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Re: Reacting to Orcish RP

Posted: Wed Oct 15, 2008 5:12 pm
by Harroghty
I am on my way out, but this shortly. I was addressing this:
I try to avoid the cities as much as possible (especially any Market-Squares) anymore because I as a player don't agree with it at all. If a PC makes a threat, it should be treated seriously. This is the medieval ages. People were murdered for less. Duels were unavoidable even in cities for the shame brought to the one refusing the challenge. It was no small thing.
My comments extend to PvP. I don't want to even start that kind of role-play with players I perceive as only here for PvP and PK. It's not fun and I am here to have fun ultimately.

Re: Reacting to Orcish RP

Posted: Wed Oct 15, 2008 5:43 pm
by Selveem
I may bridge on this subject in another thread as I was just posting an example.

I am hardly rampant at PK (I think I've only killed one character my entire time here) nor condone rampant PK.

But, if this is how people see Orcs, what, within their RP, can change to allow more interaction with others?

Re: Reacting to Orcish RP

Posted: Wed Oct 15, 2008 7:13 pm
by Saranya
i've noticed a lot of people just.. walking by my orc, no RP, even when it should be appropriate.
But don't we each decide what is "appropriate"? :D

Recently, I got an ooc lecture from an orc PC because my pally didn't "properly react" to him. There were IC reasons for my behavior which I hoped would be pursued. Instead I got the otells. :roll:

The best orc RP I've ever been involved with didn't involve PK at all. A bunch of creatures who hated each other had to work out how to accomplish a deity-mandated task. Heck, even Gruumsh allied with Lloth again several times. To his dismay. (Silly orc Gods never learn.)

There's no reason why good-evil (or evil-evil) RP has to follow a certain formula. I see more problems occur when someone tries to force it into one. Many of us have strong opinions on FR-related things, but what encourages more interaction is letting people play their own characters and reacting to what they do...not what you think they should do. :wink:

Re: Reacting to Orcish RP

Posted: Wed Oct 15, 2008 8:21 pm
by Larethiel
In the past there have been a few orc-encounters of mine that I have had much fun with, respect to the orcs involved in said encounters. Anyhow, how you react towards orcs/evils in general should follow some inspirations if not guidelines set by your race/allignment/faith. I agree that killing does not need to take place, though there are some situations when you should not walk past an orc. Larethiel, for example, is a devout follower of Corellon Larethian, he will not accept an orc anywhere near a holy place/innocent people/goodly sites, and the situation that would make him work with an orc will have to be thought of yet. In addition to that, any Corellite or follower of the other elven gods should expect severe consequences and even punishment if they get friendly with an orc.

And finally, the important thing is to not lose respect for the player behind the character. A character can react in a way other PCs do not like at all, but there might be IC-justification for it and it does not necessarily mean that the player behind the scene acts like his/her character in real-life ;)

Re: Reacting to Orcish RP

Posted: Wed Oct 15, 2008 9:27 pm
by Nysan
1. To each thier own. It is their character, their choice of actions, their RP decisions. All actions have reactions however.

2. PK is a possible outcome of any encounter, never a necessity or certain end.

3. OOC reacting to IC actions.. ie: IM someone to log in and 'get someone' for you or sending otells to another player to yell at them for 'what they did wrong' is unacceptable. Strike worthy in my eyes, to be honest.

Thats pretty much all I have on this topic.

Re: Reacting to Orcish RP

Posted: Wed Oct 15, 2008 9:57 pm
by Gwain
I'll just add that we will never be a pk mud, thankfully. There are set rules included in the helpfiles to guide players that might encounter these situations. If you think any parts of them are vague or do not cover certain topics you can always post them and someone that administers to the helpfiles will more than likely find a way to incorporate them.

Orcs, well, if you are going to roleplay in a place you are not supposed to, you can expect trouble, but it would probably not be for ooc reasons, in character an orc roleplaying in an area orcs do not usually would result in conflict which itself is a plot device. The important thing is to accept that by doing something knowingly you accept there could be repercussions or problems related to it. Unknowingly though, easily fixed by going somewhere else, mistakes happen.

Re: Reacting to Orcish RP

Posted: Wed Oct 15, 2008 10:00 pm
by Xryon
I want to go ahead and clarify it, since, as far as I can tell, this is starting to lean in the wrong direction.. This is not about a specific RP. This is about in general. Nor about things thought OOC.. Just wanted to get that out there..

Re: Reacting to Orcish RP

Posted: Thu Oct 16, 2008 10:21 am
by Harroghty
Yes, and I apoligize for beginning to derail your thread with a component of my response.

I believe (and it appears to be echoed here) that people are not afraid to role-play with orcs; they are not afraid to have confrontational role-play with orcs. They are, however, not always willing to engage in confrontational role-play and that may be the root of the "cold shoulder" you may experience from time to time. People may expect conflict with an orc and make decisions (IC or OOC) based on that expectation. (This is not limited to orcs; it extends, I believe, to any character where you perceive there will be conflict.)

Still, I do not think that this implies any general unwillingness to role-play with or around orcs. Personally, I believe that orcs can be great fun (and this, again, seems to be echoed by other players posting here). I believe you are only struggling against the fact that people are not always in the mood for confrontational role-play.

Re: Reacting to Orcish RP

Posted: Thu Oct 16, 2008 6:31 pm
by Nysan
Very true. On many occassions, Nysan or one of my other baddies were ignored by folks that didn't want to deal with them at the time. Just something that happens...