile

Posted: Wed Apr 02, 2008 10:00 pm
by Glim
I don't think there is an abjurer's guild in the game?

Re: Allowed Race/Class Combinations Helpfile

Posted: Thu Apr 03, 2008 12:08 am
by Glim
Oh and a list of races not in the game:

Artic Dwarf
Gray Dwarf
Wild Dwarf
Deep Gnome
Half-Aquatic Elf
Aquatic Elf

Re: Allowed Race/Class Combinations Helpfile

Posted: Thu Apr 03, 2008 12:41 am
by Sairaven
Glim wrote:I don't think there is an abjurer's guild in the game?
There was one in the works, but I believe it has fallen by the wayside.

Re: Allowed Race/Class Combinations Helpfile

Posted: Tue Apr 08, 2008 11:41 am
by Raona
Bump - and another update to the table, incorporating the latest comments.

I'm still keen to know from those who have (tried/played) specific combinations - which are allowed, and which are not. I don't know that this is something easily gleaned from some big table in the code, and this may be why this information is rarely updated - so I need your collective help, folks! Thanks again to those who have already helped fill in the table!

Re: Allowed Race/Class Combinations Helpfile

Posted: Tue Apr 08, 2008 2:38 pm
by Jaenoic
I'm almost positive halfelves and elves can become any type of wizard.

Re: Allowed Race/Class Combinations Helpfile

Posted: Wed Apr 09, 2008 5:27 am
by Hviti
Yeah, I think race restrictions were removed from at least the transmuters', mages', and invokers' guilds.

Re: Allowed Race/Class Combinations Helpfile

Posted: Sat Apr 19, 2008 1:13 pm
by Raona
Alrighty, I've made another update with the above in mind:

It'd really help if each player that plays or has tried to make a PC fitting an empty box on this table could let me know whether or not it is practically possible. So, for example, if you have a ghostwise halfling that has successfully become a bard, or know of one, please let me know that box should be a yes. Thanks!

Also, I just went down the invoker's, mage's, and transmuter's lists and mowed in "Yes," but are any of those combinations going to be alignment-restricted?

Re: Allowed Race/Class Combinations Helpfile

Posted: Sat Apr 19, 2008 3:01 pm
by Larethiel
Having an elven bardic alt (moonelf) and knowing about 3-5 other elven bards (ranging from woodelf to sunelf), I know that elves can become bards ;)

Re: Allowed Race/Class Combinations Helpfile

Posted: Sat Apr 19, 2008 4:52 pm
by Kregor
Race restriction has been removed from bards entirely. This I can confirm, though I'm at a loss to find the specific thread, it was one posted when the new character creation and races were put in.